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Working Paper
Manga, Janeesh, and Martin Wittenberg. "Capacities and constraints on activities: Analysing the demand for variety in South Africa." (2007) School of Economics and SALDRU, University of Cape town.
Journal Article
Tuiran, Rodolfo. "Vivir en familia: hogares y estructura familiar en Mexico, 1976-1987." Comercio exterior 43, no. 7 (1993): 662-676.
Journal Article
Mbulaiteye, Sam M, Elly T Katabira, Henry Wabinga, Donald M Parkin, Phillip Virgo, Robert Ochai, Meklit Workneh, Alex Coutinho, and Eric A Engels. "Spectrum of Cancers among HIV-Infected Persons in Africa: The Uganda AIDS-Cancer Registry Match Study." International Journal of Cancer 118, no. 4 (2006): 985-990.
Working Paper
Engels, Jeffrey E, Country Director, and Gagik Sardaryan. "Unlocking the Export Potential of Armenia’s Landlocked Dairy Sector." (2006)
Journal Article
Engels, D. D, J. J Ndoricimpa, and B. B Gryseels. "Schistosomiasis mansoni in Burundi: progress in its control since 1985.." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 71, no. 2 (1993): 207-214.
Journal Article
Meisenhelder, Tom. "Bonanza and dependency in Botswana." Studies in Comparative International Development 29, no. 1 (1994): 38-49.
Thesis or Dissertation
Rubara, Evans. "Co-Opted? Exploratory Research on Canadian Resource'Imperialism'in Postcolonial Tanzania." Master in Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, 2014.
Showing 1-8 of 8