
Showing 1741-1770 of 1801
Thesis or Dissertation
Nguyen, Huy Quynh. "Policy reforms for smallholder agriculture: an analysis using household data for Vietnam." Doctor of Philosophy , Australian National University, 2016.
Working Paper
Dudzik, Diana L, and Quynh Thi Ngoc Nguyen. "Vietnam: Building English competency in preparation for ASEAN 2015." (2015) ASEAN integration and the role of English language teaching.
Thesis or Dissertation
Tagami, Chisato. "Military industrial complex, military expenditure and inequality: a panel data analysis." Master’s Thesis, University of Tartu, 2016.
Journal Article
Binh, Tran Quang, Pham Tran Phuong, Bui Thi Nhung, Dang Dinh Thoang, Ha Thi Lien, and Duong Van Thanh. "Association of the common FTO-rs9939609 polymorphism with type 2 diabetes, independent of obesity-related traits in a Vietnamese population." Gene 513, no. 1 (2013): 31-35.
Journal Article
Jeong, Yeonsik. "The Making of Ethnology and Ethnic Groups in Vietnam* 52." The Korean Journal of Area Studies 30, no. 2 (2012): 175-198.
Journal Article
Christopher, AJ. "The final phase of urban apartheid zoning in South Africa, 1990/1." South African Geographical Journal 74, no. 1 (1992): 29-34.
Journal Article
Aly, Ahmed, Steen Solvang Jensen, and Anders Branth Pedersen. "Solar Power Potential of Tanzania: Identifying CSP and PV Hot Spots through a GIS Multicriteria Decision Making Analysis." (2017) Renewable Energy.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nendakulola S, Karim. "The Impact of Microfinance Institutions on the growth of Micro and Small Enterprises in Tanzania: Case Study of Mwanza City." Master of Science in Accounting and Finance, Mzumbe University , 2015.
Journal Article
Mkude, IT, and J Saria. "Assessment of waste stabilization ponds (WSP) efficiency on wastewater treatment for agriculture reuse and other activities a case of Dodoma municipality, Tanzania." Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 7, no. 3 (2014): 298-304.
Thesis or Dissertation
Feris, Lorraine Hendrina. "A study to determine the Afrikaans and English vocabulary levels of Grade One Afrikaans mother tongue learners in Windhoek." Master of Education, University of Namibia, 2017.
Journal Article
Bedane, Ashenafi Senbeta, Tejitu Kanko Tanto, and Tilahun Ferede Asena. "Malaria Distribution in Kucha District of Gamo Gofa Zone, Ethiopia: A Time Series Approaach." American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics 5, no. 2 (2016): 70-79.
Journal Article
Gebremedhin, Endrias Zewdu, Anteneh Hailu Abebe, Tesfaye Sisay Tessema, Kassu Desta Tullu, Girmay Medhin, Maria Vitale, Vincenzo Di Marco, Eric Cox, and Pierre Dorny. "Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection in women of child-bearing age in central Ethiopia." BMC infectious diseases 13, no. 1 (2013).
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Journal Article
Yadav, Prashant, Jessica L Cohen, Sarah Alphs, Jean Arkedis, Peter S Larson, Julius Massaga, and Oliver Sabot. "Trends in availability and prices of subsidized ACT over the first year of the AMFm: evidence from remote regions of Tanzania." Malaria Journal 11, no. 1 (2012).
Thesis or Dissertation
Woldeselassie, Berhe Hailemariam. "Pre-eclampsia and its outcome (maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality) in two referral hospitals (Windhoek Central and Katutura), Namibia." Master of Public Health , University of the Western Cape, 2005.
Journal Article
Metwally, Ammal M, Amal Saad, Nihad A Ibrahim, Hanaa M Emam, and Lobna A El-Etreby. "Monitoring progress of the role of integration of environmental health education with water and sanitation services in changing community behaviours." International Journal of Environmental Health Research 17, no. 1 (2007): 61-74.
Journal Article
Roberts, Brian, Malgorzata Markiewitz, Marjan Nikolov, and Aleksandar Stojkov. "A study on determinants and trends in remittance flows in Macedonia." CEA Journal of Economics 3, no. 1 (2016): 41-61.
Journal Article
Jordan, Peter. "Geopolitical developments in South East Europe: the political-geographical rearrangement of South East Europe." Europa Regional 15, no. 2 (2007): 87-98.
Journal Article
Elsley, Trenton, and George Mthethwa. "Wage determination In South Africa Since 1994." (2014) Bargaining Indicators 2014.
Journal Article
Jonck, Petronella, and Eben Swanepoel. "The influence of corruption: a South African case." Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 39, no. 1 (2016): 159-174.
Thesis or Dissertation
Roginiel, Aliya Cecilia. "The Impact Of Intimate Partner Violence On Breastfeeding: A Demographic And Health Surveys Analysis Of India, Nepal And Timor-Leste." Bachelor of Science, Master of Public Health, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Arévalo Hernández, Ana G, Concepción M Álvarez Hernández, and Iris del Carmen M Castillo. "Impacto generado en el desarrollo integral de niñas y niños a raíz de su participación en ventas ambulantes en el mercado Municipal de San Vicente, en el periodo de marzo–septiembre del año 2015." Titulo de licenciada, Universidad de El Salvador, 2016.
Journal Article
Ngidi, Mawande, Gerbrand Mans, David McKelly, and Zukisa Sogoni. "Using a hybrid methodology of dasyametric mapping and data interpolation techniques to undertake population data (dis) aggregation in South Africa." South African Journal of Geomatics 6, no. 2 (2017): 232-244.
Conference Paper
Daskalovski, Zhidas, and Dane Taleski. "The Independence of Kosovo and the Consolidation of Macedonia - A Reason to Worry?." 16th Workshop of the Study Group ”Regional Stability in South East Europe” . 2008.
Journal Article
Kelleher, Shane. "Minority veto rights in power sharing systems: Lessons from Macedonia, Northern Ireland and Belgium." (2005) Adalah’s Newsletter.
Conference Paper
Kabranova, Romina, and Zlatko Arsov. "Territorial and natural priorities of Macedonia - important factor for tobacco production development." EAAE Seminar ''The Role of Knowledge, Innovation and Human Capital in Multifunctional Agriculture and Territorial Rural Development'' 2009. 2009.
Working Paper
Wobst, Peter. "A 1992 social accounting matrix (SAM) for Tanzania." Trade and Macroeconomics Division (TMD) discussion paper , no. 30 (1998).
Thesis or Dissertation
Fosiko, Nedson Given. "Predictors of outcomes for children with severe malaria admitted at Mchinji district hospital in Malawi." Master of Public Health, University of Witwatersrand, 2017.
Book Section
Shaluhiyah, Zahroh, and Nicholas J Ford. "International Handbook of Adolescent Pregnancy." (2014) Sociocultural Context of Adolescent Pregnancy, Sexual Relationships in Indonesia, and Their Implications for Public Health Policies.
Showing 1741-1770 of 1801