Occupation: refers to the type of work carried out, classified according to the KBJI 2002 which refers to the ISCO 88.
Employment status: is the status of a person at the place where he/she works.
1. Own-account worker is a person who works at his/her own risk without assisted by paid or unpaid worker including technical job or skill job.
2.Self-employed assisted by a temporary worker is a person who works at his/her own risk and assisted by temporary worker or unpaid worker.
3.Employer assisted by a permanent worker is a person who works at his/her own risk and assisted by permanent worker or paid worker.
4. Employee is is a person who work permanently for other people or institution/office/company and gains some money/cash or goods as wage/salary. Labor who have no permanent employer is not categorized as a laborer/worker/employee but casual worker. A laborers, in general is considered to have a permanent employer if he has the same employer during the past month, particularly for building construction sector is 3 months. If the employer is an institution, more that one is allowed.
5. Casual employee in agriculture is a person who does not work permanently for other people/employer/institution (more than 1 employer during the past month) in agricultural sector either home industry or not home industry based on remuneration paid with money or goods, and based on daily or contact payment system. Agricultural industry covers food-based agricultural, plantation, forestry, livestock, fishery, hunting, including agricultural services.
6. Casual employee not in agriculture is a person who does not work permanently for other people/employer/institution (more than 1 employer during the last month) in non agricultural and gets money or goods as wage/salary either based on daily or contract payment system. Those sectors include non agricultural sector, mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas and wager, construction, trade, transportation, storage, and communication, financing, insurance, real estate, and business services, community, social and personal services.
7. Unpaid worker is a person who works for other people without being paid in cash nor goods. These unpaid workers could be:
- Family member who works for another person in their family, i.e. wife or children who help their husband or father work in a field and unpaid.
- Not a family member who works for another person but still having family relation, such as those who help their family relatives to sell in a minimarket and unpaid.
- Other persons outside family members nor family relatives who work for another person, such as person who weaves hats for their neighbors home industry and unpaid.