
Showing 1321-1350 of 6421
Thesis or Dissertation
Pereira R, Carmen Santos. "Impacto da estratégia saúde da família com equipe de saúde bucal sobre indicadores de saúde bucal: análise em municípios do nordeste com mais de 100 mil." Doutor, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2010.
Working Paper
Ponce, Carmen. "Pobreza y Demografía: Una Visión de Mediano Plazo." (2010) GRADE.
Book Section
Montenegro, Claudio E, and Carmen Pagés. "Law and employment: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean." (2004) Who Benefits from Labor Market Regulations? Chile, 1960–1998.
Thesis or Dissertation
Retana S, Carmen. "Impacto de la educación en la pobreza de la zona rural en Costa Rica." Grado Academico de Licenciatura en Economia, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2015.
Thesis or Dissertation
Duchel, Carmen Cazares R, and Verónica Arguello V Espinoza. "Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una Microempresa dedicada a la confección de camisetas con estilos y su comercialización en la ciudad de Guayaquil." Título De Ingeniero Comercial, Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte De Guayaquil, 2015.
Tangarife López L, Carmen. Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible estratégicos para la consecución de Trabajo Decente. Informe de Coyuntura Laboral y Sindical 2016. Medellín, Colombia: Escuela Nacional Sindical, 2017.
Díaz, Alejandro, Norma Sánchez, Soraya Montoya, Susana Martínez-Restrepo, María C Pertuz, Carmen E Flórez, and Lina M González. Las personas mayores: cuidados y cuidadores. Bogotá, Colombia: Fundación Saldarriaga Concha, 2015.
Book Section
Pérez, Laura A, Vianney Í González, José L De la Mora Gálvez, Alicia O Aguayo, Carmen Prudencio J González, Rosana R Sánchez, and Marcela Villalpando S Barrios. "Simposio Retos de la seguridad ciudadana y el mando único policial en Jalisco." (2013) Mando único policial en Jalisco.
Serrat, Margarita A, and Carmen C Fernández. Los Planes De Igualdad En Las Empresas Herramienta Para La Igualdad. 2013.
Working Paper
Pagés, Carmen, and Marco Stampini. "No education, no good jobs? Evidence on the relationship between education and labor market segmentation." (2007) IZA Discussion Paper No. 3187.
Working Paper
Doss, Cheryl, Caren Grown, and Carmen D Deere. "Gender and asset ownership: A guide to collecting individual-level data." (2008) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4704.
Journal Article
Dachs, J. Norberto W, Marcela Ferrer, Carmen E Florez, Aluisio J Barros, Rory Narváez, and Martín Valdivia. "Inequities in access to and use of drinking water services in Latin America and the Caribbean." Pan American Journal of Public Health 11, no. 5-6 (2002): 386-396.
Journal Article
Andrade, Laura Helena, Maria Carmen Viana, Luis Fernando Farah Tófoli, and Yuan-Pang Wang. "Influence of psychiatric morbidity and sociodemographic determinants on use of service in a catchment area in the city of São Paulo, Brazil*." (2008) Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Journal Article
Jäckle, Annette, and Carmen A Li. "Firm dynamics and institutional participation: a case study on informality of micro-enterprises in Peru." Economic Development and Cultural Change 54, no. 3 (2006): 557-578.
Working Paper
Escobal, Javier, and Carmen Ponce. "Trade liberalisation and child welfare: assessing the impact of a free trade agreement between Peru and the USA." (2007) Young Lives, Dept. of International Development, University of Oxford.
Marx, Martita, Carmen Coles, Suzanne Prysor-Jones, Carrie Johnson, Randolph Augustin, Nancy McKay, Renuka Bery, Wendy Hammond, Rebecca Nigmann, Elisabeth Sommerfelt, H.J. Lee Bennett, and Raymond Lambert. Child survival in Sub-Saharan Africa: Taking stock. Washington DC, USA: Support for Analysis and Research in Africa (SARA) Projec, 2005.
Working Paper
Flórez, Carmen Elisa, and Jairo Núñez. "Teenage childbearing in Latin American countries." (2002) Inter-American Development Bank.
Flórez, Carmen, Rocio Ribero, and Belen Samper. Health, nutrition, human capital and economic growth In Colombia 1995-2000. 2003.
Conference Paper
Bouet, Antoine, Carmen Estrades, and David Laborde. "Households heterogeneity in a global CGE model: an illustration with the MIRAGE poverty module." 14th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Venice, Italy. Venice, Italy, 2011.
Journal Article
Batterman, Stuart, Joseph Eisenberg, Rebecca Hardin, Margaret E Kruk, Maria Carmen Lemos, Anna M Michalak, Bhramar Mukherjee, Elisha Renne, Howard Stein, and Cristy Watkins. "Sustainable control of water-related infectious diseases: a review and proposal for interdisciplinary health-based systems research." Environmental Health Perspectives 117, no. 7 (2009): 1023-1032.
Journal Article
Barroso, Carmen. "Beyond Cairo: Sexual and reproductive rights of young people in the new development agenda." Global public health 9, no. 6 (2014): 639-646.
Journal Article
Herrador, Zaida, Luis Sordo, Endalamaw Gadisa, Javier Moreno, Javier Nieto, Agustin Benito, Abraham Aseffa, Carmen Canavate, and Estefania Custodio. "Cross-Sectional Study of Malnutrition and Associated Factors among School Aged Children in Rural and Urban Settings of Fogera and Libo Kemkem Districts, Ethiopia." PloS One 9, no. 9 (2014).
Working Paper
Ozer, Pierre, Yvon-Carmen Hountondji, Mathias Ahomadegbe, Bakary Djaby, Aline Thiry, and Florence Longueville. "Evolution climatique, perception et adaptation des communautés rurales du Plateau d’Abomey (Bénin)." (2013) XXVIème colloque de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie.
Journal Article
Hountondji, Yvon-Carmen, Orou Gandé Gaoué, Nestor Sokpon, and Pierre Ozer. "Analyse écogéographique de la fragmentation du couvert végétal au nord Bénin : paramètres dendrométriques et phytoécologiques comme indicateurs in situ de la dégradation des peuplements ligneux." Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Ecologie Tropicales 37, no. 1 (2013).
Working Paper
Stewart, Kitty, and Carmen Huerta. "Reinvesting in children? Policies for the very young in south eastern europe and the cis." (2006) Innocenti Working Paper.
Conference Paper
Firici, Carmen M, and Kenneth J Thomson. "Distributional Impacts of Cap Adoption on Romanian Households." ‘Exploring Diversity in the European Agri-Food System. 2002.
Working Paper
Ahsan, Ahmad, and Carmen Pages. "Helping or Hurting Workers? Assessing the Effects of de jure and de facto Labor Regulation in India." (2005) Background Paper for forthcoming World Bank Report, India Labor and Employment Study.
Aterido, Reyes, Mary Hallward-Driemeier, and Carmen Pagés. Investment climate and employment growth: The impact of access to finance, corruption and regulations across firms. : Inter-American Development Bank , 2007.
Journal Article
Sasson, Morris, Marcos Lee, Carmen Jan, Flavia Fontes, and Jorge Motta. "Prevalence and associated factors of obesity among Panamanian adults. 1982-2010." PloS One 9, no. 3 (2014).
Showing 1321-1350 of 6421