Type | Working Paper - Understanding Children’s Work (UCW) Project |
Title | Database on child labour in India: An assessment with respect to the nature of data, period and uses |
Author(s) | |
Publication (Day/Month/Year) | 2001 |
URL | http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDSContentServer/IW3P/IB/2008/05/26/000333038_20080526025231/Rendered/PDF/438600WP0Box321aBase1India01PUBLIC1.pdf |
Abstract | The main purpose of this paper is to prepare a detailed account of the existing database on the various dimensions of child labour in India. The intention is to gain an insight into the nature of the data on child labour so that it may serve as a guide to possible users. India has a fairly well developed framework of data on child labour. However these data come from more than one source and therefore the administrative unit from which the data are generated, the period covered and the methodology used in terms of data collection varies from one source to another. Therefore there is a need to make a comparative assessment of the data on child labour and to provide a guideline for the proper use of the data from each of the various sources which clearly highlights each of the sources' strengths and limitations. |