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Showing 1801-1830 of 8732
Journal Article
Garcia, Celina, and Zaida L Martinez.
A Comparison of the Business Environments of Two Emerging Economies
American Journal of Economics and Business Administration 4, no. 1 (2012): 59-64.
Journal Article
Ranasinghe, Priyanga, Sashimali A Wickramasinghe, WA R Pieris, Indika Karunathilake, and Godwin R Constantine.
Computer literacy among first year medical students in a developing country: A cross sectional study
BMC research notes 5, no. 1 (2012): 504.
Journal Article
Mendis, Padmani.
Training and employment of people with disabilities
Working Paper
Quach, Quynh Thuy.
Does More Litigation Mean More Justice to Shareholders? The Case of Derivative Actions in Vietnam
Working Paper
Badivuku-Pantina, Myrvete, Skender Ahmeti, and Arbër Reçi.
Developments in Kosovo’s Economy analysed on a macroeconomic point of view
(2011) Iliria International Review-2011/2, Prishtina.
Journal Article
Kuhn, Randall.
Tsunami and Conflict in Sri Lanka
Book Section
Poulis, Konstantinos.
Business and Management Practices in Greece
(2011) International Business.
Working Paper
Roberts B, Christopher.
Laos: A more mature and robust state?
Southeast Asian Affairs 2012, no. 1 (2012): 153-168.
Journal Article
Dragomir, Georgeta, Mihaela Nicolau, Ecaterina Necsulescu, Georgeta Modiga, and Carmen-Marina Dragomir.
Approaches of Taxation under the Current Circumstances between Desiderata and Results
Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica 7, no. 1 (2011).
Working Paper
Lanka, Insri.
Improving poverty measurement
Journal Article
Sultana, Ireen, and Shammi Akhter.
Fluctuation of FDI Inflow in Bangladesh-Obstacles and Potentials: An Issue of Policy Failure
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 4, no. 2 (2013).
Working Paper
Dominguez, Carolina, and Vivien Foster.
Niger's infrastructure: a continental perspective
Fuller, Frank Harland.
Policy and projection model for the meat sector in the People's Republic of China
: Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Iowa State University, 1997.
Working Paper
Sicular, Terry, and Yaohui Zhao.
Earnings and labor mobility in rural China: Implications for China’s WTO entry
(2002) University of Western Ontario, Economic Policy Research Institute Working Papers.
Working Paper
K, Abrahams, and Matthews T.
Child Rights Manual: Handbook for Parliamentarians
(2011) UNICEF.
Working Paper
Kononov, Oleksiy.
Inward FDI in Ukraine and its Policy Context, 2012
(2012) Ukraine and its Policy Context.
Thesis or Dissertation
Gula, Elena.
Building a competitive positioning strategy for Swedish companies in the Ukrainian market of energy saving technologies
Master of Science, 2011.
Working Paper
Smits, Jan M, and Michael G Faure.
Does Law Matter? An Introduction
Journal Article
Haider S, Aziz.
Rural Workforce in Pakistan Forta de Munca din Zona Rurala în Pakistan
(2008) Lucrari Stiintifice Seria “Management, Inginerie Economica in Agricultura si Dezvoltare Rurala”.
Journal Article
Wang, Hong.
Social change and its potential impacts on Chinese population health
Hygiea Internationalis 4, no. 1 (2004): 109-151.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fadel M, Souad Ali.
Libya and Illegal Transit Migration: An Examination of the Causes, Dynamics and Experience
PhD Thesis, University of Exeter, 2014.
Journal Article
Lawless, Richard I, and S. Kezeiri.
Spatial Aspects of Population Change in Libya/Les Aspects Spatiaux des Changements Demographiques en Libye
Méditerranée 50, no. 4 (1983): 81-86.
Journal Article
Nayak K, Bimal.
Unemployment in Ethiopia: A Call for an Action
International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR) 3, no. 4 (2014): 34-40.
Conference Paper
Hilmarsson, Hilmar Þór.
The Baltic States as aid donors: How can they best share their transition experience with their partner countries?
Rethinking Development in an Age of Scarcity and Uncertainty.
September 19-22, 2011.
Conference Paper
Hilmarsson, Hilmar Þór.
The Baltic States and their transition from being receipient countries to becoming donor countries
Transitions, Visions and Beyond 9th Baltic Conference in Europe.
Huddinge, Stockholm, June 12-15, 2011.
Journal Article
Hounton, Sennen, William Winfrey, Aluisio JD Barros, and Ian Askew.
Patterns and trends of postpartum family planning in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Nigeria: evidence of missed opportunities for integration
(2015) Global health action.
Journal Article
Tesfaye, Abraham.
Problems and Prospects of Housing Development in Ethiopia
Property Management 25, no. 1 (2007): 27-53.
Thesis or Dissertation
Charalampous, Eleni.
Evaluation of the competitiveness and the business environment in Greece.
MA, University of Macedonia, 2011.
Journal Article
Shields, Dennis, and Sophia Wu Huang.
China’s fruit and vegetable trade
(2004) Global Trade Patterns in Fruits and Vegetables.
Working Paper
He, Jianwu, and Shantong Li.
Predicting Expenditure Patterns across provinces in China based on AIDADS demand system
Showing 1801-1830 of 8732