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Showing 31-60 of 85
Journal Article
Matlon, Jordanna.
Racial capitalism and the crisis of Black Masculinity
American Sociological Review 81, no. 5 (2016): 1014-1038.
A. Kimou, Jose Carlos, Siloue Oumar, and Basile Koby Aka.
État de la Gouvernance en Afrique de L’ouest: Côte d’Ivoire
Journal Article
McKee, Martin, Martin Bobak, Richard Rose, Vladimir Shkolnikov, Laurent Chenet, and David Leon.
Patterns of smoking in Russia
Tobacco control 7, no. 1 (1998): 22-26.
Journal Article
Saouadogo, Hamado, Koffi Miwonovi Amoussou, and Laurent Ouedraogo.
Etude des mecanismes perennes de financement des medicaments essentiels a Loumbila, Burkina Faso
Sante Publique 24, no. 4 (2012): 365-377.
Journal Article
Bossard, Laurent.
Peuplement et migration en Afrique de l'Ouest: une crise regionale en Cote d'Ivoire
Afrique contemporaine , no. 2 (2003).
Journal Article
Epule, Terence Epule, Changhui Peng, Laurent Lepage, and Zhi Chen.
Rainfall and deforestation dilemma for cereal production in the Sudano-Sahel of Cameroon
Journal of Agricultural Science 4, no. 2 (2011): 1.
Journal Article
Samuel, Olivia, Anne Solaz, and Laurent Toulemon.
Overview of a population question
Population-E 70, no. 2 (2015).
Journal Article
Barankanira, Emmanuel, Nicolas Molinari, Theodore Niyongabo, and Christian Laurent.
Spatial analysis of HIV infection and associated individual characteristics in Burundi: indications for effective prevention
BMC Public Health 16, no. 1 (2016): 118.
Journal Article
Nsimba, Stephen ED, Edmund J Kayombo, Amos Y Massele, Yovin Laurent, and Mwakyusa Lusajo.
Characteristics of drug abusers in an urban community of Tanzania
American Journal of Research Communication 1, no. 7 (2013): 87-99.
Working Paper
Gazull, Laurent.
Energy conversion in Bamako (Mali): the request of flexibility
Thesis or Dissertation
Paul, Laurent.
The Effectiveness of Corporal Punishment on Eradicating Truancy in Secondary Schools: A case. of Community Secondary Schools in Magu District
Master of Education, The Open University of Tanzania, 2014.
Journal Article
Bonneuil, Noel, and Chouaa Dassouki.
Womens education and diffusion of the fertility transition: The case of Egypt 1960-1996 in 4905 administrative subdivisions
Journal of Population Research 23, no. 1 (2006): 27-39.
Journal Article
Dassouki, Chouaa, and Noel Bonneuil.
Economics, geography, family planning and rapidity of change in the demographic Ttansition: The case of the Egyptian Muhafazas 1960-1996
The Journal of Developing Areas 40, no. 2 (2007): 185-186.
Journal Article
Mapingure, Munyaradzi P, Sia Msuya, Nyaradzai E Kurewa, Marshal W Munjoma, Noel Sam, Mike Z Chirenje, Simbarashe Rusakaniko, Letten F Saugstad, Sake J de Vlas, and Babill Stray-Pedersen.
Sexual behaviour does not reflect HIV-1 prevalence differences: a comparison study of Zimbabwe and Tanzania
(2010) Journal of the International AIDS Society.
Journal Article
Mmbaga, Elia, Akhtar Hussain, Germana Leyna, Carol Holm-Hansen, Kagoma Mnyika, Noel Sam, Elise Klouman, and KnutInge Klepp.
Trends in HIV-1 prevalence and risk behaviours over 15 years in a rural population in Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania
(2007) AIDS Res Ther.
Journal Article
Ayoya, Mohamed A, Mohamed A Bendech, Noel M Zagre´, and Fe´licite´ Tchibindat.
Maternal anaemia in West and Central Africa: time for urgent action
Public Health Nutrition 15, no. 5 (2011): 916.
Journal Article
Maria, Augustin, and Pierre–Noël Giraud.
L’illégalité et l’accès aux services essentiels des populations à faible revenu à Delhi
(2008) Gouvernance Mondiale.
Journal Article
Noel, Ashish Samarpit.
Globalization of tobacco industry and its impact on Indian revenue
Asian Journal of Business and Economics 1, no. 1 (2011).
Journal Article
Brindle, Hannah E, Theresa J Allain, Sam Kampondeni, Noel Kayange, Brian Faragher, Imelda Bates, and Elizabeth Joekes.
Utilization of ultrasound in medical inpatients in Malawi
(2013) Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Journal Article
Noyola-Medrano, Maria Cristina, Jose Alfredo Ramos-Leal, Eloisa Dominguez-Mariani, Luis Felipe Pineda-Martinez, Hector Lopez-Loera, and Noel Carbajal.
Factores que dan origen al minado de acuiferos en ambientes aridos: caso Valle de San Luis Potosi
Revista mexicana de ciencias geologicas 26, no. 2 (2009): 395-410.
Working Paper
Thiombiano, Noël, Idrissa Ouiminga, and Didier Zoungrana.
Etude de la Concurrence au Burkina Faso
Journal Article
Fouda, André Bita A, Basile Kollo, Armelle Ngomba, Jean II Dissongo, Léon Owona J Manga, Noël Essomba, Gerald E Sume, Vandi Deli, and Marquise K Ngambi.
Epidémie de Choléra à Douala en 2011 Epidémiologie, Clinique et Bactériologie
Revue de Médecine et de Pharmacie 2, no. 1 (2012): 113-120.
Journal Article
Eusebio, Cristina, Hannah Kuper, Sarah Polack, John Enconado, Noel Tongson, Donald Dionio, Anne DumDum, Hans Limburg, and Allen Foster.
Rapid assessment of avoidable blindness in Negros Island and Antique District, Philippines
British Journal of Ophthalmology 91, no. 12 (2007): 1588-1592.
Working Paper
Koum, Danielle Christiane Kedy, Noel Emmanuel Essomba, Nguedjam Bianda Odile, Irma Ngwe, Malea Ndanga, Paul Koki Ndombo, and Yves Coppieters.
Factors Associated With Early Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality in an Urban District Hospital
Conference Paper
Virola, Romulo A, Jessamyn O Encarnacion, Bernadette B Balamban, Noel S Nepomuceno, Rhea June S Lara, and Anna Jean G Casañas.
Improving the way we measure the increasing contribution of women in nation-building
11th National Convention on Statistics (NCS).
Mandaluyong City, Philippines, 2010.
Journal Article
Baumgartner, Joy Noel, Cynthia Waszak Geary, Heidi Tucker, and Maxine Wedderburn.
The influence of early sexual debut and sexual violence on adolescent pregnancy: a matched case-control study in Jamaica
(2009) International perspectives on sexual and reproductive health.
Journal Article
Reza, Avid, Basia Tomczyk, Victor M Aguayo, Noel M Zagré, Kadadé Goumbi, Curtis Blanton, and Leisel Talley.
Retrospective determination of whether famine existed in Niger, 2005: two stage cluster survey
(2008) BMJ.
Journal Article
Geary, Cynthia Waszak, Joy Noel Baumgartner, Maxine Wedderburn, Tanya Montoya, and Jessica Catone.
Sexual agency and ambivalence in the narratives of first time sexual experiences of adolescent girls in Jamaica: implications for sex education
Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning 13, no. 4 (2013): 437-449.
Working Paper
Moussavi, Massoud, and Noel McGinn.
A Bayesian Network for School Performance
Working Paper
Acosta, Pablo, Noel Muller, and Miguel Alonso Sarzosa.
Beyond qualifications: returns to cognitive and socio-emotional skills in Colombia
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7430 (2015).
Showing 31-60 of 85