Value |
Category |
1 |
Live animals and animal products 01-05 |
2 |
Vegetable products (including Animal and Vegetable Fats) 06-15 |
3 |
Foodstuff (Beverages, Spirits, Vinegar, Tobacco etc.) 16-24 |
4 |
Mineral Products (except hydrocarbons) 25-26 |
5 |
Chemicals and Parachemical Products 28-38 |
6 |
Plastics and Articles Thereof 39-40 |
7 |
Wood and Articles Thereof (Including Paper & Articles, Furniture) 44-46, 47-49, |
8 |
Textiles (Including Raw Skins and Leather) 50-59, 41 |
9 |
Apparel (Including Footwaer, Headgear, Art. of Feathers, Fur, Leather Products) |
10 |
Glass, Ceramics and articles of Stone, Cement, ect. 68-70 |
11 |
Presious Metals (Pearls, Jewellery, Coin, Presious Stones etc.) 71 |
12 |
Base metals and Articles Thereof 72-83 |
13 |
Mechanical Machinery (Including Clocks and Music instruments) 84, 91-92 |
14 |
Electrical machinery (Including Optical, Medical, Photographic instruments) 85,9 |
15 |
Transportation Vechiles 86-89 |
16 |
Arms and ammunitions 93 |
17 |
Toys, props for games, entertainment (board game) and spots; parts and accessori |
18 |
Art objects, pieces and antiques 97 |
95 |
Other, what? |
888999 |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.