Household Socio-Economic Survey 2013
Name | Country code |
Thailand | THA |
Socio-Economic/Monitoring Survey [hh/sems]
The National Statistical Office (NSO) first conducted the Household Socio-economic Survey in 1957 and repeatedly organised the survey round every five years. Due to the rapid economic expansion and the social change, during 1987 and 2004 the survey was conducted every two years, and from 2006 onwards NSO has carried out the survey every year. The 2013 survey is the twenty - five round of this kind. By the survey redesigned process, two types of questionnaires were used; the core module (the questionnaire of household members and expenditures) which is used to collect the data every year, and the special module (the questionnaire of household income) which is conducted every two years.
The objective of the survey is to collect the detailed information on economics and social matters of the household such as income, expenditures, assets, liabilities, structure of household members, housing characteristics, migration and remittance transfer as well as the information on access to social welfare/government program and public services.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The survey covered the following topics:
National coverage
The survey covered all private, noninstitution households residing in all provinces, and also in both municipal and non-municipal areas (excluding households of foreign diplomats and other temporary residents).
Name |
National Statistical Office of Thailand (NSO) |
Name | Role |
Government of Thailand | Funded the survey |
A Stratified Two-stage Sampling was adopted for the survey. Bangkok Metropolitan and other Provinces were considered to be constituted strata. There were altogether 77 strata, each stratum (except Bangkok Metropolitan) was divided into two parts according to the type of local administration area corresponding to the Department of Provincial Administration, namely, municipal areas, and non-municipal areas.
Selection of Primary Sampling Units
The sample selection of enumeration area was performed separately and independently in each part by using probability proportional to the total number of households in that enumeration area.
Selection of Secondary Sampling Units
In this stage, private households were the ultimate sampling units. Households in every enumerating area sample were listed to serve as the sampling frame then the set of households was rearranged by size of household (classified by number of household members) and type of economic household (determined on the basis of the occupational type which produces the highest income in the household). Finally, private sampled households were selected by using the systematic method in each type of local administration with the following sample sizes:
(1) 15 households from each of enumerating area sample in municipal areas
(2) 10 households from each of enumerating area sample in non-municipal areas
The total number of private sampled households for the whole year was 52,000 households.
Start | End |
2013-01 | 2013-12 |
Name |
National Statistical Office |
The sample of about 52,000 households, in both municipal and non-municipal areas, was divided into twelve equally representative sub–samples. Each sub–household group was interviewed for the period of one–month. The survey data was collected by an interviewing method. The interviewers were sent out to interview the household head or other household members of the sample households. The period of data collection started from January to December 2013.
All recorded questionnaires were preliminarily reviewed, edited and encoded in each provincial office before sending the raw data file to the NSO headquarter. All raw data were, consequently, computerizedly edited for the final review. After several stages of data correction, the results were then tabulated.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the DDI |
Version 01 (October 2018)