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Showing 241-257 of 257
Thesis or Dissertation
Sane, Suado.
Análise do programa de prevenção da transmissão vertical do vírus HIV na ONG Associação Céu e Terras, Guiné - Bissau, 2007-2011
Master's Dissertation, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2014.
Journal Article
Kheirandish, Farnaz, Mohammad Javad Tarahi, and Behrouz Ezatpour.
Prevalence of intestinal parasites among food handlers in Western Iran
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de Sao Paulo 56, no. 2 (2014): 111-114.
Journal Article
Bruschi, Alessandra, CS Paula, and Isabel Altenfelder Santos Bordin.
Prevalência e procura de ajuda na violência conjugal física ao longo da vida
Rev Saúde Pública 40, no. 2 (2006): 256-64.
Journal Article
Bruschi, Alessandra, Cristiane Silvestre Paula, and Isabel Altenfelder Santos Bordin.
Lifetime prevalence and help seeking behavior in physical marital violence
Revista de saude publica 40, no. 2 (2006): 256-264.
Pons, Anna, Jeremie Amoroso, Jan Herczynski, Igor Kheyfets, Marlaine Lockheed, and Paulo Santiago.
OECD reviews of school resources: Kazakhstan
Journal Article
Bassetto, Camila Fernanda, and Sebastião Souza Lemes.
Proficiência em Matemática: análise do desempenho de escolas públicas estaduais de Araraquara no SARESP
(2013) Politica e Gestao Educacional.
Journal Article
Bessa, Sonia, Maria Belintane Fermiano, and Marianela Denegri Coria.
Compreensão econômica de estudantes entre 10 e 15 anos
Psicologia & Sociedade 26, no. 2 (2014): 410-419.
Journal Article
Oshikoya, Kazeem Adeola, Henry Chukwura, Olisamedua Fidelis Njokanma, Idowu Odunayo Senbanjo, and Iyabo Ojo.
Incidence and cost estimate of treating pediatric adverse drug reactions in Lagos, Nigeria
Sao Paulo Medical Journal 129, no. 3 (2011): 153-164.
Working Paper
Palacio Gonzalez, Laura Tatiana.
Propuesta de vivienda sostenible para el sector Yomasa de la localidad de Usme en Bogota DC
Thesis or Dissertation
Losada Murcia, Paulo Andres.
Diseño de una propuesta metodológica como insumo para la creación de una marca diferenciadora que identifique a la Ciudad de Neiva, Colombia, teniendo en cuenta la opinión del cliente interno, como ente representativo de la Ciudad
grado de Master, Universidad de Palermo, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Shabana, Mohamed.
Socially-responsible entrepreneurship education: A qualitative study among Egyptian teachers
Master of Arts in International and Comparative Education, The American University in Cairo, 2016.
Journal Article
Szwarcwald, Célia L, Paulo RB Souza-Júnior , and Giseli N Damacena.
Socioeconomic inequalities in the use of outpatient services in Brazil according to health care need: evidence from the World Health Survey
BMC health services research 10, no. 1 (2010).
Journal Article
Layson, Joseph Paulo, and Xia Nankai.
Public participation and satisfaction in urban regeneration projects in Tanzania: The case of Kariakoo, Dar es Salaam
Urban, Planning and Transport Research 3, no. 1 (2015): 68-87.
Journal Article
Mutale, Wilbroad, Chisala Masoso, Bisalom Mwanza, Cindy Chirwa, Lasidah Mwaba, Zumbe Siwale, Barbara Lamisa, Dennis Musatwe, and Roma Chilengi.
Exploring community participation in project design: application of the community conversation approach to improve maternal and newborn health in Zambia
BMC Public Health 17, no. 1 (2017): 277.
Journal Article
Cabanacan-Salibay, Cristina, Mario Torres, Hazel Anne Luyon-Tabo, and Steven Paulo Salibay.
Schistosomiasis in Children in the Philippines: Beyond Health Issues
Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases 12, no. 04 (2017): 238-248.
Bernstein, Ann, Stefan Schirmer, and Marius Roodt.
Rising Middle Classes in India, Brazil and South Africa: What is Happening and What are the Implications
Journal Article
Wilfred, Paulo.
A community perspective on participatory conservation in western Tanzania
European Journal of Wildlife Research 63, no. 3 (2017): 56.
Showing 241-257 of 257