Trio’s in Suriname and Brazil: a brief history

Type Journal Article - Academic Journal of Suriname
Title Trio’s in Suriname and Brazil: a brief history
Volume 8
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2017
Page numbers 715-731
This article provides a historical overview of the Trio in Suriname and Brazil. The
existing ethnographic descriptions of the Trio, range in scope from the records of early
expedition members, anthropologists, socio-linguists to some extensive ethnographic
studies. It also presents a brief sketch of the regional history of Amazonia and the
Guiana’s to give an impression of the diversity and density of the native habitat. Forging
of alliances and network extension have long been important strategies for survival or
attainment of certain positions. The arrival of the Europeans gave a new interpretation
to the existing indigenous landscape. The article further elaborates on the interactions
between indigenous groups, the relations of the Trio with the Europeans and the
Maroons, encounters with the expedition members, and the Baptist mission, and
processes that have and still contribute to and are crucial in determining the presentday
status of the Trio.

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