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Showing 1381-1410 of 3284
Journal Article
Tsoanamatsie, LebogangMashile, Thami Ngwenya, and Bongani Magongo.
A Research Report Produced by the Human Science Research Council in Partnership with the National Development Agency
Journal Article
Fan C, Cindy.
Uneven development and beyond: regional development theory in post-Mao China
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 21, no. 4 (1997): 620-639.
Working Paper
Lokshin, Michael, and Ruslan Yemtsov.
Household strategies for coping with poverty and social exclusion in post-crisis Russia
Working Paper
Murayama, Mayumi.
Globalisation and Female Employment in Bangladesh: Readymade Garment Workers in Post-MFA Era
Journal Article
Shibai, Kiyohisa.
Vietnamese characreistics of social consciousness and values-national character, differences between North and South, and gaps between the Vietnam war generation and thr post-war generation
Behaviormetrika 42, no. 2 (2015): 167-189.
Thesis or Dissertation
Buffington, Angela Jean.
The association of religious affiliation with the MMPI-A alcohol/drug problem acknowledgment scale in Post-Soviet Russian adolescents
PhD, Fielding Graduate University, 2015.
Working Paper
Clark, Andrew.
The Returns and Implications of Human Capital Investment in a Transition Economy: An Empirical Analysis for Russia 1994-1998
Working Paper
Le Pichon, Emmanuelle, and Ellen-Rose Kambel.
Challenges of mathematics education in a multilingual post-colonial context. The case of Suriname.
(2016) Human Rights in Language and STEM Education: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Conference Paper
Huffman, Sonya, and Marian Rizov.
Obesity and Labor Market Outcomes in Post-Soviet Russia
Agricultural and Applied economics Association’s AAEA, CAES, and WAEA Joint Annual Meeting.
Denver, CO, 2010.
Book Section
Kosyakova, Yuliya, and Gordey Yastrebov.
Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality: An International Perspective
(2017) Early education and care in post-Soviet Russia: Social policy and inequality patterns .
Journal Article
Rusinova, N L, and V V Safronov.
The Social Stratification of Health in Russia: Trends in the 1990s and 2000s
Sociological Research 52, no. 5 (2013): 18-39.
Working Paper
Ansori, Mohammad Hasan, Rudi Sukandar, Sopar Peranto, Fathun Karib, Sofyan Cholid, and Imron Rasyid.
Post-Conflict Segregation, Violence, and Reconstruction Policy in Ambon
Conference Paper
Barrera, Facundo.
Desigualdad Salarial: una aproximación a sus determinantes macroeconómicas en la Argentina de la post-convertibilidad
9th Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo: El trabajo como cuestion central.
Mustafa, Ghulam.
Education policy analysis report of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
: UNESCO, 2012.
Evaluation rapide de la securite alimentaire des populations refugiees et hotes de l’Adamoua et de l’Est du Cameroun
: Programme Alimentaire Mondial, Service de l’Analyse de la Sécurité Alimentaire, 2010.
Journal Article
Lawn E, Joy.
The child survival revolution: what next?
The Lancet 384, no. 9947 (2014): 931-933.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sukijthamapan, Piyawat.
A Rights-Based Approach to Tuberculosis Treatment in a Post-Conflict Nation: Timor-Leste
Bachelor of Science, Brandeis University, 2013.
Thesis or Dissertation
Sazdovski, Aleksandar.
Effects on Security Discourse on post-conflict nation-building: the case of Macedonia
Master of Arts, Central European University, 2013.
Working Paper
Dissanayake, Kumudinei.
Non-conventional models of career: Implications for Human Resource strategies for post-war Sri Lankan organizations
Institute of developing economies , no. 472 (2012).
Working Paper
Balamurali, N., and Priyanga Dunusinghe.
Informal Employment among Youth in the Post-War Northern Economy
Working Paper
Kaczmarczyk, Pawel.
Labour market impacts of post-accession migration from Poland
(2012) OCED Free Movement of Workers and Labour Market Adjustment. Paris: OECD.
Journal Article
Spieser, Catherine.
Labour market policies in post-communist Poland: explaining the peaceful institutionalisation of unemployment
Politique europeenne , no. 21 (2007).
Conference Paper
Kaczmarczyk, Paweł.
Post-2004 migration and the Polish labour market – impacts and future prospects
Labour Mobility in the Baltic Sea Region - Crises and Demographic Challenges.
Copenhagen, Denmark, May 27, 2009.
Journal Article
Lavy, Victor, and John M Quigley.
Willingness to pay for the quality and intensity of medical care: low-income households in Ghana
Living standards measurement study (LSMS) working paper 1, no. LSM94 (1991).
Journal Article
Duval, Laetitia, and François-Charles Wolff.
Remittances matter: Longitudinal evidence from Albania
Post-Communist Economies 22, no. 1 (2010).
Journal Article
Nube, M., and WK Asenso-Okyere.
Large differences in nutritional status between fully weaned and partially breast fed children beyond the age of 12 months
European journal of clinical nutrition 50, no. 3 (1996): 171.
Working Paper
Nsowah-Nuamah, Nicholas, Francis Teal, and Moses Awoonor-Williams.
Jobs, Skills and Incomes in Ghana: How was poverty halved?
Conference Paper
Asuming-Brempong, Samuel.
The Role of Agriculture in the Development Process: Recent Experiences from Ghana
Inaugural Symposium of the African Association of Agricultural Economists.
Nairobi, Kenya, December, 2004.
Working Paper
Bhalotra, Sonia, and Chris Heady.
Child farm Labour: theory and evidence
Working Paper
Sackey A, Harry.
Female labour force participation in Ghana: The effects of education
AERC Research Paper , no. 150 (2005).
Showing 1381-1410 of 3284