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Conference Paper
Lund, John W, Derek H Freeston, and Tonya L Boyd. "Direct utilization of geothermal energy 2010 worldwide review." World Geothermal Congress 2010 . 2011.
Boyd, Monica, and Deanna Pikkov. Gendering migration, livelihood and entitlements: Migrant women in Canada and the United States. : UNRISD Geneva, 2005.
Journal Article
Kark, Jeremy D, Rita Fink, Bella Adler, Nehama Goldberger, and Sylvie Goldman. "The incidence of coronary heart disease among Palestinians and Israelis in Jerusalem." International journal of epidemiology 35, no. 2 (2006): 448-457.
Working Paper
Boyd, Chris. "La Transformación de las Mujeres Jóvenes Rurales en el Perú. Análisis a Partir de los Censos Nacionales (1961-2007)." IEP Instituto de Estudios Peruanos , no. 10 (2013).
Journal Article
Snowdon, Wendy, Marj Moodie, Jimaima Schultz, and Boyd Swinburn. "Modelling of potential food policy interventions in Fiji and Tonga and their impacts on noncommunicable disease mortality." Food Policy 36, no. 5 (2011): 597-605.
Journal Article
Wate, Jillian T, Wendy Snowdon, Lynne Millar, Melanie Nichols, Helen Mavoa, Ramneek Goundar, Ateca Kama, and Boyd Swinburn. "Adolescent dietary patterns in Fiji and their relationships with standardized body mass index." International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 10, no. 1 (2013): 45.
Journal Article
Petersen, Solveig, Boyd Swinburn, Helen Mavoa, Kalesita Fotu, Caroline Tupoulahi-Fusimalohi, Gavin Faeamani, and Marjory Moodie. "Low health-related quality of life in school-aged children in Tonga, a lower-middle income country in the South Pacific." (2014) Global health action.
Journal Article
Lori, Jody R, Sarah Rominski, Barbara F Osher, and Carol J Boyd. "A case series study of perinatal deaths at one referral center in rural post-conflict Liberia." Maternal and child health journal 18, no. 1 (2015): 45-51.
Journal Article
Williams, Garfee, Aloysius B Nyanplu, Sarah D Rominski, Joseph E Perosky, Jody R Lori, Patricia N Amarah, Sue A Bell, Michelle L Munro, and Carol J Boyd. "A case series study on the effect of Ebola on facility-based deliveries in rural Liberia." (2015) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.
Journal Article
Lori, Jody R, Henrietta Ofosu-Darkwah, Carol J Boyd, Tanima Banerjee, and Richard MK Adanu. "Improving health literacy through group antenatal care: a prospective cohort study." BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 17, no. 1 (2017): 228.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nzahabwanayo, Sylvestre. "Citizenship and education in post-genocide Rwanda: and analysis of th Itorero training scheme for high school leavers." Doctor of Philosophy , University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ashton, Brennan, Lauren Bisacky, Donal Boyd, and Jessica Lopez. "Lights on the Horizon: A Socioeconomic Impact Evaluation of Rural Electrification in Tsumkwe, Namibia." Bachelor of Science, Worchester Polytechnic Institute, 2012.
Journal Article
Stanifer, John W, Joseph Lunyera, David Boyd, Francis Karia, Venance Maro, Justin Omolo, and Uptal D Patel. "Traditional medicine practices among community members with chronic kidney disease in northern Tanzania: an ethnomedical survey." BMC Nephrology 16, no. 1 (2015): 170.
Mugumbate, Jacob, Obediah Dodo, Francis Maushe, Lenah Ruparanganda, Monica Zembere, David Makwerere, Emmaculate Tsitsi Ngwerume, and Edmos Mtetwa. Development policy & practice: making use of population census data in Zimbabwe. 2014.
Journal Article
Agudelo, Ruth M, Mónica L Soto, Margarita M Pérez, Mónica L Jaramillo, and Natalia Moreno. "Condiciones de vida y trabajo de familias campesinas agricultoras de Marinilla, un pueblo agrario del oriente Antioqueño, Colombia, 2011." Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública 31, no. 3 (2013): 319-328.
Working Paper
Handa, Sudhanshu, and Monica Nietzert. "Chronic illness and retirement in Jamaica." (1998) Living Standards Measurement Study Working Paper No. 131.
Journal Article
Jaldesa, Guyo W, Ian Askew, Carolyne Njue, and Monica Wanjiru. "Female genital cutting among the Somali of Kenya and management of its complications." (2005)
Book Section
Lloyd, Cynthia, Cem Mete, and Monica Grant. "Exclusion, Gender and Education: Case Studies from the Developing World." (2007) Rural Girls in Pakistan: Constraints of Policy and Culture.
Langworthy, Mark, Brad Sagara, Phil Sutter, Jeanne Downen, Tamsin Walters, Brigitte Izabiriza, Rutere S Kagendo, and Monica Mueller. The Contribution of Food Assistance to Durable Solutions in Protracted Refugee Situations: Its Impact and Role in Rwanda (2007-2011) Full Report. 2012.
Journal Article
Padilla, Justo, Mónica Uceda, Otto Ziegler, Felipe Lindo, Eder Herrera-Pérez, and Luis Huicho. "Association between allergic rhinitis and asthma control in Peruvian school children: A cross-sectional study." (2013) Hindawi Publishing Corporation. BioMed research international.
Thesis or Dissertation
Amézquita Velásquez, Mónica Karina. "Validez de constructo del Parental Bonding Instrument en una muestra de adolescentes de 5to de secundaria de un colegio publico de Lima Metropolitana." Tesis para optar el título de Licenciada en Psicología con mención en Psicología Clínica, Pontifica Universidada Catolica del Peru. Facultad De Letras Y Ciencias Humanas , 2014.
Working Paper
Rubio, Mónica, Juan José Díaz, and Miguel Jaramillo. "El impacto de PARSalud sobre la calidad de la atención de salud materna entre la población indígena." (2009) Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. División de Protección Social y Salud. Notas Técnicas .
Orozco, Mónica E, Citlali Alba, and Gabriela Cordourier. Lo que dicen los pobres: una perspectiva de género. : Secretaría de Desarrollo Social, 2004.
Working Paper
Orozco Corona E, Mónica. "Mediciones de pobreza: un enfoque de género." (2007)
Thesis or Dissertation
Trespalacios Leal, María Mónica. "Potencialidades de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para la discusión de los asuntos públicos en el Congreso de la República." Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Segovia, Mónica Monge E, and Ximena Alvarez E Guanoluisa. "Proyecto de Factibilidad para la Creación de una Empresa Productora Procesadora y Comercializadora de Brócoli Ubicada en la Provincia de Cotopaxi." Thesis, Escuela Politécnica del Ejército – Latacunga, 2006.
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