Value |
Category |
accomodations |
accounting |
airport it |
alimentation |
animals medecine |
architectural plans |
batteries-eveready |
beer |
bidding, transport |
books publishing |
brake pads |
breads |
breakfast |
bteak parts |
buffer |
building |
carpets |
cartens |
cartouche |
cartouches |
cartridge |
cartridges |
catridge |
cement |
cleaning clothes |
clothes |
computer accessories |
computer maintenance |
consrtuction |
construction |
construction materials |
curtains |
cyber café |
cyber coffee |
dedeti/animals |
dishes |
dithane |
drinks |
drinks/liquors |
driving school |
dry cleaning for women outfit |
electricity online |
electro mechanics |
execution |
fire extinguish equipments |
forex bureau |
fourniture |
framing of photos |
furnitures of agricultural mat |
groceries |
hair care |
hair style salon |
hardware shop |
household letensils |
hydraulic installation materia |
ice cream |
importation (alimentation) |
imported ladies handbags |
imported paby products |
imported toiletier |
in door design |
international transport |
it equipments |
kitchen wares |
labo photo |
ladies lotion |
ladies outfit |
lap tops |
leather belt |
listing paper |
maize flour |
mazout |
medicals |
mens shoes |
metal safes |
milk |
mobile phones |
motobike spare parts |
muscle cream medical |
office chairs |
office stationary |
outfits/clothes |
papers |
papeterie |
parabrise |
parcetamol |
pens |
pharmaceutical medicals goods |
pharmacy |
plumbing material |
primary books published |
printing |
printing papers |
property marketing |
quincaillerie |
receipt book |
reporter editing |
retail tales and repair /house |
rice |
sale of rased electronics |
salt |
sellof computer accesseries |
service/printing |
site preparation of different |
soft drinks |
software development |
spare parts |
squares |
stationary |
stationery |
statisticals works |
study and supervision of road |
tailoring of wedding clothes |
textiles |
to rent cars |
tour and travel services |
toyota car parts |
transport |
transporting ministry staff |
uniformes |
vase |
veterinary medecine |
wall master |
water pumps & repairs |
west african designs |
women style |
women' shoes |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.