Urban Employment Unemployment Survey 2012
Name | Country code |
Ethiopia | ETH |
Labor Force Survey [hh/lfs]
Statistical information on all aspects of the population is vital for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of economic and social development plan and policy issues. Labor force survey is one of the most important sources of data for assessing the role of the population of the country in the economic and social development process. It is useful to indicate the extent of available and unutilized human resources that must be absorbed by the national economy to ensure full employment and economic wellbeing of the population. Statistics on the labor force further present the economic activity status and its relationship to other social and economic characteristics of the population. Seasonal and other variations as well as changes over time in the size, distribution, and characteristics of employed and unemployed population can be monitored using up-to-date information from labor force surveys. It serves as an input for assessing the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Furthermore, labor force data is also useful as a springboard for monitoring and evaluation of the five years growth and transformation plan of the country.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The scope of the 2012 Ethiopia Urban Employment Unemployment Survey includes:
The 2012 Urban Employment and Unemployment Survey (UEUS) covered all urban parts of the country except three zones of Afar, Six zones of Somali, where the residents are pastoralists.
This survey follows household approach and covers households residing in conventional households and thus, population residing in the collective quarters such as universities/colleges, hotel/hostel, monasteries, and homeless population etc., were not covered by this survey.
Name | Affiliation |
Central Statistical Agency (CSA) | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
Name | Role |
Government of Ethiopia | Funded the survey |
The list of households obtained from the 2007 population and housing census was used to select EAs. A fresh list of households from each EA was prepared at the beginning of the survey period. The list was then used as a frame to select 30 households from sample EAs.
The country was divided into two broad categories - major urban centers and other urban center categories.
Category I: In this category all regional capitals and five other major urban centers that have a high population size as compared to others were included. Each urban center in this category was considered as a reporting level. This category has a total of 16 reporting levels. To select the sample, a stratified two-stage cluster sample design was implemented. The primary sampling units were EAs of each reporting level.
Category II: Urban centers other than those under category I were grouped into this category. A stratified three stage cluster sample design was adopted to select samples from this category. The primary sampling units were urban centers and the second stage sampling units were EAs.
Response rate was 99.68%.
The survey questionnaire was organized into seven sections.
Section 1 - Area identification of the selected household
Section 2 - Particulars of household members
Section 3 - Economic activity status during the last seven days
Section 4 - Unemployment rate and characteristics of unemployed persons
Section 5 - Economic activity status the population during the last six months
Section 6 - Employment in the informal sector of Employment
Section 7 - Economic activity of children aged 5-17 years
A structured questionnaire was used to solicit the required data in the survey. The draft questionnaire was tested by undertaking a pretest in selected kebeles (lower administrative unit) in Addis Ababa. Based on the pretest, the content, logical flow, layout and presentation of the questionnaire was amended. The questionnaire used in the field for data collection was prepared in Amharic language. Most questions have pre coded answers and column numbers were assigned for each question.
Start | End |
2012-03 | 2012-04 |
Name | Affiliation |
Central Statistical Agency | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development |
During the survey data collection operation, close and regular supervision was undertaken at various levels. Immediately after the commencement of the data collection exercise the supervisors had made spot checking, close supervision, re-interviewing and a thorough scrutiny of filled-in questionnaires to ensure that the data collection activities were taking place according to the given instruction. The branch statistical office heads, coordinators and statisticians were also made supervision of the data collection operation. Moreover, senior staff members from the CSA head office made field supervision activities in seven branches for a week at different towns.
In order to carry out this survey with the desired level of quality, there was a need to organize a large staff that performs the various survey activities. The 25 Branch Statistical Offices of the Agency carried out the data collection operation. These offices have permanent and contract enumerators stationed in the selected enumeration areas. The data collection operation of the survey involved a total of about 695 enumerators, 48 coordinators and 170 field supervisors with an average supervisor to enumerator ratio of 1: 4.
The interviews have been done by canvassing from house-to-house. Information was collected from the head of the household or from another responsible household member. The enumerators were assigned to one sampled enumeration area, where he/she could easily converse with the respondent's dialect. However, in some cases whenever enumerator faces difficulty to converse with the respondent's dialect interpreters were used. Data collection from the field took place from 15 March to 30 March 2011.
The filled-in questionnaires that were retrieved from the field were first subjected to manual editing and coding. During the fieldwork the field supervisors and the heads of branch statistical offices have checked the filled-in questionnaires and carried out some editing. However, the major editing and coding operation was carried out at the head office. All the edited questionnaires were again fully verified and checked for consistency before they were submitted to the data entry by the subject matter experts.
Using the computer edit specifications prepared earlier for this purpose, the entered data were checked for consistencies and then computer editing, or data cleaning was made by referring back to the filled-in questionnaire. This is an important part of data processing operation in attaining the required level of data quality. Consistency checks and re-checks were also made based on frequency and tabulation results. This was done by senior programmers using CSPro software in collaboration with the senior subject experts from Manpower Statistics Team of the CSA.
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Central Statistical Agency | Ministry of Finance and Economic Development | Documentation of the study |
Development Economics Data Group | World Bank | Review the metadata |
Version 01 (June 2021). The study metadata has been adopted from same study documented by Ethiopia Central Statistical Agency (CSA).