Market led Smallholder Development in the Zambezi Valley 2012-2013
Projecto de Desenvolvimento de Pequenos Produtores Orientado para o Mercado Vale do Zambeze 2012-2013
Name | Country code |
Mozambique | MOZ |
Impact Evaluation Survey
Sample survey data [ssd]
5 districts in Mozambique: Maringue, Chemba, Mutarara, Morrumbala, and Mopeia.
Name | Affiliation |
Development Research Group | World Bank |
Name | Role |
Borrower/Recepient | Funding |
International Development Association | Funding |
Global Environment Facility | Funding |
African Development Bank | Funding |
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation | Donor for the impact evaluation |
During the baseline, we did a census of existed CFs in all 300+ communities from 5 chosen districts. Then we randomly selected 200 communities from 16 administrative posts for the impact evaluation. In each community, approximately 18 regualr farmer households and 2 contact farmer households were interviewed.
Households from 5 communites in Midline were substituted due to weather reason.
18 new households were interviewed in Endline as substitutes for non-found Midline households.
179 and 172 villages were interviewed for the contact farmer survey in 2012 and 2013, respectively; 2,536 male and 3,716 female non-CFs were surveyed in 2012, and 3,115 female and 2,175 male non-CFs in 2013.
No weighting.
Start | End | Cycle |
2012-02-01 | 2012-07-27 | Midline |
2013-05-01 | 2013-09-11 | Endline |
Start date | End date | Cycle |
2012-02-01 | 2013-09-11 | 2 years |
Name |
Instituto Nacional de Estatística |
Azarias Nhanzimo
Questionnaires are designed in CSPRO and administered on laptops.
We conducted two follow-up surveys, a 2012 (midline) round, and a 2013 (endline), which form a panel of households and CFs in the study area. A baseline census survey was administered to all CFs in August 2010, before the district-level randomization. Figure 1 in the paper : 'Seeing is Believing? Evidence from an Extension Network Experiment' illustrates the timing of the surveys and CF trainings over the course of four years. Midline and endline surveys collected household demographics, individual and plot-level SLM adoption, and household production information for approximately 4,000 non-CF households in 200 communities (aldeias, that mostly overlap with Mozambique's enumeration areas) (Figure 2). A listing of households residing in each community was performed, from which we drew a random sample of 18 non CF-households per community. Our field work included five survey instruments: a household questionnaire; a household agricultural production questionnaire; a CF questionnaire; an extension agent questionnaire; and a community questionnaire. The household survey was also administered to CF households, in addition to the specic CF survey. The present analysis exploits the information from the household and CF surveys.
Both midline and endline surveys were conducted during the primary planting season in this region. In each survey round, households were visited twice: pre- and post-harvest. This is because SLM practices are most visible just after planting (pre-harvest, from February to April), while production data can only be obtained after harvest (May-June). Hence, all household surveys were administered during FebruaryApril, with the exception of the agricultural production module. The agricultural production (and CF, community, and extension agent) surveys were administered post-harvest during May and June in 2012 and June through August in 2013.
Name | Affiliation | |
Valerie Mueller | IFPRI | |
Florence Kondylis | Development Research Group | |
Licensed datasets, accessible under conditions
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | |
Florence Kondylis | Development Research Group | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the DDI |
Version 01 (July 2014)