Household Budget Survey 2016
Name | Country code |
Albania | ALB |
Income/Expenditure/Household Survey [hh/ies]
The Household Budget Survey was conducted for the first time in 1999-2000 and was representative only for urban areas, continuing later on in 2006-2007, 2008-2009 and since 2014 is continuously. From 2006-2007 the survey is spread in the whole Albanian territory including urban and rural areas and also representative in prefecture level.
The Household Budget Survey is a statistical survey which is carried out at the household level and gives an overview of the socio-economic situation of the Albanian households. The results of this survey are also used to update the Consumer Price Index and Final Consumption calculation households as an important aggregate of GDP by the expenditure method.
The Household Budget Survey in 2016 was conducted by INSTAT throughout the whole year, with a sample of 9,024 households. At the end of the survey there were around 7,353 interviewed households distributed uniformly in the whole Albanian territory.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Version 01
The scope of the study includes:
Name |
Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) |
The sample selection follows a two-step procedure:
The first step units (PSUs) are the Census homogeneous areas4, with a proportional probability to the size of the Census area. In the second step, within each selected area in the first step, is selected by the method of systematic selection with equal probability a fixed number of 12 households. The selection in both steps is done in a random way by providing a representation also at the prefecture level.
The total households sample was divided into 4 sub-samples of three months which were geographically spread homogeneously throughout the year, to reflect the seasonal changes. Consequently, each month were interviewed about 752 households spread evenly in all selected areas so to ensure representativeness for each area each month of the year.
The households response rate, calculated as the ratio of the number of interviewed households with the number of selected households, expressed as a percentage is 81.5 percent.
Start | End |
2016 | 2016 |
Data collection was based in two different ways of collection:
Filling a dairy from the households for a period of 14 days, where are recorded expenditures for purchasing products/services of consumption and when it was necessary filling a daily self-consumption dairy for 14 days, where are recorded only the products produced and consumed by the household itself during the same period, which values are estimated with the price that would be paid in the nearest shop/market.
Direct interview from the interviewer with a questionnaire where are included different questions about big expenditures and with a rare frequency, grouped and sorted according to specific topics. In the same questionnaire are included questions about socio-demographic data of household composition that will help in the analysis of household budget survey by household type.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), Albania. Albania Household Budget Survey (HBS) 2016. Ref. ALB_2016_HBS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded [website/source] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | URL | |
Institute of Statistics | | |
Name | Role |
World Bank, Development Economics Data Group | Generation of DDI documentation |
Poverty - GP | Generation of DDI documentation |
Version 01 (April 2018)