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Population and Housing Census 2004
Yemen, Rep.
Reference ID
Central Statistical Organization
Created on
Sep 29, 2011
Last modified
Mar 29, 2019
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Al-Akhali, A, A Ohkado, A Fujiki, S Mitarai, N Yamada, T Masui, K Otomo, H Yamada, A Seita, and T Mori.
Nationwide survey on the prevalence of anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in the Republic of Yemen, 2004
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Al-Kubati, AS, Y Al Qubati, W Ismail, SJ Laney, M El-Setouhy, AM Gad, and RMR Ramzy.
Impact of polystyrene beads as a mosquito control measure to supplement lymphatic filariasis elimination activities in Socotra Island, Yemen
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 17, no. 7 (2011): 560-564.
Al-Mekhlafi, Abdulsalam MQ, Mohammed AK Mahdy, Ahmed A Azazy, and Mun Yik Fong.
Molecular epidemiology of Plasmodium species prevalent in Yemen based on 18 s rRNA
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Al-Mudhwahi A, Ali.
Role of Integrated Outreach Activities in Improving Nutritional Status among Under-Five Children in Yemen
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Knowledge and practices for preventing severe malaria in Yemen: the importance of gender in planning policy
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