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Thesis or Dissertation
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Journal Article
Velasco-Roldán, Nidya, Sara Torres-Castro, Mariana López-Ortega, César Alfredo González-González, and Martha Liliana Giraldo-Rodríguez. "Investigación social en envejecimiento y vejez: perspectiva del Instituto Nacional de Geriatría." (2014) Hitos Demograficos del Siglo XXI: Envejecimiento.
Journal Article
Cuecuecha, Alfredo, and Richard H Adams Jr. "Remittances, household expenditure and investment in Guatemala." (2008)
Fort, Alfredo, Hayk Gyuzalyan, Rebecca Kohler, Lauren Voltero, Leah Levin, Mark Luoma, Sona Oksuzyan, and Marcel Vekemans. Reproductive health care at the primary level in Armenia: assessment of providers services and the factors affecting performance. Chapel Hill, NC: IntraHealth, PRIME II Project, 2003.
Journal Article
Fort, Alfredo L, and Lauren Voltero. "Factors affecting the performance of maternal health care providers in Armenia." Human Resources for Health 2, no. 8 (2004).
Journal Article
Crigler, Luaren, Alfredo L Fort, Orla Diez, Susan Gearon, and Hayk Gyuzalyan. "Training alone is not enough: Factors that influence the performance of healthcare providers in Armenia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, and Nigeria." Performance Improvement Quarterly 19, no. 1 (2006): 99-116.
Journal Article
Breinbauer, Cecilia, Helia Molina, and Alfredo Solari. "Measuring prevalence of child development delays through national household surveys in Chile, Honduras, and Nicaragua." (2008)
Journal Article
Audet, Carolyn M, Janeen Burlison, Troy D Moon, Mohsin Sidat, Alfredo E Vergara, and Sten H Vermund. "Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique." BMC international health and human rights 10, no. 1 (2010): 15.
Working Paper
Fort, Alfredo L, Monica T Kothari, and Noureddine Abderrahim. "Association between maternal, birth, and newborn characteristics and neonatal mortality in five Asian countries." (2008) DHS Working Papers.
Journal Article
Fort L, Alfredo. "Investigating the social context of fertility and family planning: a qualitative study in Peru." (1989) International Family Planning Perspectives.
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Bolsi, Alfredo, and others. "Agroindustria azucarera y mortalidad: analisis comparado de cuatro complejos latinoamericanos." Theomai: estudios sobre sociedad, naturaleza y desarrollo , no. 12 (2005).
Journal Article
Dachary, Alfredo Cesar. "Los limites del desarrollo local en una region de turismo global. El caso del corredor Cancun-Tulum. Mexico." Aportes y Transferencias 12, no. 1 (2008): 41-56.
Thesis or Dissertation
Perez Guerrero, Alfredo. "Analisis del cambio de uso de suelo y su impacto socioeconomico y agricola en San Miguel Tocuila, Texcoco, Estado de Mexico.." Colegio de Postgraduados, 2013.
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Working Paper
Barrios Marquez, Alma Yeni, and Oscar Alfredo Barrios Marquez. "Contexto del mercado laboral en México durante el cuarto trimestre de 2013." (2014)
Journal Article
Audet, Carolyn, Mohsin Sidat, Meridith Blevins, Troy Moon, Alfredo Vergara, and Sten Vermund. "HIV knowledge and health-seeking behavior in Zambézia Province, Mozambique." SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS 9, no. 1 (2012): 41-46.
Journal Article
Gonzales, Gustavo F, Vilma L Tapia, Alfredo L Fort , and Ana Pilar Betran. "Pregnancy outcomes associated with Cesarean deliveries in Peruvian public health facilities." (2013) International journal of women's health.
Journal Article
Hualde, Alfredo. "Empleo e ingresos en ocupaciones técnicas y administrativas en México. Análisis de la década de los noventa." (2003) La situacion del trabajo en Mexico, 2003.
Journal Article
Sánchez-Castañeda, Alfredo. "Los jóvenes frente al empleo y el desempleo: la necesaria construcción de soluciones multidimensionales y multifactoriales." Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social 2014, no. 19 (2014): 133-162.
Journal Article
Bolsi, Alfredo, Pablo Paolasso, and Fernando Longhi. "El Norte Grande Argentino entre el progreso y la pobreza." (2005) Poblacion & sociedad.
Journal Article
Correa Q, Alfredo. "Evolution of Religious Beliefs in a Constitutional Text, The." BYU Law Review 1998, no. 2 (2001): 357-369.
Thesis or Dissertation
Apey, Alfredo. "Agricultural restructuring and coordinated policies for rural development in Chile." PhD thesis, University of Birmingham, 1995.
Journal Article
Dockemdorff, Eduardo, Alfredo Rodríguez, and Lucy Winchester. "Santiago de Chile: metropolization, globalization and inequity." Environment and Urbanization 12, no. 1 (2000): 171-183.
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Journal Article
Peris, Alfredo F, and Antonio C Lugnani. "Um Estudo Sobre o Eixo Cascavel–Foz do Iguaçu, na Região Oeste do Paraná." Revista Paranaense de Desenvolvimento-RPD , no. 104 (2003).
Journal Article
Salas-Zapata, Walter Alfredo, Leonardo Alberto Ríos-Osorio, Luisa Fernanda López-Hernandez, and Rubén Darío Gómez-Arias. "Análisis de sostenibilidad de la política de control de malaria del municipio de El Bagre, Colombia." Gerencia y Politicas de Salud 13, no. 27 (2014).
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