
Showing 31-60 of 71
Journal Article
Stromquist P, Nelly. "Inequality as a way of Life: education and social class in Latin America." Pedagogy, Culture and Society 12, no. 1 (2004): 95-119.
Journal Article
Hicks, Penni D, Nelly Zavaleta, Zhensheng Chen, Steven A Abrams, and Bo Lönnerdal. "Iron deficiency, but not anemia, upregulates iron absorption in breast-fed Peruvian infants." The Journal of nutrition 136, no. 9 (2006): 2435-2438.
Journal Article
Medellin Mendoza, Laura Nelly. "La accountability del proceso electoral del 2009 en nuevo leon. Diagnostico en el marco de la teoria sobre la calidad de la democracia." Iberoforum. Revista de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Iberoamericana 7, no. 14 (2012): 157-194.
Journal Article
Juárez-Ramírez, Clara, Margarita Márquez-Serrano, Nelly Salgado Snyder, Blanca Estela Pelcastre-Villafuerte, Maria Guadalupe Ruelas-Gonzalez, and Hortensia Reyes-Morales. "La desigualdad en salud de grupos vulnerables de México: adultos mayores, indígenas y migrantes." Revista Panama Salud Publica 35, no. 4 (2014): 284-290.
Thesis or Dissertation
Aucatoma M, Nelly Toapanta. "La planificación financiera y la liquidez de la empresa Automotores Pérez Vaca Cía. Ltda. de la ciudad de Ambato." Título de Ingeniera, Universidad Tecnica de Ambato, 2017.
Journal Article
Agudelo-Florez, Piedad, Berta Nelly Restrepo-Jaramillo, and Margarita Arboleda-Naranjo. "Leptospirosis in Uraba, Antioquia, Colombia: a seroepidemiological and risk factor survey in the urban population." Cadernos de Saude Publica 23, no. 9 (2007): 2094-2102.
Book Section
Coury, D., and Nelly Rakoto Tiana. "Madagascar face au défi des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement." Madagascar : en marche vers l'éducation primaire universelle pour tous ? (2010).
Journal Article
Yatich, Nelly, Ellen Funkhouser, John Ehiri, Tsiri Agbenyega, Jonathan Stiles, Julian Rayner, Archer Turpin, William Ellis, Yi Jiang, Jonathan Williams, Evans Afriye-Gwayu, Timothy Phillips, and Pauline Jolly. "Malaria, intestinal helminths and other risk factors for stillbirth in Ghana." Infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology (2010).
Thesis or Dissertation
Ordóñez, Karina Loaiza F, and Nelly Puma C Pasato. "Medición de inventarios en empresas comerciales según NIIF para PYMES." Tesis de Pregrado, Universidad De Cuenca, 2012.
Journal Article
Nemirovsky, Yael, Nelly Zavaleta, Maria E Villanueva, Seth M Armah, Sixto A Iman, and Manju B Reddy. "Negative effect of Camu-Camu (Myrciaria dubia) despite high vitamin C content on iron bioavailability, using a Caco-2 cell model." Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 64, no. 1 (2014): 45-48.
Reyes, Jorge, Luis H Ochoa, Luis Ulloa, Flor Suárez, Shea O Rutstein, Nelly Zavaleta, Casey Wisecarver, and Noemí Ostolaza. Peru: Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar 2000. 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Campoverde Cárdenas, Nelly M, and Silvia V Nida Inga. "Plan de Reestructuracion Administrativa y Financiera de la Empresa Tarquino Jr.." Thesis, Universidad Politecnica Salesiana, 2013.
Journal Article
Aguila, Emma, Nelly Mejia, Francisco Perez, Alfonso Rivera, and Edgar Ramirez. "Pobreza y Vulnerabilidad en Mexico: El caso de los Jovenes que no Estudian ni Trabajan." Estudios economicos 30, no. 1 (2015): 3-49.
Journal Article
Mugo, Nelly R, Kenneth Ngure, Michael Kiragu, Elizabeth Irungu, and Nduku Kilonzo. "PrEP for Africa: What we have learnt and what is needed to move to program implementation." Current opinion in HIV and AIDS 11, no. 1 (2016): 80-86.
Journal Article
Torres, Rosa Elena Mejia, Dora Nelly Franco Garcia, Gustavo Adolfo Fontecha Sandoval, Adriana Hernandez Santana, Prabhjot Singh, Sandra Tamara Mancero Bucheli, Martha Saboya, and Mirian Yolanda Paz. "Prevalence and Intensity of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis, Prevalence of Malaria and Nutritional Status of School Going Children in Honduras." PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8, no. 10 (2014).
Journal Article
Pefura-Yone, Eric Walter, Andre Pascal Kengne, Adamou Dodo Balkissou, Julie Raicha Boulleys-Nana, Nelly Rachel Efe-de-Melingui, Patricia Ingrid Ndjeutcheu-Moualeu, Charles Lebon Mbele-Onana, Elvira Christelle Kenmegne-Noumsi, Barbara Linda Kolontchang-Yomi, and Boris Judicael Theubo-Kamgang. "Prevalence of asthma and allergic rhinitis among adults in Yaounde, Cameroon." PloS One 10, no. 4 (2015).
Journal Article
Pefura-Yone, Eric Walter, Andre Pascal Kengne, Adamou Dodo Balkissou, Christiane Gaelle Magne-Fotso, Martine Ngo-Yonga, Julie Raicha Boulleys-Nana, Nelly Rachel Efe-de-Melingui, Patricia Ingrid Ndjeutcheu-Moualeu, Charles Lebon Mbele-Onana, and Elvira Christelle Kenmegne-Noumsi. "Prevalence of obstructive lung disease in an African country using definitions from different international guidelines: a community based cross-sectional survey." BMC Research Notes 9, no. 1 (2016): 124.
Journal Article
Mbonye, Anthony K, Josephine Birungi, Stephanie K Yanow, Sandra Shokoples, Samuel Malamba, Michael Alifrangis, and Pascal Magnussen. "Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum resistance markers to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine among pregnant women receiving intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in Uganda." Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 59, no. 9 (2015): 5475-5482.
Ravishankar, Vaikalathur, Safaa El-Tayeb El-Kogali, Deepa Sankar, Nobuyuki Tanaka, and Nelly Rakoto-Tiana. Primary Education in Malawi. 2016.
Working Paper
Aguila, Emma, Nelly Mejia, Francisco Perez-Arce, and Alfonso Rivera. "Programas de pensiones no contributivas y su viabilidad financiera." (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Quinteros Vaca M, Nelly. "Proyecto de factibilidad para la creación de una microempresa en la provincia de Imbabura que se dedique a la producción y comercialización de mermeladas." Título de Ingeniería Comercial, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 2012.
Working Paper
Vidal Guerrero, Eliana Teresa, Nelly Rodriguez Bastidas, Eileen Juliet Escalante Guerrero, Norma Carmen Gonzales, and Alfredo Anibal Santodomingo Vega. "Proyecto de investigacion y propuesta de acompanamiento diplomado desarrollo humano y familia." ().
Working Paper
Twimukye, Evarist, John M Matovu, Sebastian Levine, and Patrick Birungi. "Sectoral and Welfare Effects of the Global Economic Crisis on Uganda: A Recursive Dynamic CGE Analysis." (2011).
Conference Paper
Martinez, Gabriel, and Nelly Aguilera. "Seguro de salud en Mexico, siguientes pasos." Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social. Espagnol, Spain, 2012.
Journal Article
Salgado de Snyder, Nelly, Tonatiuh González-Vázquez, César Infante-Xibille, Margarita Márquez-Serrano, Blanca Pelcastre-Villafuerte, and Edson E Serván-Mori. "Servicios de salud en la Mixteca: utilización y condición de afiliación en hogares de migrantes y no-migrantes a EU." Salud Pública de México 52, no. 5 (2010): 424-431.
Journal Article
Nazziwa, Jamirah, Harr Freeya Njai, Nicaise Ndembi, Josephine Birungi, Fred Lyagoba, Asiki Gershim, Jessica Nakiyingi-Miiro, Leslie Nielsen, Juliet Mpendo, Annet Nanvubya, Jan Debont, Heiner Grosskurth, Anatoli Kamali,, Janet Seeley, and Pontiano Kaleebu. "Short Communication HIV Type 1 Transmitted Drug Resistance and Evidence of Transmission Clusters Among Recently Infected Antiretroviral-Naive Individuals from Ugandan Fishing Communities of Lake Victoria." AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 29, no. 5 (2013): 788-795.
Journal Article
Nichols, Erin K, Leisel E Talley, Nelly Birungi, Amanda McClelland, Elizabeth Madraa, Agnes B Chandia, Jacqueline Nivet, Rafael Flores-Ayala, and Mary K Serdula. "Suspected Outbreak of Riboflavin Deficiency among Populations Reliant on Food Assistance: A Case Study of Drought-Stricken Karamoja, Uganda, 2009–2010." Plos One (2013).
Book Section
Estrada, Olga Nelly. "Tejiendo género desde perspectivas teóricas y testimonios." La presencia de las mujeres y la reconstruccion del proyecto educativo en el norte de Mexico a principios del siglo xx (2013).
Journal Article
Njuguna, Njambi, Kenneth Ngure, Nelly Mugo, Carrole Sambu, Christopher Sianyo, Stephen Gakuo, Elizabeth Irungu, Jared Baeten, and Renee Heffron. "The Effect of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevention and Reproductive Health Text Messages on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Among Young Women in Rural Kenya: A Pilot Study." Sexually Transmitted Diseases 43, no. 6 (2016): 353.
Journal Article
Obare, Francis, and Harriet Birungi. "The limited effect of knowing they are HIV-positive on the sexual and reproductive experiences and intentions of infected adolescents in Uganda." Population Studies 64, no. 1 (2010): 97-104.
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