Question pretext
Look at the responses to Q.1.09 in the table on Page 3. For each type of occupation, check if the workplace had that type of occupation, and indicate yes or no.
Interviewer instructions
You will now choose ONE of the above three occupation types to ask the workplace additionnal questions about workers in this type of occupation. Follow these steps: (1) Look at the left hand column (for A occupations) on the sticker on the cover page of the questionnaire. (2) Look at the first line, with the number and corresponding occupation in that left column. (3) Check if the firm has workers in this occupation, by looking above. (4) If so, write the occupation number and occupation name below. If not, go to the next number and occupation in the left hand column, and repeat until you have an occupation Type A for which the workplace has workers.
(Example, if the first line of the left hand column of the sticker says (2) Professionals, see if the workplace reported Professionals in Module 1 (circled Yes above) , If so, then Professionals is the Occupation Type A, and you write the Occupation number and Occupation Name below. If there were no Professionals, go to the next line of the left hand column and check if the workplace had that Position Type.)