Value |
Category |
-9 |
Missing |
-8 |
Don't know |
-7 |
Notappl |
1 |
Need to take care of my children |
2 |
Need to do other household chores |
3 |
Can't finance new bussiness premises |
4 |
The bussiness is only opereating untill i find a job |
5 |
My speouse does not allow me to operate it outside |
6 |
It is convenient in my line of bussiness |
7 |
My clients/suppliers are located very close |
8 |
I need to keep it at home to hide from tax/licence fees authorities |
9 |
Other(specify) |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.