Diploma / certificate is evidence that someone has completed the study and is indicated by passing the final exam at the highest class level or education level in public or private schools. Someone who did not complete the study in the highest class but passed the final exams is considered as graduated.
1. Not having an elementary certificate is not having a certificate of education or attending Elementary School or equivalent (such as Basic Level School, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Pamong Primary School, Small Elementary School, A1-A100 Package, Package A Setara SD) but not / have not finished yet. Including someone who graduated from elementary school 3 years or equivalent not because of acceleration.
2. Package A is an education equivalent to SD / MI / equivalent, provided for:
a) Unfinished residents are educated (drop-out) in primary / MI / equal.
b) People who have never attended elementary or junior high school education or are not able to attend school due to various factors such as economic factors, time constraints, geography and social / legal issues such as street children, casualties, and prison children.
3. Elementary School Elementary School (SDLB) is a formal education unit for children with special needs equal to elementary school (SD).
4. Elementary School (SD) is primary school or equivalent (small elementary school, elementary school pamong). Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) is a formal education unit that runs a general education with Islamic characteristic consisting of 6 (six) levels in elementary education level.
5. Package B is an education equivalent to SMP / MTs / equivalent, provided for:
a. Unfinished residents are educated (drop-out) in SMP / MTs / equivalent.
b. Population who graduated from SD / MI / equivalent who did not continue on Junior High School / MTs / equivalent due to various factors such as economic factors, time constraints, geography, and social / legal issues such as street children, casualties, and prison children.
6. Junior High School Extraordinary (SMPLB) is a formal education unit for children with special needs that are equal to junior high school (SMP).
7. Junior High School or equivalent (MULO, HBS 3 years). Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) is a formal education unit that runs general education with Islamic religious distinctiveness consisting of 3 (three) levels at elementary level as follow up from elementary school (SD), MI, or other equivalent form
8. Package C is education equivalent to SMA / MA / equivalent, provided for:
a. People who drop out of SMA / MA / equivalent.
b. The people who graduated from Junior High School / MTs / equivalent are not continuing to SMA / MA / equivalent due to various factors such as economic factors, time constraints, geography, and social / legal issues such as street children, casualties, and prison children.
9. Extraordinary Secondary School (SMLB) is a formal education unit for children with special needs equal to high school (SMA).
10. High School (SMA) is High School (SMA), or equivalent (HBS 5 years, AMS, and Upper Administrative Officer Course) Madrasah Aliyah (MA) is a formal education unit that conducts public education with peculiarities Islamic religion consisting of 3 (three) levels in secondary education as a continuation of junior high school, MTs, or other similar forms.
11. Vocational High School (SMK) or Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK) is a high school vocational school such as Social Work Secondary School (SMPS), High School of Handicraft Industry, High School of Fine Arts, Indonesian Karawitan Secondary School (SMKI), High School Musical , School
Secondary School of Economics (SMEA), Secondary School of Economics (SMEA), Secondary School of Economics, Secondary School of Agricultural Technology, High School of Shipping Technology, Secondary School of Mining Technology, Graphic Technology Secondary School, School of Sports Teacher (SGO), School of Special Education Teachers SGPLB), 6-year Religion Teacher Education, Kindergarten Teacher School, Teacher Education Course (KPG), Chemical Analyst High School, Pharmacist Assistant School (SAA), Midwife School, and School of Radiator Care.
12. Diploma I or II is a DI / DII program at a university that organizes Diploma I or II programs in formal education.
13. Diploma III is a DIII program or earned a baccalaureate degree at an academy / college that carries out a diploma III / baccalaureate degree program.
14. Diploma IV / S1 is a diploma program 4 or undergraduate (S1) at a college.
15. S2 is a post-graduate program (master's), strata 2, or specialist 1 education at a college.
16. PhD is a postgraduate (doctoral), strata 3, or specialist 2 education program at a college.