KAP Survey and a Mini Evaluation Of The WASH Project in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement Site - 2019
Name | Country code |
Kenya | KEN |
This report presents findings, discussions, conclusions, and recommendations made following a survey of the Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) among refugees in Kakuma refugee camps and Kalobeyei settlement in Turkana West in Turkana County, Kenya. Two principle methods were used to collect primary data: household questionnaire and documents review in a summative evaluation approach.
The survey adopted a summative evaluation approach and a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods were used to obtain answers to the survey questions. The mixed approach was adopted for purposes of complementary, triangulation, and validation of responses. Primary data was collected with the use of household questionnaires, Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and review of existing literatures and reports. The inclusive criteria of the survey allowed the enumerators to collect data from household heads or any household member of age 18 years and above who consented to participate in the survey. Qualitative methods mainly KIIs were also adopted in order to gather an in-depth understanding of the perspectives of the various primary targets of the programme. These included households, members of WASH Committees, NRC staff and staff from the implementing partner agencies. Observation method was also used during the survey to assess WASH infrastructure and human habits. The infrastructure included: water points, sanitation, and hygiene facilities.
The stratified random sampling survey was carried out in in the 4 camps of Kakuma and the 3 villages of Kalobeyei. In Kakuma, all the 13 zones were included in the study for significant representation. The study population comprised all the households for the 192,352 refugees and asylum seekers registered in Kakuma camp (153,593) and Kalobeyei settlement (36,099) as per UNHCR population statistics of August 2019. The respondents were sampled household heads or family members aged 18 years and above. Although teachers who are patrons of school health clubs where institutional latrines had been done were targeted for interview, they were not reached due to school vacation.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Water access
Water collection
Cost of water
Water Quality Practices
Method of Cleaning Containers
Water Treatment Practices
Water Treatment Methods
Sanitation and Hygiene
Handwashing Device
Food Handling Practices
Domestic Solid Waste Disposal
Hygiene and Health Messaging
Receipt of Non-Food Items
Menstrual Hygiene
Safe Programming
Topic |
Water Sanitation Hygiene |
Kakuma & Kalobeyei
All refugee households
Name |
Stratified random sampling
Not provided; to be computed post-hoc
Start | End |
2019-12-02 | 2019-12-09 |
Name |
United Nations Refugee Agency Microdata Library
Original Archive Study ID: DDI_UNHCR_KAP_Kalobeyei_Kakuma_2019_v2.1
Cost: None
UNHCR (2019) KAP Survey and a Mini Evaluation Of The WASH Project in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement Site. UNHCR Microdata Library;
Name | Role |
United Nations Refugee Agency | Documentation of the study |
Version 1 (April 2021). This version is identical to UNHCR DDI ID: DDI_UNHCR_KAP_Kalobeyei_Kakuma_2019_v2.1 except the following edits were made: