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Showing 811-840 of 70886
Working Paper
Kristensen, Nicolai, and Wendy Cunningham.
Do minimum wages in Latin America and the Caribbean matter? Evidence from 19 Countries
(2006) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3870.
World Bank,.
The road to sustained growth in Jamaica
Washington, DC, United States of America: World Bank, 2004.
Working Paper
Ñopo, Hugo, Juan P Atal, and Natalia Winder.
New century, old disparities: Gender and ethnic wage gaps in Latin America
(2010) IZA Discussion Paper No. 5085.
Conference Paper
The role of land reform in reducing poverty across Nepal
Third Annual Himalayan Policy Research Conference, Nepal Study Centre.
Madison, October 16, 2008.
Working Paper
Baker L, Judy.
Poverty reduction and human development in the Caribbean: A cross-country study
(1997) World Bank Discussion Paper No. 366.
Budlender, Debbie.
A critical review of selected time use surveys
: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2007.
Journal Article
Handa, Sudhanshu.
The determinants of teenage schooling in Jamaica: Rich vs. poor, females vs. males
Journal of Development Studies 32, no. 4 (1996): 554-580.
Working Paper
Kakwani, Nanak, Elene Makonnen, and Jacques van der Gaag.
Structural adjustment and living conditions in developing countries
(1990) World Bank Policy, Research, and External Affairs Working Paper No. 467.
Journal Article
Handa, Sudhanshu, and Damien King.
Adjustment with a human face? Evidence from Jamaica
World Development 31, no. 7 (2003): 1125-1145.
Journal Article
Grosh E, Margaret.
The policymaking uses of multitopic household survey data: A primer
World Bank Research Observer 12, no. 2 (1997): 137-160.
Working Paper
Lavy, Victor, Michael Palumbo, and Steven Stern.
Quality of medical facilities, health, and labor force participation in Jamaica
Working Paper
Handa, Sudhanshu, and Monica Neitzert.
Gender and life cycle differentials in the impact of health on labour force participation in Jamaica
Journal Article
Blank, Lorraine, and Margaret Grosh.
Using household surveys to build analytic capacity
World Bank Research Observer 14, no. 2 (1999): 209-227.
Working Paper
Grosh E, Margaret.
The household survey as a tool for policy change: Lessons from the Jamaican Survey of Living Conditions
(1991) Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper No. 80.
Working Paper
Danielson, Anders.
Poverty, inequality and growth in Jamaica, 1988-98, and beyond
Working Paper
Iimi, Atsushi.
The impacts of metering and climate conditions on residential electricity demand: the case of Albania
The World Bank: Finance, Economics and Urban Development Department Policy Research Working Paper, no. 5520 (2011).
Working Paper
Roelen, Keetie, Franziska Gassmann, and Chris Neubourg.
Discussion paper child vulnerability to poverty indices for Vietnam
(2006) Hanoi, UNICEF Vietnam Maastricht Graduate School of Governance.
Journal Article
Lancaster, Geoffrey, Pushkar Maitra, and Ranjan Ray.
Endogenous intra-household balance of power and its impact on expenditure patterns: Evidence from India
Economica 73, no. 291 (2006): 435-460.
Journal Article
Lancaster, Geoffrey, Pushkar Maitra, and Ranjan Ray.
Household expenditure patterns and gender bias: Evidence from selected Indian states
Oxford Development Studies 36, no. 2 (2008): 133-157.
Working Paper
Adhikari, Chandra, and Paul Chatfield.
The role of land reform in reducing poverty across Nepal
Working Paper
Adhikari, Chandra B, and Trond Bjørndal.
Can land reform be an effective approach to alleviate poverty and inequality in Nepal?
(2009) Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration Working Paper No. 30/09.
Thesis or Dissertation
KC, Shyam.
Society and infrastructure: Geographical accessibility and its effects on school enrolment in Nepal
PhD dissertation, University of Maryland, 2007.
Working Paper
Seekings, Jeremy.
Poverty and inequality after Apartheid
(2007) Centre for Social Science Research Working Paper No. 200.
Working Paper
Grosh, Margaret E, and Paul Glewwe.
A guide to Living Standards Measurement Study surveys and their data sets
Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper No. 120 World Bank Publications, no. Discussion Paper No. 302 (1995).
Working Paper
Glewwe, Paul, and Hanan Jacoby.
Delayed primary school enrollment and childhood malnutrition in Ghana: An economic analysis
(1993) Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper No. 98.
Working Paper
Deaton, Angus, and Salman Zaidi.
Guidelines for constructing consumption aggregates for welfare analysis
(2002) Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper No. 135.
Working Paper
Behrman, Jere R, and Victor Lavy.
Children's health and achievement in school
(1994) Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper No. 104.
Beegle, Kathleen, Joachim De Weerdt, and Stefan Dercon.
Kagera Health and Development Survey 2004: Basic information document
Working Paper
Ainsworth, Martha, and Innocent Semali.
The impact of adult deaths on children's health in northwestern Tanzania
(2000) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2266 .
Working Paper
Ainsworth, Martha, and Julia Dayton.
The impact of the AIDS epidemic on the health of the elderly in Tanzania
(2001) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 2649 .
Showing 811-840 of 70886