Unemployment in Meghalaya

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow
Title Unemployment in Meghalaya
Volume 1
Issue 10
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 0
Unemployment is widely regarded as a major social and economic global problem since it is directly connected with earning abilities and therefore welfare of the person and her/his family. In the state of Meghalaya, with no proper industrial sector, under developed agriculture and small size of the service sector- employment opportunities are very limited in relation to supply of labour. The main objective of the paper is (a) To study the growth of unemployment within the state (b) To analyse the relationship between unemployment and education. From the study it was found that the work participation rate of females in Meghalaya is much higher than the all India level. In Meghalaya, the urban workforce is 32.5 percent more or less the same level with the All India rate. However, the female participation in the workforce in the urban areas of Meghalaya is significantly higher than the All India level.

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