Perceptions of Open Educational Resources in India 2014-2015
Name | Country code |
India | IND |
Public Opinion Survey
Research on Open Educational Resources for Development. Faculty Perceptions of OER in India. (ROER4D Sub-project 3) [dataset]. Version 1. Cape Town: ROER4D [producer], 2015. Cape Town: DataFirst [distributor], 2016. DOI:
The study aims to map the current preconceptions and behavioral determinants that influence academics' engagement with Open Educational Resources (OER) in India. The key objectives of this research were to examine teachers' attitudes towards OER in selected Indian universities, establish teacher perspectives on OER use in order to establish the uptake of OER in India, identify barriers to the creation and use of OER in India, identify the factors motivating teachers' uptake of OER in India, analyze teachers' perceptions of quality of OER in India, and investigate relationships amongst teachers' attitudes, motivation, perceptions of quality and barriers to the use of OER. The project utilized a mixed methods approach consisting of a survey and unstructured interviews conducted with academics from four Indian universities. The resultant dataset includes a qualitative component (interview transcripts) and a quantitative component (survey data).
Sample survey data [ssd]
Version 01: Edited, anonymized dataset for public distribution.
Version 1 of the dataset was deposited with DataFirst on 23 August 2016.
Topics covered are teachers' attitudes towards OER, teachers' perceptions of quality of OER, and barriers to the use of OER amongst teachers in India.
The interviews and survey were conducted at four institutions in India and are not representative of the country as a whole.
The data covers selected universities in India and not the country as a whole.
The study engaged academics in the four institutions in India involved in the study.
Name | Affiliation |
Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) | University of Cape Town |
Name | Role |
International Development Research Centre | Funding study |
The survey questionnaire comprised of the following parts:
Part A: General Information
Part B: Attitude towards Open Educational Resources (ATOER) Scale
Part C: Motivation towards OER
Part D: Perception of Quality of OER
Part E: Barriers to use and adopt OER
Part F: General Comments
Interview Schedule
Start | End |
2014-10 | 2015-04 |
The interviews were conducted with 27 instructors, and comprised between 49-55 questions. The survey component consisted of a survey created with an online tool and distributed via email and during workshop sessions. The survey gathered 117 usable responses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
DataFirst | University of Cape Town | | |
Public use files, available to all
Research on Open Educational Resources for Development. Perceptions of Open Educational Resources in India. (ROER4D Sub-project 3) [dataset]. Version 1. Cape Town: ROER4D [producer], 2015. Cape Town: DataFirst [distributor], 2016. DOI:
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | URL | |
DataFirst helpdesk | | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
DataFirst | University of Cape Town | Metadata producer |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Metadata adapted for Microdata Library |
Version 01: This metadata was downloaded from the DataFirst website ( The following two metadata fields were edited - Document and Survey ID.