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Showing 1-30 of 984
Thesis or Dissertation
Janse van Vuuren S, Laurika.
Adolescent substance abuse and HIV/AIDS education and prevention
University of Johannesburg, 2008.
Thesis or Dissertation
Fransen E,.
In de schaduw van de regenboog. Een benadering van burgerschap; belonging van jongeren in townships op macro, meso en microniveau.
Bachelor thesis, Utrecht University, 2017.
Journal Article
Rossouw, Jannie, Fanie Joubert, and Adèle Breytenbach.
South Africa's fiscal cliff: A reflection on the appropriation of government resources
Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 54, no. 1 (2014): 144-162.
Thesis or Dissertation
Loubser, Lynne.
Mynbou versus voedselsekerheid:'n konflik van regte in die Kalahari-distrik
Magister Legum in Omgewingsreg , Noordwes-Universiteit, 2015.
Journal Article
Van Malderen, Carine, Irene Ogali, Anne Khasakhala, Stephen N Muchiri, Corey Sparks, Herman Van Oyen, and Niko Speybroeck.
Decomposing Kenyan socio-economic inequalities in skilled birth attendance and measles immunization
International Journal for Equity in Health 12, no. 1 (2013): 3.
Dronkers, Jaap.
Positieve Maar Ook Negatieve Effecten van Etnische Diversiteit in Scholen op Onderwijsprestaties? Een Empirische Toets Met Internationale PISA-data
: Springer, 2013.
Journal Article
Joubert, Fanie, and Jannie Rossouw.
Lewenstandaard: 'n Ekonomiese perspektief op lewensgehalte in Suid-Afrika
Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe 53, no. 1 (2013): 89-108.
Journal Article
Sobhie, Rosita, Patrick Deboosere, and Gijs Dekkers.
Hoe arm is Suriname?
(2015) The Academic Journal of Suriname.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ssewaya, Achilles.
Sustaining adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV/AIDS patients in Uganda
PhD thesis, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), 2011.
Working Paper
Meth, Charles.
What was the poverty headcount in 2004 and how does it compare to recent estimates by van der Berg et al?
SALDRU Working Paper , no. 06/01 (2006).
Working Paper
Boon, Danielle, and Jeanne Kurvers.
Adult literacy in multilingual Timor-Leste: First results of a study
(2012) New research on Timor-Leste.
Journal Article
Hussain, Aatif, AK Negi, Rahul Kumar Singh, Showket Aziem, Kaiser Iqbal, and Nazir A Pala.
Comparative study of fuelwood consumption by semi-nomadic pastoral community and adjacent villagers around Corbett Tiger Reserve, India
Indian Forester 142, no. 6 (2016): 574-581.
Journal Article
Schalkwyk, Herman D, Johan Zyl, P W Botha, and B Bayley.
Deregulation of Lesotho's maize market/deregulering van Lesotho de mieliemark
Agrekon 36, no. 4 (1997): 626-637.
Thesis or Dissertation
Madike L, Ellen.
Comparison of pregnancy outcome between booked and unbooked mothers at Van Velden Hospital in the Limpopo Province
Masters, University of the Witwatersrand, 2012.
Vullnetari, Julie.
Albania on the Move: Links between Internal and International Migration
: Amsterdam University Press, 2012.
Journal Article
Van Bang, Nguyen, Nguyen Thi Van Anh, Vu Thi Tuong Van, Trieu Thi Hong Thai, Nguyen Van Thuong, Gulam Khandaker, and Elizabeth Elliott.
Surveillance of congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) in tertiary care hospitals in Hanoi, Vietnam during a rubella epidemic
Vaccine 32, no. 52 (2014): 7065-7069.
Thesis or Dissertation
Musahara, Herman.
Poverty and government expenditure: An assessment of the impact of government expenditure and interventions on poor groups with a focus on Rwanda
PhD, Development Studies, University of the Western Cape, 2004.
Matlala, Herman, James Serwadda-Luwaga, and Sekwati Welcome.
Living in the Northern Cape: Selected findings of the 1995 October Household Survey
Pretoria, South Africa: Central Statistics, 1998.
Working Paper
Barrera Mejía, Herman.
Modelación biocibernética de las problemáticas socioambientales en la Sierra de las Cruces
Journal Article
Garrison, Ann.
Kibeho and Srebrenica: Ed Herman on the Politics of Genocide
(2015) LIBYA 360.
Journal Article
Rosa, Herman, and Deborah Barry.
Población, Territorio y Medio Ambiente en El Salvador
(1930) Urbana.
Awortwi, Nicholas, and Herman Musahara.
Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals: Progresses and Challenges in Some African Countries
: OSSREA, 2016.
Gouldson, Andy, Sarah Colenbrander, Andrew Sudmant, Natasha Chilundika, Herman Musahara, and Lea De Melo.
The Economics of Low Carbon Cities. Kigali, Rwanda
: IGC, 2016.
Book Section
Batibo, Herman, and Birgit Smieja.
Living Through Languages: An African Tribute to Rene Dirven
(2006) The effect of language policy on language attitudes: A case study of young Khoesan language speakers in Botswana.
Journal Article
Mulenga, Chanda, David Mwakazanga, Kim Vereecken, Shepherd Khondowe, Nathan Kapata, Isdore C Shamputa, Herman Meulemans, and Leen Rigouts.
Management of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in an urban setting in Zambia: a patient's perspective
(2010) BMC public health.
Journal Article
Herman, Lule, E. Ovuga, M. Mshilla, S. Ojara, G. Kimbugwe, A. P Adrawa, and N. N Mahuro.
Knowledge, Perceptions and Acceptability to Strengthening Adolescents’ Sexual and Reproductive Health Education amongst Secondary Schools in Gulu District
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 7, no. 7 (2013): 1787-1802.
Journal Article
Herman-Roloff, Amy, Nixon Otieno, Kawango Agot, Jeckoniah Ndinya-Achola, and Robert C Bailey.
Acceptability of medical male circumcision among uncircumcised men in Kenya one year after the launch of the national male circumcision program
PLoS One 6, no. 5 (2011).
Journal Article
Herman, Lule, Echoru Isaac, Nnabagulanyi Mary, and Mulumba Richard.
Determinants of contraceptive utilisationamongst teenagemothers: a case-control study in Kyangwali refugee settlement (Uganda)
International Journal of Current Advanced Research 4, no. 8 (2015): 243-257.
Journal Article
Herman, Edward S, and David Peterson.
Adam Jones on Rwanda and Genocide: A Reply
(2010) MRZine, August.
Journal Article
Herman, Edward S, and David Peterson.
Genocide Denial and Genocide Facilitation: Gerald Caplan and The Politics of Genocide
(2010) Taylor-report.com.
Showing 1-30 of 984