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Thesis or Dissertation
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Thesis or Dissertation
Uyana García A, Mónica. "Propuesta de Diseño de un Area Informática Forense para un Equipo de Respuestas ante Incidentes de Seguridad Informáticos, CSIRT." Grado de Maestria, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Coronel Padilla F, Mónica. "Sistematización y Análisis de Estimaciones y Estadísticas del Turismo Interno en el Ecuador: 2008-2009." Bachelor Thesis, Universidad de Cuenca, 2011.
Journal Article
Guijarro, Susana, Jorge Naranjo, Mónica Padilla, Richardo Gutiérez,, Cristina Lammers, and Robert W Blum. "Family Risk Factors Associated with Adolescent Pregnancy: Study of a Group of Adolescent Girls and their Families in Ecuador." Journal of Adolescent Health 25, no. 2 (1999): 166-172.
Journal Article
Ruiz-Casares, Mónica. "Between Adversity and Agency: Child and Youth-headed Households in Namibia." Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 4, no. 3 (2009): 238-248.
Journal Article
Varela, Maria Basilia Valenzuela, and Claudia Monica Sanchez Bernal. "Aportes para la formacion del municipio San Ignacio Cerro Gordo. Una experiencia de vinculacion." deVinCi.
Book Section
Viramontes, Raul Romo, Leticia Ruiz Guzman, and Monica Velazquez Isidro. "La situación demográfi ca de México 2011." (2011) El papel de la migracion en el crecimiento de la poblacion: analisis de los componentes de la dinamica demografica a nivel entidad federativa, 2000-2010.
Working Paper
Beuran, Monica, Gael Raballand, and Julio E Revilla. "Improving aid effectiveness in aid-dependent countries: lessons from Zambia." (2011) Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne Working Paper.
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Journal Article
Swahn, Monica H, Bina Ali, Jane B Palmier, George Sikazwe, and John Mayeya. "Alcohol marketing, drunkenness, and problem drinking among Zambian youth: findings from the 2004 Global School-Based Student Health Survey." (2011) Journal of environmental and public health.
Journal Article
Akokuwebe, Monica Ewomazino, and Emeka Emmanuel Okafor. "Maternal Health and the Implications for Sustainable Transformation in Nigeria." Research on Humanities and Social Sciences 5, no. 6 (2015): 1-13.
Journal Article
Swahn, Monica, Melissa Haberlen, and Jane B Palmier. "Alcohol and Drug Use and Other High-Risk Behaviors among Youth in the Slums of Kampala, Uganda: Perceptions and Contexts Obtained through Focus Groups." The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research 3, no. 4 (2014): 289-295.
Journal Article
Padron Innamorato, Mauricio, and Monica Gonzalez Contro. "Encuadre normativo y empírico para un diagnóstico del trabajo infantil en México." Oñati Socio-Legal Series 2, no. 2 (2012).
Journal Article
Coria, Sergio R, Monica Perez Meza, Elsa Mendoza Cortes, and Rafael Martinez Pelaez. "Brecha digital y pobreza digital en el estado de Oaxaca." Conciencia Tecnologica , no. 42 (2011).
Journal Article
Wong, Rebeca, Monica Espinoza, and Alberto Palloni. "Mexican older adults with a wide socioeconomic perspective: health and aging." (2007) Salud Publica de Mexico.
Journal Article
Landero Hernández, René, and Mónica T González Ramírez. "Apoyo social, estrés y autoestima en mujeres de familias monoparentales y biparentales." Summa Psicologica UST 8, no. 1 (2011): 29-36.
Book Section
Vargas-Hernández, Jose, and Mónica Isabel García Mora. "Technology and Innovation for Social Change." (2015) Development Strategy in the Northern State of Jalisco from the Institutional Perspective.
Journal Article
Swahn, Monica H, Sarah Braunstein, Jane B Palmier, Rogers Kasirye, and Huang Yao. "Disparities in Sexual Activity Indicators among Youth Living in the Slums of Kampala: Comparisons with Representative National and Urban School-Attending Youth." International STD Research & Reviews 2, no. 1 (2014): 21-28.
Journal Article
Kuteesa, Monica O, Stuart Wright, Janet Seeley, Joseph Mugisha, Eugene Kinyanda, Frederick Kakembo, Richard Mwesigwa, and Francis Scholten. "Experiences of HIV-Related Stigma among HIV-Positive Older Persons in Uganda - a Mixed Methods Analysis." SAHARA-J 11, no. 1 (2014): 126-137.
Journal Article
Swahn, Monica H, Lindsay Gressard, Jane B Palmier, Huang Yao, and Melissa Haberlen. "The Prevalence of Very Frequent Physical Fighting among Boys and Girls in 27 Countries and Cities: Regional and Gender Differences." (2013) Journal of Environmental and Public Health.
Journal Article
Swahn, Monica H, Bina Ali, Jane Palmier, Nazarius M Tumwesigye, George Sikazwe, Jeremiahs Twa-Twa, and Kasirye Rogers. "Early alcohol use and problem drinking among students in Zambia and Uganda." Journal of Public Health in Africa 2, no. 20 (2011): 83-86.
Working Paper
Almejo Hernández, Ruben, Yolanda Téllez Vázquez, and Mónica Velázquez Isidro. "Centralidades laborales y condicionantes sociodemográfi cos para acceder al empleo en las grandes metrópolis de México, 2013." (2014)
Working Paper
Pérez Islas, José Antonio, and Mónica Valdez González. "Repensar la educación desde los jóvenes: el caso de la generación del siglo XX."
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Longwe, Monica Brenda. "The extent and risk factors for transactional sex among young people, in urban informal settlements in Blantyre, Malawi." University of the Witwatersrand, 2015.
Journal Article
Gomes, Mônica A, and Maria Duarte L Pereira. "Família em Situação de Vulnerabilidade Social: Uma Questão de Políticas Públicas." Ciencia & Saude Coletiva 10, no. 2 (2005): 357-363.
Journal Article
Andrade, Monica V, and Ana C Maia. "Diferenciais de Utilização do Cuidado de Saúde no Sistema Suplementar Brasileiro." Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo) 39, no. 1 (2009): 7-38.
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