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Journal Article
Lewycka, Sonia, Charles Mwansambo, Peter Kazembe, Tambosi Phiri, Andrew Mganga, Mikey Rosato, Hilda Chapota, Florida Malamba, Stefania Vergnano, Marie-Louise Newell, Anthony Costello, and David Osrin. "A cluster randomised controlled trial of the community effectiveness of two interventions in rural Malawi to improve health care and to reduce maternal, newborn and infant mortality." Trials 11, no. 1 (2010): 88.
Thesis or Dissertation
Naranjo Campoverde J, Hilda. "Análisis y propuesta de un sistema de comercialización para mejorar las ventas en las pymes de la zona urbana de la ciudad de Ambato, provincia del Tungurahua." Título De Ingeniería Comercial, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, 2017.
Journal Article
Escalante-Romero, Lorena, Charles Huamaní, Hilda Serpa, Carlos Urbano-Durand, Gaudy Farfán-Meza, Carolina Ferrer-Salas, and Gilda Granados-Chávez. "Child and adolescent abuse recorded at a national referral hospital, 2006-2011." Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública 29, no. 1 (2012): 28-34.
Journal Article
Bayley, Olivia, Hilda Chapota, Esther Kainja, Tambosi Phiri, Chelmsford Gondwe, Carina King, Bejoy Nambiar, Charles Mwansambo, Peter Kazembe, Anthony Costello, Mikey Rosato, and Tim Colbourn. "Community-linked maternal death review (CLMDR) to measure and prevent maternal mortality: a pilot study in rural Malawi." BMJ open 5, no. 4 (2015).
Journal Article
Benki-Nugent, Sarah, Dalton Wamalwa, Agnes Langat, Kenneth Tapia, Judith Adhiambo, Daisy Chebet, Helen Moraa Okinyi, and Grace John-Stewart. "Comparison of developmental milestone attainment in early treated HIV-infected infants versus HIV-unexposed infants: a prospective cohort study." BMC Pediatrics 17, no. 1 (2017): 24.
Journal Article
Lewycka, Sonia, Charles Mwansambo, Mikey Rosato, Peter Kazembe, Tambosi Phiri, Andrew Mganga, Hilda Chapota, Esther Kainja, Marie-Louise Newell, and Giulia Greco. "Effect of women’s groups and volunteer peer counselling on rates of mortality, morbidity, and health behaviours in mothers and children in rural Malawi (MaiMwana): a factorial, cluster-randomised controlled trial." Lancet (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Cajas Guamán, Fernanda, and Hilda Cabrera Maldonado. "El Empleo en la Ciudad de Cuenca: Análisis por Ramas de Actividad para Período 2007-2010." Bachelor Thesis, Universidad de Cuenca, 2011.
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Journal Article
Shilubane, Hilda N, Robert AC Ruiter, Arjan ER Bos, Priscilla S Reddy, and Bart Borne. "High school students’ knowledge and experience with a peer who committed or attempted suicide: a focus group study." BMC public health 14, no. 1 (2014).
Journal Article
Sadler, Kate, Marko Kerac, Steve Collins, Hilda Khengere, and Anne Nesbitt. "Improving the management of severe acute malnutrition in an area of high HIV prevalence." Journal of tropical pediatrics 54, no. 6 (2008): 364-369.
Journal Article
Ganesen-Moothusamy, Hilda, and Mergan Naidoo. "Initiation of antiretroviral therapy at rural primary health care clinics in KwaZulu Natal." Health SA Gesondheid (Online) 18, no. 1 (2013): 1-8.
Thesis or Dissertation
Seluhinga P, Hilda. "Local institutions and water resources management in urban areas of Tanzania: the case of Mazimbu ward in Morogoro municipality." Master of Science in Development Policy, Mzumbe University, 2013.
Journal Article
Saksena, Priyanka, Hugh Reyburn, Boniface Njau, Semkini Chonya, Hilda Mbakilwa, and Anne Mills. "Patient costs for paediatric hospital admissions in Tanzania: a neglected burden?." Health Policy and Planning 25, no. 4 (2010): 328-333.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mena Ortiz, Hilda G, Rosario A Orellana Martínez, and Nelson A Ramírez Pérez. "Plan de mercadeo para la pequeña empresa de la industria de la panificación en el área metropolítana de San Salvador. Caso de estudio: Panadería y Pastelería Fortuna del Pan." Grado de licenciado, Universidad de El Salvador, 2016.
Journal Article
Garrido, Hilda Beatriz. "Población y tierra en la cuenca de Trancas provincia de Tucumán (República Argentina)." Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural 2, no. 54 (2011): 31-60.
Fabregas Rodado, Carlos, Jose Maria Mendoza, Juan Carlos Miranda, Ezequiel Quiroz Narvaez, Carlos Osorio Torres, Hilda Estrada Lopez, and Victor Higuera Ojito. Potencial Exportador Del Departamento Del Atlantico. Barranquilla, Colombia: Universidad Simón Bolíva, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Mwangakala A, Hilda. "Pregnant women's access to maternal health information and its impact on healthcare utilization behaviour in rural Tanzania." PhD thesis, Loughborough University , 2016.
Journal Article
Santos Padrón, Hilda. "Relación entre la pobreza, iniquidad y exclusión social con las enfermedades de alto costo en México." Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 32, no. 2 (2006): 0-0.
Journal Article
Rivas, Hilda Núñez P, and Ana R Chavarría. "Revisión Conceptual y Comportamiento del Embarazo en la Adolescencia en Costa Rica, con Énfasis en Comunidades Urbanas Pobres." Revista Costarricense de Salud Pública 7, no. 13 (1998): 38-54.
Book Section
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Journal Article
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Thesis or Dissertation
Sanchez, Hilda Esther Mendez. "Salud y vida cotidiana en adultos mayore." Universidad autónoma metropolitana, 2003.
Journal Article
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Journal Article
Nyaata, Vivian Moraa, and Michael M Ndonye. "The Examination of the Legal and Institutional Regulatory Framework for Broadcast Media in Kenya." Scholars Bulletin 2, no. 6B (2016): 430-435.
Journal Article
Nankunda, Hilda Kalekyezi, and Nigel Thomas. "The Role of Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children (IHRICs) in Africa in Raising Awareness about Children’s Rights among Children." Sociology and Anthropology 4, no. 5 (2016): 416-430.
Journal Article
Bagnol, Brigitte, Elizabeth Clarke, Mu Li, Wende Maulaga, Hilda Lumbwe, Robyn McConchie, Julia Bruyn, and Robyn Gwen Alders. "Transdisciplinary Project communication and Knowledge sharing experiences in tanzania and Zambia through a One Health Lens." Frontiers in Public Health (2016).
Journal Article
Tadria M, Hilda. "Uganda Women's Organizations: Their Contribution towards Raising Uganda's Standard of Living." Africa Spectrum 8, no. 2 (1973): 217-226.
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