Class of worker is the relationship of the worker to the establishment where he works. This is sometimes referred to as "Industrial Status" in other countries.
The following categories are the classes of workers:
0-Worked for private household - if a person worked in a private household for pay, in cash or in kind. Examples: domestic helper, household cook, gardener, family driver, etc.
1-Worked for private establishment - if a person worked in a private establishment for pay, in cash or in kind. This class includes not only persons working for a private industry but also those working for a religious group (priest, acolyte), missionary (nuns, sisters, etc.), unions, and non-profit organizations.
2-Worked for government/government corporation - if a person worked for the Philippine government or a government corporation or any of its instrumentalities.
3-Self-employed without any paid employee - if a person worked for profit or fees in own business, farm, profession or trade without any paid employee.
4-Employer in own family-operated farm or business - if a person, working in his own business, farm, profession or trade had one or more regular paid employees, including paid family members. A farmer who hires laborers during harvesting/planting season and during such other related activities is considered an employer provided the activity falls during the reference week.
5-Worked with pay on own family-operated farm or business - if a person worked in own family-operated farm or business and receives cash or a fixed share of the produce as payment for his services. He/she must be a member of the sample household.
6-Worked without pay on own family-operated farm or business - if a member of the family worked without pay in a farm or business operated by another member living in the same household. The room and board and any cash allowance given, as incentives are not counted as compensation for these family workers.