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Journal Article
Tan, Bing, Tieyu Wang, Pei Wang, Wei Luo, Yonglong Lu, Kumar Y Romesh, and John P Giesy. "Perfluoroalkyl substances in soils around the Nepali Koshi River: levels, distribution, and mass balance." Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, no. 15 (2014): 9201-9211.
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Conference Paper
Rajbhandari, Utsav Shree, and Amrit Man Nakarmi. "Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference." Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2014. 2014.
Journal Article
Paudyal, Ranju, and NB Singh. "Ethno-medicinal Uses of Animals and Plants among the Migratory Tangbetons of Pokhara, Nepal." Journal of Institute of Science and Technology 19, no. 1 (2015): 145-149.
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Awasthi, Bairam, and Nanda Bahadur Singh. "Status of human-wildlife conflict and assessment of crop damage by wild animals in Gaurishankar conservation area, Nepal." Journal of Institute of Science and Technology 20, no. 1 (2015): 107-111.
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Bhattarai, Krishna Ram, and Madan Kumar Khadka. "Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants from Ilam District, East Nepal." Our Nature 14, no. 1 (2017): 78-91.
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Garrard, Rodney, Thomas Kohler, Martin F Price, Alton C Byers, Ang Rita Sherpa, and Gyanu Raja Maharjan. "Land use and land cover change in Sagarmatha National Park, a World Heritage Site in the Himalayas of Eastern Nepal." Mountain Research and Development 36, no. 3 (2016): 299-310.
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Devkota, Rohini P, Vishnu P Pandey, Utsav Bhattarai, Harshana Shrestha, Shrijwal Adhikari, and Khada Nanda Dulal. "Climate change and adaptation strategies in Budhi Gandaki River Basin, Nepal: a perception-based analysis." Climatic Change 140, no. 2 (2017): 195-208.
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Shrestha, Suman Man, Kedar Rijal, and Megh Raj Pokhrel. "Assessment of Arsenic Contamination in Deep Groundwater Resources of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal." Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 3, no. 10 (2015): 79-89.
Thesis or Dissertation
Karmacharya, Biraj Man. "Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Factors and Hypertension in a Community-Based Suburban Population in Nepal." Doctor of Philosophy, University of Washington, 2015.
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Thesis or Dissertation
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Shrestha, Marina V, Leela Paudel, Smriti Pant, Samikchya Neupane, and Naresh Manandhar. "Health seeking behavior among women in Bhimtar, Sindhupalchowk district of Nepal." International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health 4, no. 6 (2017): 1854-1857.
Book Section
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Conference Paper
Hamal, Gaurab Singh, Jagannath Shrestha, and Ajay Kumar Jha. "Strategizing Demand Side Management on Residential Sector of Nepal and its Impact on Electricity Planning." Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2014. 2014.
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