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Showing 31-60 of 672
Journal Article
Nahimana, Marie-Rosette, Alypio Nyandwi, Marie Aimee Muhimpundu, Olushayo Olu, Jeanine Umutesi Condo, Andre Rusanganwa, Jean Baptiste Koama, Candide Tran Ngoc, Jean Bosco Gasherebuka, and Martin O Ota.
A population-based national estimate of the prevalence and risk factors associated with hypertension in Rwanda: implications for prevention and control
BMC Public Health 18, no. 1 (2017).
Journal Article
Nzihou, Jean Fidèle, Jean Koulidiati, and Gérard B Segda.
Potential and Feasibility of Solid Municipal Waste Treatment with Gasifiers in a Developing Country: A Review for Burkina Faso
British Journal of Applied Science & Technology 4, no. 3 (2014): 450-464.
Conference Paper
Betti, Jean Lagarde, and Jean Lejoly.
Importance en medecine traditionnelle de Combretum mucronatum Shum. & Thon (Combretaceae) dans le Dja (Cameroun)
La Gestion des Forets Denses Africaines Aujourd’hui. Seminaire FORAFRI de Libreville—Session.
Journal Article
Tamba, Jean Gaston, Donatien Njomo, Jean Luc Nsouandele, Beguide Bonoma, and Sakaros Bogning Dongue.
Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Cameroon's Road Transport Sector
Universal Journal of Environmental Research & Technology 2, no. 6 (2012): 475-488.
Journal Article
Landier, Jordi, Jean Gaudart, Kevin Carolan, Danny Lo Seen, Jean-Fraccois Guegan, Sara Eyangoh, Arnaud Fontanet, and Gaetan Texier.
Spatio-temporal patterns and landscape-associated risk of Buruli ulcer in Akonolinga, Cameroon
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8, no. 9 (2014): e3123.
Thesis or Dissertation
León Plúas, Rebeca E, and Lupe J Macias Romero.
Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la confección y distribución de prendas de vestir femeninas en tela jean en el Cantón Milagro provincia del Guayas
Título de Ingeniería, Universidad Estatal De Milagro, 2012.
Journal Article
Kozycki, Christina T, Noella Umulisa, Stephen Rulisa, Emil I Mwikarago, Jean Pierre Musabyimana, Jean Pierre Habimana, Corine Karema, and Donald J Krogstad.
False-negative malaria rapid diagnostic tests in Rwanda: impact of Plasmodium falciparum isolates lacking hrp2 and declining malaria transmission
Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017): 123.
Sourisseau, Jean-Michel, Henri-Michel Tsimisanda, Jean-Franccois Belieres, Ariel Elyah, Pierre-Marie Bosc, and Hanitriniana Mamy Razafimahatratra.
Les agricultures familiales a Madagascar: Un atout pour le developpement durable
Betti, Jean Lagarde.
Mission de renforcement des capacites technique de l’autorite scientifique cites du Burundi sur les techniques modernes d’inventaire de Prunus Africana
Journal Article
Deconinck, Hedwig, Mahaman E Hallarou, Anais Pesonen, Jean C Gérard, Bart Criel, Philippe Donnen, and Jean Macq.
Understanding factors that influence the integration of acute malnutrition interventions into the national health system in Niger
Health policy and planning 31, no. 10 (2016): 1364-1373.
Working Paper
Hourticq, Joel, and Carole Megevand.
Dynamiques de déforestation dans le bassin du Congo. Réconcilier la croissance économique et la protection de la forêt
Altimir, Oscar, Joel Bergsman, Cesar Zazueta, Socrates Rizzo, Victor Maldonado, Juan Diez Canedo, Gabriel Vera, Jesus Cervantes, Octavio Gomez, Enrique Arnaud, and others.
Distribucion del ingreso en Mexico: ensayos
Journal Article
Hartter, Joel, Abraham Goldman, and Jane Southworth.
Responses by Households to Resource Scarcity and Human-Wildlife Conflict: Issues of Fortress Conservation and the Surrounding Agricultural Landscape
Journal for Nature Conservation 19, no. 2 (2011): 79-86.
Nyadoi, Priscilla, Ambrose Mugisha, Moses Murungi, Suzan Owino, Joseph Odong, Teddy Namirimu, Gilbert Wathum, James Lutalo, Chris Bakuneeta, and Joel Buyinza.
Unlocking Local Community Potential for Sustainable Natural Resource Management in Uganda’s Albertine-Oil Region
Rwanda: Fountain, 2012.
Journal Article
Pearson, Joel, Sarita Pillay, and Ivor Chipkin.
State-Building in South Africa after Apartheid: The History of the National Treasury
(2016) Public Affairs Research Institute.
Journal Article
Negin, Joel, and Robert G Cumming.
HIV infection in older adults in sub-Saharan Africa: extrapolating prevalence from existing data
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 88, no. 11 (2010): 847-853.
Journal Article
Negin, Joel, Robert Cumming, Sarah Stewart de Ramirez, Seye Abimbola, and Sonia E Sachs.
Risk factors for non-communicable diseases among older adults in rural Africa
Tropical Medicine & International Health 16, no. 5 (2011): 640-646.
Journal Article
Scott, Susana, Joel Mossong, William J Moss, Felicity T Cutts, Francis Kasolo, Moses Sinkala, and Simon Cousens.
Estimating the force of measles virus infection from hospitalised cases in Lusaka, Zambia
Vaccine 23, no. 6 (2004): 732-738.
Journal Article
Swai, Roland, Mecky Matee, Japhet Killewo, Eligius Lyamuya, Gideon Kwesigabo, Tuhuma Tulli, Titus Kabalimu, Raphael Isingo, Joel Ndayongeje, Geofrey Somi, and Lucy Ng'ang'a.
Surveillance of HIV and syphilis infections among antenatal clinic attendees in Tanzania-2003/2004
BMC Public Health 6, no. 1 (2006): 91.
Journal Article
Slemrod, Joel, and Peter Katuscak.
Do trust and trustworthiness pay off?
The Journal of Human Resources 40, no. 3 (2005): 621-646.
Journal Article
Kounnavong, Sengchanh, Suzinne Pak-Gorstein, Kongsap Akkhavong, Uma Palaniappan, Viorica Berdaga, Joel Conkle, and Jonathan Gorstein.
Key Determinants of Optimal Breastfeeding Practices in Laos
Food and Nutrition Sciences, 4, no. 10A (2013): 61-70.
Journal Article
Temu, Emmanuel A, Caroline Maxwell, Godwil Munyekenye, Annabel Howard, Stephen Munga, Silas W Avicor, Rodolphe Poupardin, Joel J Jones, Richard Allan, Immo Kleinschmidt, and Hilary Ranson.
Pyrethroid Resistance in Anopheles gambiae, in Bomi County, Liberia, Compromises Malaria Vector Control
(2012) PLOS ONE.
Journal Article
Djoba Siawaya, Joel Fleury.
Hlamydia trachomatis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) distribution and sexual behaviors across gender and age group in an African setting
PLoS ONE 9, no. 3 (2014): 0-0.
Journal Article
Somi, Geofrey R, Mecky IN Matee, Roland O Swai, Eligius F Lyamuya, Japhet Killewo, Gideon Kwesigabo, Tuhuma Tulli, Titus K Kabalimu, Raphael Isingo, and Joel Ndayongeje.
Estimating and projecting HIV prevalence and AIDS deaths in Tanzania using antenatal surveillance data
BMC Public Health 6, no. 1 (2006): 120.
Journal Article
Ruxin, Josh, and Joel Negin.
Removing the Neglect from Neglected Tropical Diseases: The Rwandan Experience 2008-2010
Global Public Health 7, no. 8 (2012): 812-822.
Journal Article
Sánchez Romero, Víctor Joel.
Conocimientos y actitudes acerca de las ITS y el VIH/Sida de los adolescentes varones en dos comunidades zonales de Chimbote-Perú, 2010
In Crescendo 2, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Mbuthi, Paul, Faith Odongo, Mumbi Machera, and Joel K Imitira.
Gender Audit of Energy Policy and Programmes in Kenya
(2007) ENERGIA reports.
Reyes, Celia M, Alellie B Sobrevinas, Joel Bancolita, and Jeremy Jesus.
Analysis of the Impact of Changes in the Prices of Rice and Fuel on Poverty in the Philippines
: Philippine institute for development studies (PIDS), 2009.
Journal Article
Eita, Joel Hinaunye, and Johannes M Ashipala.
Determinants of unemployment in Namibia
International Journal of Business and Management 5, no. 10 (2010): 92-104.
Journal Article
Busher, Joel.
When promoting pills is easier than pushing the ABC: a case study from Kavango, Namibia
AIDS care 22, no. S1 (2010): 29-34.
Showing 31-60 of 672