Scenario-Based Assessment of Energy Savings in Thailand: A Long-range Energy Alternative Planning Approach

Type Journal Article - Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology
Title Scenario-Based Assessment of Energy Savings in Thailand: A Long-range Energy Alternative Planning Approach
Volume 13
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2008
URL assessment of energy savings in thailand​a long-range energy alternative planning approach.pdf
Lr zoos, the residential, small"ornrn"..iull,ii1ll"t1 "ra small industrial sectors totally consumed
about 16,022 ktoe, accounting for 25.68% of total energy consumption in Thailand. In terms of
electricity consumption, these three sectors consumed abottt 54,197 GWh, accounting for 44.680/o of
total electricity consumption in Thailand. This paper presents the assessment of energy efficiency
improvement and renewable energy substitution in the three main economic sectors in Thailand. The
energy consumption in the base year was analyzed by using an end-use model, called the "Long-range
Energy Alternative Planning system" or LEAP model. The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario was
developed on the basis of historical and current trends of energy consumption in the sectors. In this
study, the base year in the BAU is 2005 and the planning period is 2006-2020. In this study the
efficiency improvement scenarios for long-range energy planning are l) energy efficient programs
such as demand-side management programs, 2) improved biomass cooking stoves, 3) improved LPG
cooking stoves, and 4) improved boilers in industries. Results of analyses are presented of the
potential oflong-term energy savings in both electric and non-electric devices, and corresponding COz
emissions. In the efficiency improvement scenarios, the efficient end-use devices could contribute
energy savings of 7,798 ktoe, accounting for 8.4Y" of total energy consumption in these sectors in

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