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Showing 2101-2130 of 5384
Journal Article
Kumar, A.H.
Why are levels of child malnutrition not improving?
(2007) Economic and Political Weekly.
Alberico, Salvatore.
Mutilazioni genitali femminili e donne immigrate progetto di formazione per un sostegno integrato alla persona : Report finale 2011-2012
Journal Article
Mturi, Akim J, and Andrew Hinde.
Fertility decline in Tanzania
Journal of Biosocial Science 26, no. 04 (1994): 529-538.
Journal Article
Kumar, P., and M. M Dey.
Long-term changes in Indian food basket and nutrition
Economic and Political Weekly 42, no. 35 (2007): 3567-3572.
Working Paper
Case, Anne, and Alicia Menendez.
Requiescat in pace? The consequences of high priced funerals in South Africa
NBER , no. 1499 (2009).
Journal Article
Navvuga, DO Nabukalu, SJ Lubinga, F Matovu, and JB Babigumira.
Understanding The Choice Of Family Planning Methods Among Women Aged 15-49 Years In Uganda: Evidence From The Uganda Demographic And Health Survey 2011
Value in Health 17, no. 3 (2014): A127-A128.
Working Paper
Ronnås, Per, Karl Backéus, and Elina Scheja.
Rwanda Forging Ahead: The Challenge of Getting Everybody on Board
(2010) Employment Sector WP No. 62.
Working Paper
Schreiner, Mark.
How Do the Poverty Scorecard and the PAT Differ?
Maleleka, David.
The impact of democracy in Lesotho: Assessing political, social and economic developments since the dawn of democracy
Journal Article
Nagaraj, R.
Fall in organised manufacturing employment: A brief note
Economic and Political Weekly 39, no. 30 (2004): 3387-3390.
Journal Article
Shanta N,.
Trends in private corporate savings
Economic and Political Weekly 17, no. 45 (1982): 1818-1827.
Working Paper
Hirway, Indira.
Dynamics of development in Gujarat: some issues
Economic and Political Weekly 35, no. 35/36 (2000): 3106-3120.
Working Paper
Shri, Raj.
Trends of Sex Ratio In India
(2013) International Research Analysis and Evaluation Indexed Research Journal.
Journal Article
Janowitz, Barbara, Walter Rodrigues, Deborah L Covington, Jose Maria Arruda, and Leo Morris.
Cesarean Delivery in Northeast Region of Brazil, 1978-80
American Journal of Public Health 75, no. 5 (1985): 560-562.
Working Paper
Torre, Katharine.
Education Needs Assessment for Blantyre City, Malawi
Working Paper
Bhattacharjee, Dibyojyoti.
Sex Ratio of Silchar: Trends and Reasons
Journal Article
Martinez, Francisco Venegas, and Abigail Rodriguez Nava.
? Existe una relacion entre el desarrollo financiero y el crecimiento economico en los paises latinoamericanos con mayor PIB per capita?
Aestimatio: The IEB International Journal of Finance , no. 9 (2014).
Working Paper
Pasi, Sumit.
Disability Rehabilitation Services and Challenges in India
Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 3, no. 6 (2014).
Journal Article
Karunaratne D, Hettige.
An Inquiry into the Regional Disparity in Per Capita Income and Labour Productivity: A Case of Sri Lanka
International Development Studies , no. 33 (2007).
Conference Paper
Sokolovski, Sergei.
The “Tatar Nation” controversy in the Russian Census
Special Convention Centro per l'Europa Centro Orientale e Balcanica in Association with ASN Bologna.
Forlì, Italy, June 4-9, 2002.
Journal Article
Rusvingo, Silas Luthingo.
Zimbabwe Econocy in Autopilot Aeroplane as More Companies Close Shop (2013-14)
Global Journal of Management And Business Research 14, no. 9 (2015).
Corporate Author
Central Statistical Agency & the World Bank.
Ethiopia Rural Socioeconomic Survey (ERSS) Survey Report
Ruppert Bulmer, Elizabeth, and Claire H Hollweg.
The Labor Impact of Lao Export Growth
Thesis or Dissertation
Katisi, Masego.
The power of context in health partnerships: Exploring synergy and antagony between external and internal ideologies in mplementing Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) for HIV prevention in Botswana
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Bergen, 2017.
Thesis or Dissertation
Ngome, Enock.
Adolescent women's reproductive health care utilisation in Zimbabwe: a contextual investigation
Doctor of Philosophy, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. South Africa, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Chavez Carias, William Stanley, Hernandez Erooa Loida Ester, and Alex Daniel Vasquez.
Analisis de las relaciones comerciales entre Centro America y la Republica Popular China, caso Costa Rica y sus repercusiones en El Salvador, periodo 2010-2015
Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad de El Salvador, 2016.
Sinha, Pravin.
Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in the Car Industry in India
Berlin, Germany: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2017.
Working Paper
Aivazian, Sergey, and Stanislav Kolenikov.
Poverty and expenditure differentiation of the Russian population
Working Paper
Lehmann, Hartmut, Jonathan Wadsworth, and Ruslan Yemtsov.
They Who Get Slapped. Wage Arrears and the Distribution of Earnings in Russia
Thesis or Dissertation
Canyelles Gamundí M, Martina.
Anàlisi i disseny de la Web/Intranet per a la promoció, difusió i gestió interna de l’organització RUWON
Enginyeria Tècnica en Informàtica de Gestió, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015.
Showing 2101-2130 of 5384