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Showing 151-180 of 221
Journal Article
Peltzer, Karl, and Supa Pengpid.
Unintentional injury and social correlates among in-school adolescents in seven Caribbean countries
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 5, no. 20 (2014): 2321-2326.
Journal Article
McKittrick, TR, and KH Jacobsen.
Oral Hygiene and Handwashing Practices among Middle School Students in 15 Latin American and Caribbean Countries.
The West Indian medical journal 64, no. 3 (2015).
Journal Article
Abdirahman, HA, TT Bah, HL Shrestha, and KH Jacobsen.
Bullying, mental health, and parental involvement among adolescents in the Caribbean
West Indian Medical Journal 61, no. 5 (2012): 504-508.
Working Paper
Thomas-Hope, Elizabeth.
Regional Special Topic Monograph onInternational Migration Based on Analysis of the 2000 Round Census Data of Eighteen Caribbean Countries
Thesis or Dissertation
Caputi, Federico A, Maira C Silva, and Lucia V Sosa.
Participación Laboral Femenina y Cuidado Infantil: Destruyendo a la Mujer Maravilla
Título de Licenciado, Universidad de la República, 2011.
Journal Article
Pittaluga, Lucía, and Ana Rivoir.
Proyectos1 a 1 y Reducción de la Brecha Digital: El Caso del Plan CEIBAL en Uruguay
Information Technologies & International Development 8, no. 4 (2012): 161-175.
Journal Article
Maponga, Brian A, Daniel Chirundu, Notion T Gombe, Mufuta Tshimanga, Gerald Shambira, and Lucia Takundwa.
Risk factors for contracting watery diarrhoea in Kadoma City, Zimbabwe, 2011: a case control study
BMC infectious Diseases 13, no. 1 (2013).
Moreno, Ana Lucia.
Analisis Social y Plan de Participacion
Thesis or Dissertation
Kossarova, Lucia.
Assessing the performance of the Slovak and the Czech health systems: a case study examining the double transition and beyond
Doctor of Philosophy, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), 2014.
Working Paper
Janssens, Wendy, Cristina Rosemberg, and Jeroen van Spijk.
The impact of a home-visiting Early Childhood intervention in the Caribbean on cognitive and socio-emotional child development
Boland, Barbara.
Preliminary report on population projections (1980-2015) for nine Caribbean countries
Working Paper
Hill J, Krystal.
Mapping Diabetes Mellitus in Saint Lucia: The Use of GIS for Effective Design and Delivery of Translational Health Services
(2011) Department of Global Health, College of Public Health, University of South Florida.
Conference Paper
Epstein H, Erwin.
Sense of Nationality Among Schoolchildren:'Center'-'Periphery Differences with Special Reference to St. Lucia, West Indies.
Third World Congress for Rural Sociology, August 22-27, 1972.
Working Paper
Salgado, Lucia Helena, Rafael Pinho Morais, Graziela Ferrero Zucoloto, and Samuel Silva Rezende.
Modernização e simplificação regulatória no setor portuário
Working Paper
Pintarelli, Lúcia Kauling.
Zimbábue: oportunidade de internacionalização para empresas brasileiras
Working Paper
Bjorkman Nyqvist, Martina, Lucia Corno, Damien De Walque, and Jakob Svensson.
Using Lotteries to Incentivize Safer Sexual Behavior: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial on HIV Prevention
Journal Article
Nucci, Lucia, Mohammad Rahim Rahnama, and Akbar Heydari.
Analysis the Process and Priorities of Urbanization in the Mashhad city After Islamic Revolution of Iran
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies 2, no. 4 (2016): 653-668.
Journal Article
Tramonte, Lucia, and Douglas J Willms.
Cultural capital and its effects on education outcomes
Economics of Education Review 29, no. 2 (2010): 200-213.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lema C, Lucía Rosero.
El Ecuador y la política pública en la inserción del comercio internacional: estudio de caso sobre la cadena de valor del cacao-chocolate, 2007-2014
Magíster en Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia, Instituto De Altos Estudios Nacionales Universidad De Postgrado Del Estado, 2016.
Working Paper
Mangiavacchi, Lucia, and Luca Piccoli.
Parental Alcohol Consumption and Adult Children's Educational Attainment
Working Paper
Giannelli, Gianna Claudia, Lucia Mangiavacchi, and Luca Piccoli.
Do parents drink their children's welfare? A joint analysis of intra-household allocation of time
Working Paper
Giannelli, Gianna Claudia, Lucia Mangiavacchi, and Luca Piccoli.
Where is dad? May be at the bar! The effects of alcohol consumption on intra-household time
Working Paper
Gim´enez-Nadal, Ignacio J, Lucia Mangiavacchi, and Luca Piccoli.
Mobility across generations of the gender distribution of housework
Thesis or Dissertation
Córdova, Marcela Muñoz C, and Lucia Trelles M Matute.
Análisis del merchandising aplicado en el cantón Cuenca en el período 2000 – 2015: generación del esquema de exhibición para el comercio minorista de productos de consumo masivo y primera necesidad
Thesis, Universidad del Azuay, 2016.
Journal Article
Giannelli, Gianna Claudia, Lucia Mangiavacchi, and Luca Piccoli.
Do parents drink their children’s welfare? Intra-household allocation of time between market labour, domestic work and child care in Russia
IZA Journal of Labor & Development 2, no. 1 (2013): 13.
Thesis or Dissertation
De los Monteros Carvajal, Sheila Espinosa A, and Lucía A Oña Salazar.
Aplicación de herramientas complementarias al sistema de control interno en la prevención y detección del fraude en la ciudad de Quito en el sector PYMES para la actividad industrial
Tesis de Pregrado, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2014.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ojeda Zurita, Katiusca Lucia.
Plan de negocios para la produccion y comercializacion de yogurt con base en chia y frutas, en la ciudad de Quito
titulo de Inginiera en Negocios Internacionales, Quito: Universidad de las Americas, 2016., 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Guazhambo Quizhpi, Victoria Fernanda, and Lucia Daniela Pinos Ramon.
Determinacion de los commuting intercantonales en el Ecuador y su relacion con el desarrollo economico local
Título de economista, Universidad de Cuenca, 2016.
Chzhen, Yekaterina, and Lucia Ferrone.
Child Poverty in Armenia: National Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis
Journal Article
Tangarife, Carmen Lucia.
En Trabajo Decente, el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos no pasa el examen
Escuela Nacional Sindical.
Showing 151-180 of 221