Value |
Category |
Already registered |
Certificate not yet out. |
Did not meet the owner because business stopped operating |
Failed to locate business premises |
Failed to locate place of operation |
Hospitalised in mzuzu. |
In hospital |
Not available |
Not available, expected back next month |
Not found |
Offer done now |
Offer done now |
Offer done now under new name(Musafiri Sobanuka) |
Owner away, to available after 2 weeks |
Owner in Blantyre to be back next week but also not registered during the first visit |
Owner in Rwanda for some weeks |
Owner in South Africa and was not registered during first visit |
Owner rarely present at business premises |
Owner working in South Africa |
Refused |
Respondent curently in Chiladzulu. |
Shop always closed |
Stopped busines |
Stopped business and went back to his home, chitipa |
Stopped operating |
Transferred to Dedza |
Transferred to another location |
business operates on random basis |
certicate not yet found |
certificate not yet found |
could not trace respondent |
not found |
not regstered |
not traced |
not yet met |
offer done now |
refused |
refused offer. |
respondent curently in Zambia |
respondent is in south Africa |
respondent is now staying in ntheu |
says he applied for regstration on his own. |
says he is always busy |
stopped busines |
stopped operating |
stopped operating is now in southafrica |
transferred to Mitundu |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.