
Showing 91-98 of 98
Working Paper
Webster, Jayne, and Jenny Hill. "A framework of strategic options for the integrated delivery of insecticide-treated nets and immunization." Global Malaria Programme, World Health Organization (0).
Weinreb, Alexander, and Jenny Trinitapoli. Religion and AIDS in Africa. : OUP USA, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Yambo, Jenny Lozada P, and Nelly Naranjo A López. "Análisis del sistema de costos en las pequeñas y medianas empresas manufactureras (Mueblería Acuario) del Cantón Milagro año 2013." Thesis, Universidad Estatal De Milagro, 2013.
Journal Article
Yeatman, Sara E, Risa M Hoffman, Abdallah Chilungo, Sydney R Lungu, Hazel C Namadingo, Angela F Chimwaza, and Jenny A Trinitapoli. "Health-seeking behavior and symptoms associated with early HIV infection: Results from a population-based cohort in southern Malawi." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999) 69, no. 1 (2015): 126-130.
Conference Paper
Yeatman, Sara E, and Jenny Trinitapoli. "Beyond denomination: New tests of whether and how religion matters for family planning." Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America. New York, USA, June, 2007.
Journal Article
Yeatman, Sarah E, and Jenny Trinitapoli. "Beyond denomination: The relationship between religion and family planning in rural Malawi." Demographic research 19, no. 55 (2008): 1851.
Thesis or Dissertation
Zapata E, Jenny Ruíz. "Análisis de la demanda de aliños y condimentos en el canal de supermercados y autoservicios en la ciudad de Quito." Título de Licenciada en Economía, Universidad San Francisco De Quito, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Zavala Enríquez M, Jenny. "Propuesta de Radio-Revista Dirigida a Jóvenes, entre 18 y 23 Años, Oyentes de la Emisora Escuelas Radiofónicas Populares del Ecuador (ERPE) de la Ciudad de Riobamba.." Titulo de Licenciado, Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2014.
Showing 91-98 of 98