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Showing 1-30 of 361
Working Paper
Chlouba, Vladimir.
Impact of German Sources of Capital on the Namibian Economy
Journal Article
Naranjo, Jeovanni Reinoso H, Raúl Pino H Andrade, Juan Salamea C Molina, Juan Rodas E Andrade, Germán Fernández L Córdova Rubio, Catherine Cabrera M Ordóñez, María Zurita C Batallas, and Jorge Andrade A Gómez.
Comportamiento de la patología biliar aguda y su manejo en el servicio de trauma y emergencia del hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”-Cuenca. Enero a junio de 2014
Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Medicas 33, no. 1 (2016): 7-17.
Journal Article
Pearcy, Mark.
“Social” vs. Sozial: Reflections on German Society and Implications for the Social Studies
The Ohio Social Studies Review 51, no. 1 (2014): 31-43.
Conference Paper
Fritsch, Michael, Alina Sorgner, Michael Wyrwich, and Evguenii Zazdravnykh.
Regional Transitions from Socialism to Entrepreneurship: Russia and Germany compared
54th ERSA Congress.
St. Petersburg, Russia, August 26-29, 2014.
Book Section
Dedek, Helge, and Martin Schermaier.
Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, edited by Jan Smits, Second Edition
(2012) German Law .
Journal Article
Jurges, Hendrik.
Collateral damage: The German food crisis, educational attainment and labor market outcomes of German post-war cohorts
Journal of health economics 32, no. 1 (2013): 286-303.
Fouka, Vasiliki.
Backlash: The Unintended Effects of Language Prohibition in US Schools after World War I
Journal Article
Sanchez Rubio Carrillo, Ricardo Manuel, Raul Armando Sanchez Rubio Carrillo, Roberto Jesus Verdugo Diaz, and Maria Lourdes Montano Perez.
?Ha perdido la profesion odontologica la batalla contra la caries dental o ha perdido el rumbo? Analisis de la situacion en Mexico
Universitas Odontologica 31, no. 66 (2012).
Journal Article
Dimitrova, Radosveta, Arzu Aydinli, Athanasios Chasiotis, Michael Bender, and Fons JR Vijver.
Heritage Identity and Maintenance Enhance Well-Being of Turkish-Bulgarian and Turkish-German Adolescents
Social Psychology 46, no. 2 (2015): 93-103.
Working Paper
Platts, Loretta G, and Karen Glaser.
Predictors of returns to work following retirement: A prospective analysis of Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom
Working Paper
Hosney, Sara Hassan.
Factors influencing female labor force participation in Egypt and Germany: A comparative study
Thesis or Dissertation
Córdova Córdova P, Sonia.
La gestión contable y la razonabilidad de la información financiera en Automotores Pérez de la ciudad de Ambato
Título de Ingeniera, Universidad Técnica De Ambato, 2016.
Journal Article
Fernández-Mercado, Róbinson, Jairo Amaya-Guío, Álvaro González-Rubio, Rafael Pineda-Vega, Elbert Riveros-Torrado, Angélica Álvarez-González, and José M Corro-Melgarejo.
Características clínicas y pronóstico de las pacientes con cáncer de cérvix tratadas en tres instituciones de salud en Barranquilla, Colombia, de 2005 a 2011
Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 65, no. 2 (2014): 120-128.
Becerra, Martin, Santiago Marino, Guillermo Mastrini, Marius Dragomir, Mark Thompson, Fernando Bermejo, Yuen-Ying Chan, Christian S Nissen, Duvsan Reljic, and Russell Southwood.
Mapping digital media: Argentina
Fernandez, Ignacia, and Juan Fernandez.
Programas de Promocion Laboral para poblacion en situacion de pobreza extrema en Chile. Un analisis desde la perspectiva de la cohesion territorial
: RIMISP (Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural). Santiago: RIMISP, 2014.
Journal Article
Ramirez, Mirta Liliana.
Servicios y dotación hospitalaria diferencial en los equipamientos sanitarios de la provincia del Chaco-Argentina.
Revista Geografica Venezolana 42, no. 1 (2001): 109-141.
Journal Article
Mier, Miguel Ángel Díaz, and María Teresa Fernández Fernández.
Comercio internacional e inversión directa extranjera en el área de libre comercio euromediterránea: aspectos cuantitativos y competitivos
Información Comercial Espaéola, ICE: Revista de economía , no. 861 (2011).
Journal Article
Fernández, Juan Suárez C, Andrea Chancay P Mendoza, Virginia Fernández, Galo Proaño M Arias, and Dadier M González.
Cesárea en el Hospital Verdi Cevallos Balda en el año 2015
QhaliKay. Revista de Ciencias de la Salud 1, no. 1 (2017): 41-44.
Journal Article
Jordan-Harder, Brigitte.
Tanzanian-German Development Cooperation
(2008) Tanzanian-German Development Cooperation.
Journal Article
Opielka, Michael.
Gendering the welfare state: The issue of carework salaries in Germany
(2003) Journal of Societal andSocial Policy.
Journal Article
Harring, Sidney L, and Willem Odendaal.
God stopped making land! God stopped making land!
Journal Article
Skorupinska, Aleksandra, and Joan Torrent Sellens.
Drivers of manufacturing firm's productivity in Germany and Poland: evidence from survey data
Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research 7, no. 1 (2014): 117-124.
Journal Article
Stichnoth, Holger, and Mustafa Yeter.
Cultural influences on the fertility behaviour of first-and second-generation immigrants in Germany
ZEW-Centre for European Economic Research Discussion Paper , no. 13-023 (2013).
Thesis or Dissertation
Schmitz, Kerstin.
Transnational Adaptation of Competence Assessment Implementation of the ProfilPASS Instrument in Pilot Regions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Master Thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen, 2013.
Journal Article
Siegel, Jeff.
Pidgin English in Fiji: A sociolinguistic history
Pacific Studies 9, no. 3 (1986): 53-106.
Working Paper
Bubnys, Arunas.
Holocaust in lithuanian province in 1941
Conference Paper
Heyder, Matthias, and Ludwig Theuvsen.
Strategies and challenges of internationalisation in BRIC-countries: Empirical results from the German agribusiness
“Will the „BRICs Decade? continue? – Prospects for trade and growth”.
Halle, Germany, June 23-24, 2011.
Journal Article
Theuvsen, Ludwig, and Matthias Heyder.
Internationalisation of German agribusiness firms after the EU enlargement: strategies, challenges and success
Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoly Glównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie. Problemy Rolnictwa Swiatowego 11, no. 3 (2011): 146-160.
Working Paper
Ash, Karen.
Japanese and English Within Palauan
Journal Article
Trautwein, Ulrich, Oliver Ludtke, Herbert W Marsh, Olaf Koller, and Jurgen Baumert.
Tracking, Grading, and Student Motivation: Using Group Composition and Status to Predict Self-Concept and Interest in Ninth-Grade Mathematics
Journal of Educational Psychology 98, no. 4 (2006): 788-806.
Showing 1-30 of 361