Seasonal Agriculture Survey 2015
Name | Country code |
Rwanda | RWA |
Agricultural Survey [ag/oth]
The Seasonal Agriculture Survey (SAS) is a study conducted annually by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda from November to September to gather up-to-date information for monitoring progress on agriculture programs and policies in Rwanda.
The RSAS 2015 covered three agricultural seasons:
The main objective of the Seasonal Agriculture Survey is to provide timely, accurate, reliable and comprehensive agricultural statistics that describe the structure of agriculture in Rwanda in terms of land use, crop production and livestock to monitor current agricultural and food supply conditions and to facilitate evidence based decision making for the development of Agriculture sector.
In this regard, the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda conducted the Seasonal Agriculture Survey (SAS) from November 2014 to October 2015 to gather up-to-date information for monitoring progress on agriculture programs and policies in Rwanda, including the Second Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS II) and Vision 2020. This 2015 RSAS covered three agricultural seasons (A, B and C) and provides data on background characteristics of the agricultural operators, farm characteristics (area, yield and production), agricultural practices, agricultural equipments, use of crop production by agricultural operators and by large scale farmers.
Sample survey data [ssd]
This seasonal agriculture survey focused on the following units of analysis:
Version 1.1 Edited anonymized dataset for public use
The scope of 2015 Seasonal Agriculture Survey concerned demographic and social characteristics of Agricultural Operators and Large Scale Farmers, and farm characteristics (area, yield and production; agricultural practices; small agricultural equipments; and use of crop production).
National coverage.
The RSAS 2015 targeted agricultural operators and large scale farmers operating in Rwanda.
Name | Affiliation |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources | Government of Rwanda | Technical partner |
National Agriculture Export Board | Government of Rwanda | Technical partner |
Rwanda Agricultural Board | Government of Rwanda | Technical partner |
Rwanda Natural Resources Authority | Government of Rwanda | Technical partner |
Rwanda Environmental Management Authority | Government of Rwanda | Technical partner |
National Bank of Rwanda | Government of Rwanda | Technical partner |
Name | Role |
The Government of Rwanda | Funder |
World Bank | Funding partner |
Ukaid | Funding partner |
European Union | Funding partner |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Local Government | Ministry of Local Governance | Survey campaign an Mobilisation |
The Seasonal Agriculture Survey (SAS) sample is composed of two categories of respondents: agricultural operators and large-scale farmers (LSF).
For the 2015 SAS, NISR used as the sampling method a dual frame sampling design combining selected area frame sample segments and a list of large-scale farmers.
NISR used also imagery from RNRA with a very high resolution of 25 centimeters to divide the total land of the country into twelve strata. A total number of 540 segments were spread throughout the country as coverage of the survey with 25,346 and 23,286 agricultural operators in Season A and Season B respectively. From these numbers of agricultural operators, sub-samples were selected during the second phases of Seasons A and B.
It is important to note that in each of agricultural season A and B, data collection was undertaken in two phases. Phase I was mainly used to collect data on demographic and social characteristics of interviewees, area under crops, crops planted, rainfall, livestock, etc. Phase II was mainly devoted to the collection of data on yield and production of crops.
Phase I serves at collecting data on area under different types of crops in the screening process, whereas Phase II is mainly devoted to the collection of data on demographic, social characteristics of interviewees, together with yields of the different crops produced. Enumerated large-scale farmers (LSF) were 558 in both 2015 Season A and B. The LSF were engaged in either crop farming activities only, livestock farming activities only, or both crop and livestock farming activities. Agricultural operators are the small scale farmers within the sample segments. Every selected segment was firstly screened using the appropriate materials such as the segment maps, GIS devices and the screening form. Using these devices, the enumerators accounted for every plot inside the sample segments. All Tracts were classified as either agricultural (cultivated land, pasture, and fallow land) or non-agricultural land (water, forests, roads, rocky and bare soils, and buildings).
During Phase I, a complete enumeration of all farmers having agricultural land and operating within the 540 selected segments was undertaken and a total of 25,495 and 24,911 agricultural operators were enumerated respectively in Seasons A and B. Season C considered only 152 segments, involving 3,445 agricultural operators.
In phase II, 50% of the large-scale farmers were undertaking crop farming activities only and 50% of the large-scale farmers were undertaking both crop and livestock farming and were selected for interview. A sample of 199 and 194 large-scale farmers were interviewed in Seasons A and B, respectively, using a farm questionnaire.
From the agricultural operators enumerated in the sample segments during Phase I, a sample of the agricultural operators was designed for Phase II as follows: 5,502 for Season A, 5,337 for Season B and 644 for Season C. The method of probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling at the national level was used. Furthermore, the total number of enumerated large-scale farmers was 774 in 2015 Season A and 622 in Season B.
The Season C considered 152 segments counting 8,987 agricultural operators from which 963 agricultural operators were selected for survey interviews.
The response rate for Seasonal Agriculture Survey is 98%.
The sample weights were calculated for each district considering the total number of segments in each district and the sample size in the specific districts.
There were two types of questionnaires used for this survey namely: screening questionnaire and farm questionnaires.
A screening questionnaire was used to collect information that enabled identification of an Agricultural Operator or Large Scale Farmer and his or her land use.
Farm questionnaires were of two types:
a) Phase I Farm Questionnaire was used to collect data on characteristics of Agricultural Operators, crop identification and area, inputs (seeds, fertilizers, labor, …) for Agricultural Operators and large scale farmers.
b) Phase 2 Farm questionnaire was used in the collection of data on crop production and use of production.
It is important to mention that all these farm questionnaires were subjected to two/three rounds of data quality checking. The first round was conducted by the enumerator and the second round was conducted by the team leader to check if questionnaires had been well completed by enumerators.
For Season C, after screening, an interview was conducted for each selected tract / Agricultural Operator using one consolidated Farm questionnaire.
All the survey questionnaires used were published in both English and Kinyarwanda languages.
Start | End | Cycle |
2014-11-05 | 2015-01-31 | Season A |
2015-03-08 | 2015-06-18 | Season B |
2015-09-10 | 2015-10-02 | Season C |
Name | Affiliation |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning |
The survey used 120 enumerators organised around 30 field teams and 20 team leaders giving a ratio of one team leader to 4 enumerators.
At the bottom of the hierarchy, there are enumerators who would be assisted by a team leader also known as a controller. His/her main function is to introduce the enumerators to the various key people from the sector to the village leaders up to operators in the Secondary Sampling Unit (known as Segment), and assist enumerators during the whole course of the survey.
A higher level supervision staff from NISR visited the field teams during each phase of data collection to ensure quality control. Responsibilities of a team leader is to manage the interviewers to ensure successful completion and quality of data collected in a given time period for the fieldwork.
He/she was expected to record information about the fieldwork by completing the fieldwork forms, which track the status of completion of the work in the field, document problems in the field and solutions taken to resolve these problems, and track the data entry process. Specifically, his/her tasks included:
The 2015 SAS used 120 enumerators grouped in 30 field teams and 30 team leaders, i.e one team leader to 4 enumerators. All field work staff in 2015 possessed a degree in Agronomy Science and were trained before starting data collection. Higher level supervision staff from NISR visited the field teams during each phase of data collection to ensure quality control.
Enumerators and team leaders had adequate materials composed of Enumerator's Instruction Manual, Screening Questionnaire, Farm Questionnaires, measuring tapes, ruler, pens, pencils, calculator, weighing scales, Global Positioning System (GPS), Personal Data System (PDA), maps, rain coats, boots, umbrella, first aid equipment, etc. Each team was assigned a vehicle.
Before proceeding to the field, enumerators and their team leaders checked if they had all required materials for their fieldwork. All staff was required to arrive early on the field (Segment or LSF). Upon arrival in the field, the enumerators and their team Leaders took the related geographical coordinates that were used by supervisors to know the real starting time of the fieldwork.
The next step was the segment delineation or LSF and taking of geographical coordinates for the identified landmarks to allow supervisors to check if the segment was delineated appropriately and to ensure the collected data related to the plots inside the appropriate segment or LSF.
Data editing took place at different stages. Firstly, the filled questionnaires were repatriated at NISR for office editing and coding before data entry started. Data entry of the completed and checked questionnaires was undertaken at the NISR office by 20 staff trained in using the CSPro software. To ensure appropriate matching of data in the completed questionnaires and plot area measurements from the GIS unit, a LOOKUP file was integrated in the CSPro data entry program to confirm the identification of each agricultural operator or LSF before starting data entry. Thereafter, data were entered in computers, edited and summarized in tables using SPSS and Excel.
All farm questionnaires were subjected to two/three rounds of data quality checking. The first round was conducted by the enumerator and the second round was conducted by the team leader to check if questionnaires had been well completed by enumerators. And in most cases, questionnaires completed by one enumerator were peer-reviewed by another enumerator before being checked by the Team leader.
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Cost: None
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | This is edited data file for public use. |
To access this statistical data, the user agrees NISR microdata access terms and conditions.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
"National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda. Rwanda Seasonal Agriculture Survey 2015. Ref. RWA_2014_SAS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [url] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c)2015, National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Name | Affiliation | |
Director General | NISR | |
Data Portals Management Officer | NISR | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | Minisrty of Finance and Economic Planning | Metadata producer |
Version 2 (September 2020). Edited version based on the original version (ddi-rwa-nisr-rsas-2016-V1.1) that was produced by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda.