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Showing 1-30 of 44
Journal Article
Ye, Yazoume, Elizabeth Patton, Albert Kilian, Samantha Dovey, and Erin Eckert.
Can universal insecticide-treated net campaigns achieve equity in coverage and use? The case of northern Nigeria
Malaria Journal 11, no. 1 (2012): 32.
Journal Article
Rowe, Alexander K, Samantha Y Rowe, Robert W Snow, Eline L Korenromp, Joanna R M Armstrong Schellenberg, Claudia Stein, Bernard L Nahlen, Jennifer Bryce, Robert E Black, and Richard W Stetekee.
Estimates of the burden of mortality directly attributable to malaria for children under 5 years of age in Africa for the year 2000 Final report
International Journal of Epidemiology 35, no. 3 (2006): 691-704.
Working Paper
Bhalotra, Sonia, and Samantha Rawlings.
The intergenerational correlation of health in developing countries
(2008) University of Bristol, UK.
Journal Article
Semproli, Samantha, and Emanuela Gualdi-Russo.
Childhood malnutrition and growth in a rural area of Western Kenya
American journal of physical anthropology 132, no. 3 (2007): 463-469.
Banda, Charles, Shelah S Bloom, Gloria Songolo, Samantha Mulendema, Amy E Cunningham, and J.T. Boerma.
National trends in AIDS knowledge and sexual behavior in Zambia 1996-98
: MEASURE Evaluation, 1999.
Journal Article
Bhalotra, Sonia, and Samantha Rawlings.
Intergenerational Persistence in Health in Developing Countries: Trends and Country Differences
(2010) University of Bristol.
Olsen, Wendy, and Samantha Watson.
Informality and Institutional Change in Child Labour: An Indian Case Study
Working Paper
Whiteside, Alan, Robert Mattes, Samantha Willan, and Ryann Manning.
Examining HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa through the eyes of ordinary Southern Africans
Afrobarometer Working Paper , no. 21 (2002).
Trisnantoro, Laksono, Soewarta Kosen, Eliana Jimenez Soto, Sonja Firth, and Samantha Hollingworth.
Indonesia. Developing an Investment Case for Financing Equitable Progress towards MDGs 4 and 5 in the Asia Pacific Region. Phase 1: Mapping Report
Working Paper
Ferrell, Samantha.
The Republic of Indonesia: Between a Gecko and a Crocodile
Working Paper
Moura, Antônio Pires P, Eduardo C Pinto, Ricardo S. Pereira L Souza, Samantha Félix F Rego, and Vitor A Filgueiras.
O Mal Estar Social e a Estagnação Econômica
Journal Article
Rego, Samantha Félix F, Eduardo C Pinto, and Antônio Pires P Moura.
Mercado de Trabalho: Taxa de Desemprego Estável e Queda na Renda Arrefecem Expectativa de Recuperação
Conjuntura e Planejamento , no. 138 (2005).
Journal Article
Menger, Lauren M, Michelle R Kaufman, Jennifer J Harman, Samantha W Tsang, and Deepti Khati Shrestha.
Unveiling the silence: women's sexual health and experiences in Nepal
Culture, health & sexuality , no. ahead-of-print (2014).
Journal Article
Moura, Antônio Pires P, Bruno R Pinheiro, Eduardo C Pinto, Paulo Souza S Ferreira, and Samantha Félix F Rego.
Brasil: Entre Tsunami Político e Xiitismo Monetarista Economia Desacelera e Sinaliza Mais um Ano de Crescimento Reduzido
Journal Article
Rego F, Samantha Félix.
Mercado de Trabalho: Sinais Indicam Tendência de Aumento do Desemprego nos Próximos Meses
Conjuntura e Planejamento , no. 142 (2006).
Cook, Samantha.
Cook Islands investment in disaster risk management
: Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC), 2011.
Journal Article
Proctor, James D, Ben Rathburn, Erin Scheibe, and Samantha Shafer.
Household-scale environmental health in the Ezulwini Valley, Swaziland
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 8, no. 4 (2014): 219-233.
Journal Article
Miranda, Maria Cunha I, Samantha R Mendes, and Josiane S Paula.
Desempenho Exportador e Inovação: O Caso do Brasil e China Nos Anos 2000
Journal Article
Fajardo, Isidro Rogel, Aracely Rojas Lopez, and Samantha Yajaira Ortega Vega.
El turismo alternativo como estrategia de conservacion de la reserva de la biosfera de la mariposa monarca (2008-2010)
Quivera 13, no. 2 (2011): 115-133.
Working Paper
Benton-Short, Lisa, Marie Price, and Samantha Friedman.
Global Perspective on the Connections between Immigrants and World Cities
Working Paper
Rosario Lecca, Samantha Yassely, and María Adriana Vílchez Reyes.
Determinantes de la salud en mujeres adultas jovenes
Thesis or Dissertation
Hassen S, Samantha.
Proibição do Trabalho Infantil: Um Confronto com a Realidade Brasileira
Mestre, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, 2006.
Working Paper
Barnes, Samantha Jones.
Characterization of the Serologic Responses to Plasmodium vivax DBPII Variants Among Inhabitants of Pursat Province, Cambodia
Journal Article
Parks, Tom, Joseph Kado, Samantha Colquhoun, Jonathan Carapetis, and Andrew Steer.
Underdiagnosis of acute rheumatic fever in primary care settings in a developing country
Tropical Medicine & International Health 14, no. 11 (2009): 1407-1413.
Journal Article
Parks, Tom, Joseph Kado, Anne E Miller, Brenton Ward, Rachel Heenan, Samantha M Colquhoun, Till W Barnighausen, Mariana Mirabel, David E Bloom, and Robin L Bailey.
Rheumatic Heart Disease-Attributable Mortality at Ages 5-69 Years in Fiji: A Five-Year, National, Population-Based Record-Linkage Cohort Study
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 9, no. 9 (2015).
Journal Article
Atkinson, Kaitlin, Samantha Lowe, and Spencer Moore.
Human development, occupational structure and physical inactivity among 47 low and middle income countries
(2016) Preventive Medicine Reports.
Journal Article
Morrison, Samantha.
Exploring links between foundation phase teachers' content knowledge and their example spaces
South African Journal of Childhood Education 3, no. 2 (2013): 96-111.
Thesis or Dissertation
Bose, Peter Alan.
US foreign policy and genocide in Sudan
Master of Arts in Security Studies , Georgetown University, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Morrison, Samantha Sarah.
Exploring two foundation phase teachers' selection and use of examples and representations in number-related tasks.
Master of Education, University of the Witwatersrand, 2014.
Colquhoun, Samantha, Peter Azzopardi, and George Patton.
Fiji Adolescent Health Situational Analysis: 2016
Showing 1-30 of 44