Standardized Expanded Nutrition Survey in the Central African Refugee Sites of the Eastern Region and Adamou 2015
Name | Country code |
Cameroon | CMR |
Other Household Health Survey [hh/hea]
UNHCR in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health (MINSANTE) and all of its partners decided to carry out a SENS survey in all the sites developed for Central African refugees in the East and Adamawa regions in the period from January to March 2015. This is an extensive nutritional survey that includes six modules: anthropometry and health, anemia, infant and young child feeding (IYCF), food security, water, sanitation and hygiene, and mosquito net coverage. This edition is the first of this kind of investigation into the operation to assist Central African refugees in Cameroon. Its interest is linked to the fact that it is a scientific work which provides basic information in several sensitive areas. Also it will serve as a basis for decision-making and orientation of ongoing projects, and then make advocacy for fundraising. This assessment is also part of a continuous monitoring of the nutritional situation of these refugee populations over time.
Households, children (0-59 months) women (15-49 years).
v2.1: Edited and anonymised data for licenced use.
The scope of the Cameroon SENS includes:
Topic |
Health and Nutrition |
Water Sanitation Hygiene |
Food security |
Refugee sites of Timangolo, Mbilé, Lolo, Gado, Ngam, Borgop, Ketté and Ndokayo.
Households, and women and children within the households, in eight refugee sites: Timangolo, Mbilé, Lolo, Gado, Ngam, Borgop, Ketté and Ndokayo.
Name |
Name |
Ministere de la Sante Publique Cameroon |
IDA Relief |
Premiere Urgence |
A separate survey was conducted in each site, where a systematic random sample was drawn. In two sites, Ketté and Ndokayo, due to the small population, a census was taken instead.
The sample weights account for the different population and sample size in each site.
The WASH module was conducted in each sampled household, and in each eligible household the women and children modules were filled out.
For the other household modules (food security, mosquito nets) only half of the sampled households are included.
The weight factors in the raw data were replaced by post calculated weight factors based on the inverse likelihood of the household being included in the sample. The calculations are based on the sample size (number of households) as found in the wash data and the population as found in the final report.
The questionnaires for the CMR SENS are based on the SENS version 2 with some modifications. The WASH module of the household questionnaire was administered in each household, the modules on food security and mosquito nets were only administered to the odd numbered households.
In addition to a household questionnaire, questionnaires were administered in each household for women aged 15-49 and for children below 5 years.
Start | End |
2015-01 | 2015-03 |
Name |
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
Raw data was edited lightly, e.g. recoding of non-existing values of a list recoded to missing. Variable and values are labelled. While effort was done to match the three data files, households, women and children, they do not match perfectly. This can occure for several reasons, e.g. because households do not have women or children in the specified age ranges. The non-matching observations are left in the data - as they are used for analysis in the report.
Due to anonymisation the data can differ slightly from the results presented in the report, e.g. two sites were merged, some variables were aggregated, to guarantee anonymity.
United Nations Refugee Agency Microdata Library
United Nations Refugee Agency Microdata Library
Original archive ID: UNHCR-CMR-2015-SENS_v1_3
Cost: None
Please site the data as:
UNHCR (2015), SENS survey in the Central African refugee sites of the eastern region and Adamou in Cameroon, January and March 2015, UNHCR Microdata Library:
Name | Role |
Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees | Collection and dissemination of records |
Version 1 (May 2021). This version is identical to UNHCR DDI ID: UNHCR_CMR_2015_SENS_DDI_v1.0 that was produced by UNHCR, except for the following edits that were made: