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Showing 121-150 of 206
Journal Article
Pinedo, Luis Varela F, Pedro Ortiz J Saavedra, and Helver Chavez A Jimeno.
Velocidad de la Marcha en Adultos Mayores de la Comunidad en Lima, Perú
Revista Medica Herediana 20, no. 3 (2009): 133-138.
Journal Article
Alvarez-Falconi, Pedro P, and Bessy Ríos A Ruiz.
Brote de Fiebre de Oropuche en Bagazán, San Martín - Perú: Evaluación Epidemiológica, Manifestaciones Gastrointestinales y Hemorrágicas
Rev Gastroenterol Peru 30, no. 4 (2010): 334-40.
Journal Article
Casas, Paola, Luis Varela, Tania Tello, Pedro Ortiz, and Helver Chávez.
Perfil Clínico del Adulto Mayor Atendido Ambulatoriamente en un Hospital General
Revista Medica Herediana 23, no. 4 (2012): 229-234.
Journal Article
Saavedra, Pedro Ortiz J, Tania T Rodríguez, Mónica Pérez E Correa, Luis Varela F Pinedo, and Helver Chávez A Jimeno.
Actitudes Hacia la Atención del Adulto Mayor por Parte del Personal que Labora en los Servicios de Emergencia en Hospitales de Lima
Acta Médica Peruana 30, no. 2 (2013): 75-78.
Journal Article
Huamantupa, Isau, Magaly Cuba, Rosa Urrunaga, Elías Paz, Nelson Ananya, Myrthia Callalli, Nadir Pallqui, and Hozmary Coasaca.
Riqueza, Uso y Origen de Plantas Medicinales Expendidas en los Mercados de la Ciudad del Cusco
Revista Peruana de Biología 18, no. 3 (2011): 283-292.
Journal Article
Moro, Pedro L, Luis Lopera, Milagros Cabrera, Grace Cabrera, Bernabe Silva, Robert H Gilman, and Manuel H Moro.
Short Report: Endemic Focus of Cystic Echinococcosis in a Coastal City of Peru
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 71, no. 3 (2004): 327-329.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lopez Galvez, Jose A, and Pedro J Bernilla Carlos.
Evaluación Funcional y Constructiva de Viviendas con Adobe Estabilizado en Cayalti. Programa COBE-1976
Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2012.
Journal Article
Alva, Rolando V, José Amado P Tineo, Pedro Zamora L Gonzales, and Sara Zamora C Chávez.
Uso Inadecuado del Bloqueador H2 Ranitidina en Pacientes Hospitalizados en el Servicio de Emergencia de Adultos de un Hospital General de EsSalud
Anales de la Facultad de Medicina 76, no. 1 (2015).
Working Paper
Carneiro, Pedro, Jishnu Das, and Hugo Reis.
Estimating the Demand for School Attributes in Pakistan
Working Paper
Lira, Maria G, James P Robson, and Daniel J Klooster.
Can indigenous transborder migrants affect environmental governance in their communities of origin? Evidence from Mexico
(2015) Population and Environment.
Working Paper
Kuehn, Zöe, and Pedro C Landeras.
Study Time and Scholarly Achievement in PISA
Documentos de trabajo (FEDEA) , no. 2 (2012).
Working Paper
Loi, Massimo, and Caroline Rizza.
Does Computer Make the Difference? Some Results from PISA 2006
Conference Paper
Brito, Pedro, and Teresa Rodrigues.
The problematic of population projections in small island states: the case of Cape Verde
Work Session on Demographic Projections .
Lisbon, Portugal, April 28-30, 2010.
Journal Article
Nestel, Penelope, Alejandro Melara, Jorge Rosado, and Jose O Mora.
Undernutrition among Honduran children 12-71 months old
Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 6, no. 4 (1999): 256-265.
Working Paper
Cohen, Roberta J, Kenneth H Brown, Judy Canahuati, Leonardo Landa Rivera, and Kathryn G Dewey.
Determinants of growth from birth to 12 months among breast-fed Honduran infants in relation to age of introduction of complementary foods
Working Paper
Monteith, R, p Stupp, S Dickerman, G Corrales, and J M Caceres.
Honduras. Encuesta Nacional de Salud Masculina - 1996. ENSM-96. Informe final.
Journal Article
Samudio, Margarita, Águeda Cabello, Malvina Páez , Rosa Galeano, and Pedro Galván.
Inequalities in health determined by indicators of maternal and child health in the Department of Presidente Hayes-Paraguayan Chaco, 2008-2011
Pediatría (Asunción) 42, no. 2 (2015): 120-128.
Journal Article
Nugent, Stevonne, and Juan Pedro Schmid.
Okun and Jamaica at 50: How Does Unemployment React to Growth?
Working Paper
Van der Wal, Hans, Juan Suárez-Sánchez, Alejandro Alcudia-Aguilar, Martha Cerino-Zabala, Veronica Cruz-Arias, Javier Isidro-Hernández, Isidra Pérez-Ramírez, Pedro Antonio Santiago-Montejo, and Manuel Vargas-Domínguez.
Estrategias de supervivencia, funciones de huertos familiares y su adaptación en la cuenca baja del río Grijalva
Working Paper
Arjón López, Pedro.
Flujos migratorios interestatales. Evaluando tendencias para Mexico. 1950-2010
Henriques, Pedro DS, Vanda Narciso, and Manuel Branco.
The role of traditional land use systems in the well-being of rural Timor-Leste
: CEFAGE-UE Working Paper, 2011.
Journal Article
Grantham, Hedley S, James EM Watson, Manuel Mendes, Fernando Santana, Gil Fernandez, Pedro Pinto, L Riveiro, and C Barrento.
National ecological gap assessment for Timor-Leste 2010
(2010) Byron Bay: CNRM Solutions.
Journal Article
Reghupathy, Nadine, Debra S Judge, Katherine A Sanders, Pedro Canisio Amaral, and Lincoln H Schmitt.
Child size and household characteristics in rural Timor-Leste
American Journal of Human Biology 24, no. 1 (2012): 35-41.
Journal Article
Caleo, Grazia M, Aly P Sy, Serge Balandine, Jonathan Polonsky, Pedro P Palma, Rebecca F Grais, and Francesco Checchi.
Sentinel Site Community Surveillance of Mortality and Nutritional Status in Southwestern Central African Republic, 2010
Population Health Metrics 10, no. 18 (2012).
Working Paper
Varela Bettencourt, Elisa Maria, Mario Tilman, Pedro Damia Sousa Henriques, Vanda Narciso, and Maria Leonor Silva Carvalho.
The economic and sociocultural role of livestock in the wellbeing of rural communities of Timor-Leste
(2013) SOBER - Sociedade Brasileira de Economia, Administração e Sociologia Rural.
Working Paper
Varela Bettencourt, Elisa Maria, Mario Tilman, Pedro Damiao Sousa Henriques, Vanda Narciso, and Maria Leonor Silva Carvalho.
The role of economic and sociocultural functions of animal production in wellbeing and development of rural communities of Timor-Leste
Journal Article
Bettencourt, Elisa Maria Varela, Mario Tilman, Vanda Narciso, Maria Leonor Silva Carvalho, and Pedro Damiao Sousa Henriques.
The Livestock Roles in the Wellbeing of Rural Communities of Timor-Leste
(2015) Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural.
San Pedro, Paula.
Investir dans L’agriculture au Burundi: Indispensable pour Combattre L’insécurité Alimentaire et Améliorer les Conditions de Vie des Femmes Paysannes
Journal Article
Pedro, Sandra.
Communication Strategies for Preventing Violence against Women: Case Study of Timor-Leste
(2013) Communication Studies.
Journal Article
Henriques, Pedro Damiao Sousa, Vanda Narciso, and Manuel Couret Branco.
Human rights based approach to ecosystem services in rural Timor-Leste
(2013) Alimentar Mentalidades, Vencer a Crise Global--Atas do ESADR.
Showing 121-150 of 206