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Journal Article
Théra, T, Y Traoré, A Kouma, B Diallo, ZO Traoré, M Traoré, AT Traoré, and S Doumbia. "Problématique du système de référence-contre-référence des urgences obstétricales et l'implication des communautés dans le district de Bamako." Mali Medical 30, no. 3 (2015).
Traore, Seydou Moussa, Mireille Razafidrakoto, and Franccois Roubaud. L'etat de la gouvernance, de la paix et de la securite au Mali en 2014. 2014.
Journal Article
Ouedraogo, Amina Nomtondo, Emile Bégnouriti Somda, Fagnima Traoré, Muriel Sidnoma Ouédraogo, Gilbert Patrice Tapsoba, Angèle Ouangre, Salamata Bara, Lidwine Mariam Traoré, Seraphine Zeba, and Fatou Barro-Traoré. "Impact du traitement de masse de la filariose lymphatique par l’albendazole-ivermectine en zone de savane: cas de la region de l’Est du Burkina." Health sciences and diseases 17, no. 4 (2016).
Journal Article
Gnanda, Isidore B, Man Nignan, Souleymane Ouedraogo, Wereme A N'Diaye, Oumar Traore, and Boukaré Sinon. "Influence d’une co-construction de rationnement amélioré sur les performances d’embouche ovine paysanne dans la commune rurale de Korsimoro au Burkina Faso." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 9, no. 3 (2015): 1544-1556.
Journal Article
Koumare, Abdel K, Drissa Traore, Fatouma Haidara, Filifing Sissoko, Issa Traore, Sékou Drame, Karim Sangare, Karim Diakite, Bréhima Coulibaly, Birama Togola, and Aguissa Maïga. "Evaluation of immunization coverage within the Expanded Program on Immunization in Kita Circle, Mali: a cross-sectional survey." BMC international health and human rights 9, no. Suppl 1 (2009): S13.
Sangaré, Madina, Fatoumata Tandia, Keita A Touré, Nafissatou J Diop, Fatoumata Traoré, Habibatou Diallo, Ousmane H Traoré, Aissa Touré, and Youssouf Diallo. Study of the effectiveness of training Malian social and health agents in female genital cutting issues and in educating their clients. Bamako, Mali: Republic of Mali, 1998.
Journal Article
Johnson, Ari D, Dana R Thomson, Sidney Atwood, Ian Alley, Jessica L Beckerman , Ichiaka Koné, Djoumé Diakité, Hamed Diallo, Boubacar Traoré, Klenon Traoré, Paul E Farmer, Megan Muray, and Joia Mukherjee. "Assessing early access to care and child survival during a health system strengthening intervention in Mali: a repeated cross sectional survey." PLoS ONE 8, no. 12 (2013): 0-0.
Journal Article
Traore, Lassina, Tene Kwetche Sop, Sidzabda Djibril Dayamba, Salifou Traore, Karen Hahn, and Adjima Thiombiano. "Do protected areas really work to conserve species? A case study of three vulnerable woody species in the Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso." Environment, development and sustainability 15, no. 3 (2013): 663-686.
Journal Article
Traoré, H, SAO Héma, and K Traoré. "Bt Cotton in Burkina Faso Demonstrates That Political Will Is Key for Biotechnology to Benefit Commercial Agriculture in Africa." (2014) Biotechnology in Africa.
Journal Article
Ballo, Abdou, Souleymane Sidi Traoré, Baba Coulibaly, Cheick Hamalla Diakité, Moriké Diawara, Alou Traoré, and Sidi Dembélé. "Pressions Anthropiques Et Dynamique D’occupation Des Terres Dans Le Terroir De Ziguéna, Zone Cotonnière Du Mali." European Scientific Journal 12, no. 5 (2016).
Journal Article
Keïta, M, S Traoré, N Sogoba, AM Dicko, B Coulibaly, A Sacko, S Doumbia, and SF Traoré. "Susceptibilité d’Anopheles gambiae sensu lato aux insecticides communément utilisés dans la lutte antivectorielle au Mal." Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique 109, no. 1 (2016): 39-45.
Working Paper
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Working Paper
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Journal Article
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Book Section
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
Belières, Jean-Francois, Thea Hilhorst, Demba Kebe, Manda Sadio Keïta, Souleymane Keïta, and Oumar Sanogo. "Irrigation et pauvreté: le cas de l'Office du Niger au Mali." Cahiers Agricultures 20, no. 1-2 (2011): 144-149.
Journal Article
Oumar, Saidou Baba, and Molem Christopher Sama. "The Implications of Poverty on the Cameroon Economic Emergence Vision 2035." Applied Economics and Finance 4, no. 3 (2017): 111-128.
Journal Article
Diop, Saliou, Fabienne Soudre, Moussa Seck, Youssou Bamar Gueye, Tandakha Ndiaye Dieye, Awa Oumar Toure Fall, Abibatou Sall, Doudou Thiam, and Lamine Diakhate. "Sickle-cell disease and malaria: evaluation of seasonal intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine in Senegalese patients—a randomized placebo-controlled trial." Annals of Hematology 90, no. 1 (2011): 23-27.
Journal Article
Maiga, AI, SA Sangare, DB Fofana, A Fiogbe, S Dao, I Haidara, AA Oumar, I Sogodogo, and M Salou. "Intérêt de la Numération des Lymphocytes T CD4+ chez les Patients Infectés par le VIH et suivis dans le district sanitaire de Ségou (Mali).." Revue Malienne d’Infectiologie et de Microbiologie , no. 2 (2014).
Book Section
Desgrées-du-Loû, Annabel, Michele Ferrand, Hermann Brou, Annick Tijou-Traore, and Nathalie Bajos. "Fuzzy states and complex trajectories." (2009) The many transitions around pregnancy.
Traore, Dramane. Réduction de la Pauvreté au Mali : Contribution Syndicale. : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Traore, Souleymane Sidi. "Long-Term Vegetation Dynamics over the Bani River Basin as Impacted by Climate Change and Land Use." PhD, College of Engineering , 2015.
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