
Showing 31-60 of 69
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Mizoram. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Meghalaya. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Maharashtra. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Lakshadweep. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Kerala. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Karnataka. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Jharkhand. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: India. Delhi, India: Kalpaz Publications, 2005.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Himachal Pradesh. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Haryana. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Gujarat. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Goa. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Delhi. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Daman & Diu. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Dadra and Nagar Haveli. Delhi, India: Kalpaz Publications, 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Chhattisgarh. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Chandigarh. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publications, 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Bihar. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2005.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Arunachal Pradesh. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and People of Indian States and Union Territories: Andhra Pradesh. Delhi, India: Kalpaz publ., 2006.
Bhatt C, S. Land and people of Indian states and union territories : West Bengal. Delhi, India: Kalpaz Publications, 2005.
Bhatt C, S. Land and people of Indian states and union territories : Manipur. Delhi, India: Kalpaz Publications, 2005.
Bhatt C, S. Land and people of Indian states and union territories : Jammu & Kashmir. Delhi, India: Kalpaz Publications, 2005.
Bhatt C, S. Land and people of Indian states and union territories : Assam. Delhi, India: Kalpaz Publications, 2005.
Bhatt C, S. Land and people of Indian states and union territories : Andaman & Nicobar. Delhi, India: Kalpaz Publications, 2005.
Book Section
Shakya, Deepa. "Indigenous Knowledge and Learning in Asia/Pacific and Africa." Education, Economic and Cultural Modernization, and the Newars of Nepal (2010).
Journal Article
Virmani, Arvind, Bishwanath Goldar, Choorikkad Veeramani, and Vipul Bhatt. "Impact of tariff reforms on Indian industry: assessment based on a multi-sector econometric model." Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, Working Paper , no. 135 (2004).
Journal Article
Bam, Kiran, Lokesh Prasad Bhatt, Rajshree Thapa, Hussein Karimjee Dossajee, and Mirak Raj Angdembe. "Illness perception of tuberculosis (TB) and health seeking practice among urban slum residents of Bangladesh: a qualitative study." BMC research notes 7, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Kaphle, Hari Prasad, Deepa Parajuli, Sudarshan Subedi, Nirmala Neupane, Neena Gupta, and Varidmala Jain. "Health Status, Family Relation and Living Condition of Elderly People Residing in Geriatric Homes of Western Nepal." International Journal of Health Sciences and Research (IJHSR) 4, no. 7 (2014): 33-42.
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