1. Already accepted work, but not yet started work: the reason for someone who is not looking for work and preparing the business because it has been accepted work, but at the time of enumeration has not started work. People who have been accepted to work but have not started work at the time of enumeration are not categorized while not working. Record the activity information according to what he did during the past week before the enumeration.
2. Have a business but have not started: the reasons for someone who is not looking for work and prepare for business because it already has a business that is ready to be opened but has not started.
3. Desperate (to feel impossible to get a job): is a reason for those who repeatedly look for a job but have not successfully got one so that they feel impossible to get a job that they want. Or those who feel that due to a situation/ condition/ climate/ weather, it is impossible to get a job that they want.
Groups that also include desperate workers are those who have previously failed to get a job, lack of work experience, incompatibility with their expertise, lack of employment, and are considered too young or old by prospective employers.
For reasons for someone who is desperate (feeling unlikely to get a job) does not include:
a. Busy housekeeping
b. Children who are in school
c. Physical disability in work or old age (elderly)
If the reasons stated are as in items a through c above, then return them to the appropriate reasons for the available codes:
a) For someone who takes care of the encircled household of Code 6
b) For someone who is in Code 7 circle
c) For someone who is unable to do the job because of elderly or physical disability, and a week ago does not work Code 11 is circled.
4. Already have a job / business: this reason is primarily addressed to someone who already has a job / business or has worked so they feel no need to find a job and prepare for business.
5. Feeling sufficient / having other sources of income (retirement, inheritance, etc.): the reason for someone who is not looking for a job and preparing a business because he feels good enough in terms of income and time. It may also be that a person who feels no need to look for a job and prepare a business for having a savings or rented house that earns incomes in the form of interest or contract money, or has a pension or inheritance that is sufficient to meet his needs.
6. Housekeeping: is a reason for those who do not look for a job/prepare a business because they look after the household.
Already having a job/business: is a reason particularly for those who already have a job/business or already work so that they don't feel that they need to look for a job/prepare a business.
7. Going to school: is a reason for those who do not look for a job/prepare a business because they go to school.
8. Pregnanancy: the reason for someone who is not looking for work and preparing for business because it is in pregnancy.
9. Lack of infrastructure (assets, roads, transportation, employment services):
Reason for someone who is not looking for work and prepare for business because:
a. Limitations of personal assets, for example: places, equipment, etc.
b. Limitations / bad road conditions
c. Limited transportation access
d. The absence of service / employment agencies is expected to help provide employment.
10. Experiencing social exclusion / rejection: resulting from various reasons, such as: health background (HIV / AIDS sufferers), persons with disabilities, ex-convict status, and others.
11. Unable to do a job: is a reason for those who do not look for a job/prepare a business because their physical and mental condition does not enable them to do a job, such as being old or disabled.
12. Others: is a reason for those who do not look for a job/prepare a business because of other reasons not mentioned above.