
Showing 31-32 of 32
Journal Article
Drechsel, Barbara, Claus Carstensen, and Manfred Prenzel. "The Role of Content and Context in PISA Interest Scales: A Study of the Embedded Interest Items in the PISA 2006 Science Assessment." International Journal of Science Education 33, no. 1 (2011): 73-95.
Book Section
Carstensen, Claus H, Manfred Prenzel, and Jürgen Baumert. "Vertiefende Analysen zu PISA 2006." Trendanalysen in PISA: Wie haben sich die Kompetenzen in Deutschland zwischen PISA 2000 und PISA 2006 entwickelt? (2009).
Showing 31-32 of 32