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Showing 1-30 of 32
Book Section
Zaidi, Asghar, Mattia Makovec, Michael Fuchs, Barbara Lipszyc, Orsolya Lelkes, Marius Rummel, Bernd Marin, and Klaas Vos.
Mainstreaming Ageing
(2007) Mainstreaming Ageing: Indicators to Monitor Sustainable Policies.
Tomlinson, Mark.
Maternal Mental Health in the Context of Community-based Home Visiting in a Re-engineered Primary Health Care System: A Case Study of the Philani Mentor Mothers Programme
Working Paper
Vries, Gaaitzen, Klaas Vries, Reitze Gouma, and Marcel Timmer.
GGDC 10-Sector Database: Contents, Sources and Methods
Journal Article
Rusca, Maria, Klaas Schwartz, Lejla Hadzovic, and Rhodante Ahlers.
Adapting Generic Models through Bricolage: Elite Capture of Water Users Associations in Peri-urban Lilongwe
(2014) European Journal of Development Research.
De Vries, Klaas, Gaaitzen Vries, Reitze Gouma, and Marcel Timmer.
Africa Sector Database
Journal Article
Brouwer, Klaas.
Satisfaction of Residential Apartment Lessees: An Entrepreneur's Guide
Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability 11, no. 6 (2015): 161-186.
Journal Article
Erumban, Reitze Gouma, Gaaitzen Vries, Klaas Vries, and Marcel Timmer.
WIOD Socio-Economic Accounts (SEA): Sources and Methods
Vries, Klaas.
Could nutrition sensitive cocoa value chains be introduced in Ghana? Report of a brief study that identifies opportunities and bottlenecks
Journal Article
Vos, Rob, and Niek De Jong.
Trade liberalization and poverty in Ecuador: A CGE macro-microsimulation analysis
Economic Systems Research 15, no. 2 (2003): 211-232.
Vos, Rob, and Juan Ponce.
Working Paper
Ponce, Juan, and Rob Vos.
Redistribution without structural change in Ecuador
Vos, Rob, and Mauricio León.
Dolarización, Dinámica de Exportaciones y Equidad: ¿Cómo Compatibilizarlas en el Caso de Ecuador?
: Unidad de Informaci{\'o}n y An{\'a}lisis--SIISE--de la Secretar{\'\i}a T{\'e}cnica del Frente Social, 2003.
Working Paper
Van der Berg, Servaas, Cobus Burger, Ronelle Burger, Mia Vos, Gideon Rand, Martin Gustafsson, Eldridge Moses, Debra Shepherd, Nicholas Spaull, and Stephen Taylor.
Low quality education as a poverty trap
Working Paper
Vos, Rob, and Niek De Jong.
Rising inequality during economic liberalisation and crisis: Macro or micro causes in Ecuador's case?
Journal Article
Groenewald, P., T. Vos, R. Norman, R. Laubscher, C. Van Walbeek, U. Saloojee, F. Sitas, and D. Bradshaw.
Estimating the burden of disease attributable to smoking in South Africa in 2000
South African Medical Journal 97, no. 8 (2007): 674-681.
Working Paper
De Vos, Mia.
Quantitative and qualitative aspects of education in South Africa: An analysis using the national income dynamic study
Stellenbosch Economic Working Papers , no. 06/11 (2011).
Journal Article
Tuesca-Molina, Rafael, Norma Fierro Herrera, Alexandra Molinares Sosa, Fernando Oviedo Martinez, Yesid Polo Arjona, Jose Polo Cueto, and Ivan Sierra Manrique.
Los grupos de socializacion como factor protector contra la depresion en personas ancianas. Baranquilla, Colombia
Revista Espagnol Salud Publica 77, no. 5 (2003): 595-604.
Working Paper
Giraldo, Fernando Urrea.
Taller de analisis cuantitativo
Journal Article
Vapattanawong, Patama, Margaret C Hogan, Piya Hanvoravongchai, Emmanuela Gakidou, Theo Vos, Alan D Lopez, and Stephen S Lim.
Reductions in child mortality levels and inequalities in Thailand: analysis of two censuses
The Lancet 369, no. 9564 (2007): 850-855.
Journal Article
Th, Arnadottir, H Soukaseum, P Vangvichit, S Bounmala, and E Vos.
Prevalence and annual risk of tuberculosis infection in Laos
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 5, no. 5 (2001): 391-399.
Journal Article
Joubert, Jane, Chalapati Rao, Debbie Bradshaw, Rob E Dorrington, Theo Vos, and Alan D Lopez.
Characteristics, availability and uses of vital registration and other mortality data sources in post-democracy South Africa
(2012) Global health action.
Pillay-Van Wyk, Victoria, Ria Laubscher, William Msemburi, Rob E Dorrington, Pam Groenewald, Theo Vos, Richard Matzopoulos, Megan Prinsloo, Beatrice Nojilana, and Nadine Nannan.
Second South African National Burden of Disease Study: Data cleaning, validation and SA NBD List
: Burden of Disease Research Unit, 2014.
Corporate Author
World Bank.
Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en la República Dominicana: Insumo a la Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo
Working Paper
De Vos, Susan.
Kinship Ties and Solitary Living Among Unmarried Elderly Women: Evidence From Chile and Mexico
CDE WP , no. 98-20 (1998).
Journal Article
De Vos, M, K Van der Merwe, and C Van der Mescht.
A Research Programme for Reading in African Languages to underpin CAPS
Journal for Language Teaching 48, no. 2 (2014): 148-177.
Working Paper
De Vos, Susan.
Childlessness and Extended Family Living Among Elderly Women 60+ in Latin America
Journal Article
Joubert, Jane, Chalapati Rao, Debbie Bradshaw, Theo Vos, and Alan D Lopez.
Evaluating the quality of national mortality statistics from civil registration in South Africa, 1997-2007
PLoS One 8, no. 5 (2013).
Journal Article
Sánchez-Mejía, Astrid Liliana.
Agendas en competencia para abordar la violencia intrafamiliar: justicia restaurativa vs. punitivismo
Vniversitas , no. 132 (2016).
Journal Article
Kinsman, John, Kars Bruijne, Muriel Harris, Hussainatu Abdullah, Titus Boye-Thompson, Osman Sankoh, Abdul K Jalloh, and Heidi Jalloh-Vos.
Development of a set of community-informed Ebola messages for Sierra Leone
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11, no. 8 (2017).
Journal Article
Nhung, Nguyen Thi Trang, Tran Khanh Long, Bui Ngoc Linh, Theo Vos, Nguyen Thanh Huong, and Ngo Duc Anh.
Estimation of Vietnam national burden of disease 2008
Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 26, no. 5 (2014): 527-535.
Showing 1-30 of 32