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Showing 1411-1440 of 1569
Ravenswaay, Ricardo O, and Thania S Chin-A-Lin.
Assessment of agricultural information needs in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States for CTA’s Products and Services: Phase II: Caribbean: Phase 1: Country Study: Suriname
Journal Article
Khan, MM, S Sharma, B Tripathi, and FP Alvarez.
Budget impact of polio immunization strategy for India: introduction of one dose of inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine and reductions in supplemental polio immunization
(2017) Public health.
Journal Article
Tu, Vo Hong, and Nguyen Thuy Trang.
Cost Efficiency of Rice Production in Vietnam: An Application of Stochastic Translog Variable Cost Frontier
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology 8, no. 1 (2016): 1-10.
Journal Article
Adhikari, Dipak Bahadur.
Income generation in informal sector: A case study of the street vendors of Kathmandu Metropolitan City
Economic Journal of Development Issues 13 & 14, no. 1-2 (2012): 1-14.
Thesis or Dissertation
Torres Vallejo, Jorge Alberto.
Incidencia de la politica fiscal y la politica monetaria en el acceso a la vivienda prioritaria en Colombia
Magister en Ciencias Economicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2015.
Working Paper
Koko, Tumelo Abbey.
A Business Model for 17SunsAgr
Journal Article
Waibel, Michael, Ronald Eckert, Michael Bose, and M Volker.
Housing for Low Income Groups in Ho Chi Minh City, between Re-integration and Fragmentation
(2007) Asien.
Working Paper
Hill, Ruth, and Carolina Mejia-Mantilla.
With a Little Help. Shocks, Agricultural Income, and Welfare in Uganda.
Working Paper
Flemming, John Stanton, and John Micklewright.
Income distribution, economic systems and transition
(2000) Handbook of income distribution.
Vorley, William, Els Lecoutere, Sarah Mubiru, Rodney Lunduka, Jan Ubels, Bernard Conilh de Beyssac, and Daniel Kaaba.
Growing inclusion? Insights from value chain development in Ugandan oilseeds
Journal Article
Abdel-Baki, Monal.
The efficacy of the Egyptian bank reform plan in mitigating the impact of the global financial crisis
Economic Change and Restructuring 44, no. 3 (2011): 221-241.
Journal Article
Triunfo, Patricia, Jeffrey Harris, and Ana Balsa.
Evaluation of Uruguay’s antismoking campaign: progress and challenges at ten years
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 40, no. 4 (2016): 256-262.
Working Paper
Walker, Thomas F, Ezgi Canpolat, Farah Khalid Khan, and Adea Kryeziu.
Residential Electricity Subsidies in Pakistan: Targeting, Welfare Impacts, and Options for Reform
Policy Research Working Paper , no. 7912 (2016).
Working Paper
Hancevic, Pedro, and Javier Lopez-Aguilar.
Energy efficiency programs in the context of increasing block tariffs: The case of residential electricity in Mexico
Munich Personal RePEc Archive , no. 80093 (2017).
Working Paper
Velasquez, Andrea.
The Economic Burden of Crime: Evidence from Mexico
(2012) Economist.
Working Paper
Dholakia, Ravindra H, Manish B Pandya, and Payal M Pateria.
Measurement Issues in State Income from Registered Manufacturing Sector-case of Gujarat
(2014) Indian Institute of Management.
Journal Article
Ajuwon, Oluseye Samuel, Sylvanus Ikhide, and Joseph Oscar Akotey.
Msmes and Employment Generation in Nigeria
The Journal of Developing Areas 51, no. 3 (2017): 229-249.
Working Paper
Krishnan, Nandini, Racha Ramadan, and Sergio Olivieri.
Estimating the Welfare Costs of Reforming the Iraq Public Distribution System
WB Policy Research Working Paper , no. 8106 (2017).
Journal Article
Agyei-Baffour, Peter, Mary Yaa Boahemaa, and Ernestine A Addy.
Contraceptive preferences and use among auto artisanal workers in the informal sector of Kumasi, Ghana: a discrete choice experiment
Reproductive Health 12, no. 1 (2015): 32.
Journal Article
Rawlani, M.V., and A.M. Vaidya.
A Review on Productivity Enhancement Techniques in MSME
Pratibha: international journal of science, spirituality, business and technology (IJSSBT) 4, no. 2 (2016).
Thesis or Dissertation
SHifotoka, Hileni.
Investigating the relationship between the bank rate, unemployment and inflation: The Phillips curve in Namibia
Master of Scienece in Economics, University of Namibia, 2015.
Book Section
Schutt, Harald.
Perspectives on Energy Security and Renewable Energies in Sub-Saharan Africa
(2016) 100% Decentralised, renewable energy for Namibia.
Working Paper
Adhvaryu, Achyuta, James Fenske, and Anant Nyshadham.
Early life circumstance and mental health in ghana
(2014) CSAE (Centre for the study of African Economies) Working Paper WPS/2014-03.
Socio-economic baseline and assessment study as input to the environmental impact assessment and management plan for Rössing Uranium’s proposed desalination plant near Swakopmund
: SLR Environmental Consulting (Namibia) in association with Aurecon Namibia, 2014.
Working Paper
Elu, Juliet U, and Gregory N Price.
Gender, MicroCredit, And MacroCredit In Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case Of Mozambican Smallholder Households
Working Paper
Schindler, Kati, and Marijke Verpoorten.
Armed conflict, sex ratio and marital outcomes: Evidence from Rwanda
(2013) Unpublished manuscript.
Thesis or Dissertation
Nahar, Ashrafun.
The impact of climate change in Bangladesh on the rice market and farm households
Master of Science in Agriculture Economics, University of Arkansas, 2016.
Working Paper
Archibald, Margaret.
Theory Versus Reality: Contract Farming Within Uganda
Working Paper
Barnett, Steven A, Julia Bersch, and Yasuhisa Ojima.
Inflation Dynamics in Mongolia: Understanding the Roller Coaster
IMF WP , no. 12/192 (2012).
Journal Article
Yukich, Joshua O, Olivier JT Briet, Collins K Ahorlu, Peter Nardini, and Joseph Keating.
Willingness to pay for small solar powered bed net fans: results of a Becker-DeGroot-Marschak auction in Ghana
Malaria Journal 16, no. 1 (2017): 316.
Showing 1411-1440 of 1569