
Showing 1-30 of 217
Working Paper
Guarcello, Lorenzo, Scott Lyon, Furio Rosati, and Cristina A Valdivia. "The influence of orphanhood on children’s schooling and labour: Evidence from Sub Saharan Africa." (2004) United Nations Understanding Children's Work Working Paper.
Book Section
Guarcello, Lorenzo, Scott Lyon, and Furio Rosati. "Youth in Africa's labour market." (2008) Child labour and youth employment in Ethiopia.
Journal Article
Guarcello, Lorenzo, Irina Kovrova, Scott Lyon, Marco Manacorda, and Furio C Rosati. "Towards consistency in child labour measurement: Assessing the comparability of estimates generated by different survey instruments." (2010) Understanding Children's Work Programme Working Paper.
Book Section
Lyon, Scott, and Furio C Rosati. "Handbook of Child Well-Being." (2014) Child Labor and Children’s Economic Contributions.
Working Paper
Biggeri, Mario, Lorenzo Guarcello, Scott Lyon, and Furio Camillo Rosati. "The puzzle of ‘‘idle’’children: Neither in school nor performing economic activity: Evidence from six countries." Understanding Children’s Work Project Working Paper Series , no. 43873 (2003).
Journal Article
Blunch, Niels-Hugo, Amit Dar, Lorenzo Guarcello, and Scott Lyon. "Child work in Zambia: A comparative study of survey instruments." (2002) Int'l Lab. Rev.
Guarcello, Lorenzo, Scott Lyon, and Furio Rosati. Child Labour and Out-of-School Children: Evidence from 25 developing countries. 2015.
Working Paper
Pachauri, Shonali, Andrew Scott, Lucy Scott, and Andrew Shepherd. "Energy for All: Harnessing the Power of Energy Access for Chronic Poverty Reduction." (2013)
Guarcello, Lorenzo, and S Lyon. Child labour in Bolivia: a comparison of estimates from MECOVI and MICS. 2004.
Working Paper
Guarcello, L, S Lyon, F C Rosati, and C A Valdivia. "Towards statistical standards for children’s non economic work: a discussion based on household survey data." (2005) UCW Working Paper.
Working Paper
Guarcello, L, S Lyon, and F C Rosati. "Orphanhood and child vulnerability: Malawi." (2004) UCW Working Paper.
Journal Article
Guarcello, L, S Lyon, and F C Rosati. "Child labour and education for all: An issue paper." (2020) Feedback.
Journal Article
Sanlaville, Paul. "La Population Jordanienne." Revue de Géographie de Lyon 39, no. 4 (2015): 289-300.
Working Paper
Francavilla, F, and S Lyon. "Household chores and child health: preliminary evidence from six countries." (2003) Florence: Innocenti Research Centre.
Guarcello, Lorenzo, S Lyon, and Furio Rosati. Child labour and access to basic services: evidence from five Countries. 2004.
Working Paper
Francavilla, Francesca, and S. Lyon. "Children’s work in Cote d’Ivoire: An overview." (2002) United Nations Working Papers.
Working Paper
Guarcello, L, S Lyon, and F Rosati. "Orphanhood and child vulnerability: Burundi." (2004) Understanding Children’s Work Project Working Paper Series.
Vainio, Harri, and Franca Bianchini. Weight control and physical activity in cancer prevention: international evaluation of the evidence.. France: World Health Organization, 2002.
Journal Article
Lyon, Stephen. "Putting Social Engineering on the Back Burner: Teaching Priorities in Formal Education in Rural Punjab, Pakistan.." Anthropology in action. 11, no. 1 (2004): 35-44.
Thesis or Dissertation
Xu, Hui. "Essays on the interaction between migration and sending communities: evidence from China and Vietnam." Docteur de l’École Normale Supérieure, Université de Lyon , 2013.
Working Paper
Blunch, N H, A Dar, Lorenzo Guarcello, S Lyon, A Ritualo, and Furio Camillo Rosati. "Children’s work in Zambia: a comparative study of survey instruments." (2002) World Bank, SP Discussion Paper.
Working Paper
Guarcello, Lorenzo, S Lyon, and FC Rosati. "Labour Market in South Sudan." (2011) Understanding Children’s Work Programme Working Paper.
Thesis or Dissertation
Lacour, Joaneson. "Valorisation de résidus agricoles et autres déchets organiques par digestion anaérobie en Haïti." PhD thesis, L’Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, 2012.
Journal Article
Cherif, Hamdi M, Z Zaidi, D Abdellouche, S Hamdi, N Lakhdari, Djema A Bendjazia, S Laouamri, A Mahnane, H Moussaoui, and L Kadri. "Registre du cancer de Sétif (Algérie): incidence, tendance et survie, 1986–2005." Journal africain du cancer/African Journal of Cancer 2, no. 4 (2010): 245-258.
Thesis or Dissertation
Obama, Celestin Messanga. "La communication sur le SIDA: discours dominants et discours domines dans la construction de la realite du SIDA au Cameroun." Doctor en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication , Universite Lumiere-Lyon II, 2009.
Thesis or Dissertation
Blaizot, Stéphanie. "Predire et estimer l’impact d’un programme d’intervention sur l’incidence du VIH, district de Ndhiwa, Kenya." Docteur, Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I, 2015.
Journal Article
Lyon, Aisling. "Between the Integration and Accommodation of Ethnic Difference: Decentralization in the Republic of Macedonia." Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe 11, no. 3 (2012): 80-103.
Journal Article
Lyon, Aisling. "Municipal decentralisation in the Republic of Macedonia: preserving a multi-ethnic state?." Federal Governance 8, no. 3 (2011): 28-49.
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